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Author Topic: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?  (Read 43683 times)

Offline timdp

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #90 on: November 03, 2014, 06:23:54 AM »
Well that was fun! Gaming was a huge improvement over how my day had been going...
We had 8 players and had four 1500 point games.  Most of us are noobs, so games took longer than they needed to, but at least we we all learned a lot.


Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #91 on: November 04, 2014, 05:24:36 AM »
Thanks for setting it up for us Timdp.  It was a good time.  Sorry you couldn't make it Blind, I would rather have scraped yer ships, but had to settle for another Gits.  It worked out well and at Da end of Da Day Scrap is Scrap afta all...................   

Offline Blindhorizon

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #92 on: November 04, 2014, 06:51:07 AM »
Sounds like you had a lot of fun out their guys, wish i could have made it lifes just been super busy for me.

  It was a good time.  Sorry you couldn't make it Blind, I would rather have scraped yer ships, but had to settle for another Gits.

Yeah we need to go ship to ship, don't forget though my strike cruiser are undefeated and havent tasted the voids cold touch either. My hunters on the other hand die like crazy. If you ever come up for some casting lesson's we will set some time aside for a void battle too.

Offline timdp

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #93 on: November 06, 2014, 02:42:12 AM »
Post up some game board pics Gun!

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #94 on: November 07, 2014, 04:48:17 AM »
Hey Tim, I wish I could but I really didn't get any thing worth posting.  Blurry, bad lighting and or wot have you.  Ummmmmmm Blind didn't you play your strike cruiser in that big battle last time?  If I remember right it's got a smashed bridge.................  WAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!  (evil toothy smile)  Missed ya bro!

Offline Blindhorizon

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #95 on: November 08, 2014, 03:17:38 AM »
Crap your right!!!

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #96 on: November 14, 2014, 06:16:31 PM »
For the last battle we used  “standard rulebook from GW (1.5) + FAQ 2010 & Compendium”.  Are we going to move to BFG:R or continue to use that rule set?  Oh I’ve been working on dem Pictures Boss!  Dis is da best we Gotz………

See Dem panzee n Fish Heads dare and some planets too.  Nice……..( rubbing hands together excitedly) Oh, and some nice looking Roks dare in da distance! (big toothy smile)

BOSS!  Dem Ooman Gits is trying ta loot our Roks!

Oh and look over err Boss.  Day gotz ships chase-n ships!  All kinds of dem too!!!!  Going ta be some pretty good loot-in when dat ones done me thinks!

Ok day is getting it on now Boss!  Too bad dem Panzee parts aint worf much.  Now we might gets ta collecting some Fish Head Torps if our cards play out right ya fink?

Ok neva mind, dem Oomans aint trying ta loot our Roks, dey is try-in ta Crump dem Rotten Fings.  Do ya fink dem Roks will still be of any use when it’s ova?

Ok, den.  Dat is about what we gotz fer intelligence report.  Dare waz lotz go-in on all around.  Sorry Boss we didn’t getz any good shots of yer Fleet Crumpin dem Oomans in our box.  Good knews is we gotz us lotz of loot and da boyz is putt-in it ta good use! (looking up affectionitly for approval while nerviously petting a large squig hound)

Offline PzKpfwCrusader

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #97 on: November 15, 2014, 05:43:22 PM »
Hi I haven't been able to find a game of BFG in a long time. I have a Necron Fleet and a Forgeworld Tau fleet. Are you guys meeting again soon?

I have:
1 Tomb Ship
5 Scythe Cruisers
1 Shroud Cruiser
6 Jackals
4 Dirges

2 Custodian Carriers
4 Protector Cruisers
2 Emissary Cruisers
6 Castellans
8 Wardens

Offline timdp

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #98 on: November 17, 2014, 06:35:58 AM »
Yay pics! Thanks Gun!

Welcome PzKpfwCrusader. Next game probably will not happen until after the holidays, perhaps early January. Info and updates will be posted here.

For the last battle we used  “standard rulebook from GW (1.5) + FAQ 2010 & Compendium”.  Are we going to move to BFG:R or continue to use that rule set?

Ah yes, rules... That did not work out terribly well. Need to do more research. The only parts of the BFG:R rules that are done and/or are being worked on are the fleet lists. The rules part is in limbo development wise. Dave found a more developed version. I will get the URL from him and post it here and we can discuss what we want to do.


Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #99 on: November 21, 2014, 03:13:43 AM »
Sounds like a grand plan Boss!  I'd like to get a idea on a good rule set so we can learn it and have consistency.  Welcome PZK, hopefully you can link up wif us after dis year ends.  It's a good group of Lads.

Offline timdp

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #100 on: January 17, 2015, 07:23:18 PM »
Happy New Year everyone!

My schedule has been and continues to be pretty crazy till well into February but there are a couple of things I wanted to mention.

Saw this on DAKKA:

Subject: Teaching Battlefleet Gothic (1/24, SF Bay Area)
I will be teaching Battlefleet Gothic at Game Kastle Santa Clara at 1:00 pm on Saturday, 1/24. There will be some old hands at it, along with a few newbies. If you've always wanted to learn BFG, or if you're already a pro looking for a game, swing by.

I won't be around, but it might be useful for someone to go and make contact with this group for networking purposes and enlarging the Bay Area BFG group.

Next up is Dundracon, coming up Feb 13-15 in San Ramon (
There is one BFG event on the schedule, and if we brought BFG stuff we could probably get a few games done in the the Open Gaming room. Dave, Greg and I will be there, we just need to decide whether to bring BFG stuff or not.


Offline Blindhorizon

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #101 on: January 19, 2015, 08:01:51 AM »
That's a heck of a drive for me I don't know if I'll make that.

Offline timdp

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #102 on: January 21, 2015, 04:53:39 AM »
That's a heck of a drive for me I don't know if I'll make that.

Hey Blind, please clear out your PMs here. Your mail box is full...



Offline timdp

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #103 on: January 21, 2015, 05:00:41 AM »
That's a heck of a drive for me I don't know if I'll make that.

Its 50 miles past Vacaville...

Offline Blindhorizon

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Re: Any Players in Bay Area/SF?
« Reply #104 on: February 07, 2015, 11:01:45 AM »
@Timdp, didn't realize my inbox was full i cleared it out though.