A double post, but I think it's deserving- This is all of the Empire units in Talabecland colours.
Halberdiers, Skirmishers and Flagellants
Crossbowmen and Handgunners
Knights and Pistoliers
Cannon and Helblaster
A selection of Steam Tanks
The original Steam Tank is on the left. My friend Ehlijen (forum name) then gave advice to make the middle one, which I then altered again when I noticed the Warmaster Steam Tank model only has a turret cannon, not a hull mounted one.
I'm also well on my way to having the Empire characters done- hopefully they'll have a complete set soon.
Things I'd like to do with these guys in the future:
-Give options for command stands
-Add variety by altering each stand, so a unit isn't just a heap of clones stands
-Re-colour into other Empire factions
Making markers for other races first will be a priority though. Next up for me will be Orcs and Goblins.
I'll post Ehlijen's work soon.