Trolls and Shapeshifter's Ogres tweaked a bit more (now with red and black). There's a version of the trolls without the red and black arm bands, and with some red back scales instead- the blurriness from enlarging them doesn't do them any favours though.
The real heavy-hitters: Giant and two Rock Lobber variants (one in the Warmaster style, one in my preferred Warhammer style)
Many thanks to Ehlijen with feedback- especially on the Giant. That guy took ages to do- strangely tricky given the relatively large area to work with. I tried my hand at making the crushed cart, but the colours of the human soldiers would have been distracting, so instead there's now a dead mule (thanks again to Ehlijen for that idea). I purposefully didn't use too many highlights on the cart, and muted it a bit with the base colour so that it's not too distracting. I think this is a useful idea- I did the same with the troll feet.
Shading on the trolls is clearly a little odd- their heads are much lighter than they should be, and their bodies darker, but I found this was needed to make body parts clear. Single colour models are tricky!
Just the characters to go now!
Quick update:
I've now added a rollable D6 as a game piece, have modified the wound markers to go from 0-9 (the zero is so that 2 beside each other can go from 1-99, in case such madness is needed). Movement has been standardised to 1, 5 and 10 for all. I've also added more flags, and updated all extensions to add all current pieces. There's also a dice rolling hotkey- Ctrl 1 to Ctrl - (for x).
I tried looking into one lot of dice that orders the roll and one lot that adds- oddly that's not easy. I'll have to look into the code of the dice buttons and try and work out how to make my own.
I think I can probably make the stand text 'add/remove', but am currently feeling overwhelmed at the amount of work that would need. I may do it in time- very slowly.
Shapeshifter- what is the function you used to get the pop-up stats like on that Empire stand? I see a few possible options, but haven't yet experimented to work out which one you've used.