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Author Topic: Tyranid ships?  (Read 1862 times)

Offline Squigsquasher

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Tyranid ships?
« on: May 11, 2014, 06:28:07 PM »
So, I'm a Tyranid player and as such am making a BFG fleet to match my army. I've made a few ships by hacking apart some old and crap models I made when I was 13 (seriously, they wouldn't have looked out of place on 1D4chan's THIN YOUR PAINTS article) and splicing them back together in such a way that they look like spacecraft, with the addition of some less crappy bits and plenty of putty.

Now I've only done 4 ships, all of which were small: a Vanguard Drone made almost entirely from milliput coated in Green Stuff with a few small nid bits for detail (Devourer for Pyro-Acid prow, flesh hooks and adrenal glands for sensory clusters) some things which could be Krakens out of Warrior pelvis/tail pieces with sliced off talons and flesh hooks for the Feeder Tentacles and Spinefists for organic thrusters, and a slightly larger model (probably a cruiser) out of 2 Warrior back plates, the Carnifex twin-linked Devourers, a Warrior Barbed Strangler, the huge talons from the Warrior kit for some Massive Claws (attached to look like beetle pincers) and a large amount of putty (this one isn't finished yet). I'm quite happy with how they've turned out, but I haven't primed them yet and as they still have the dreadfully applied paint from 2009 on them they don't look all that great.

So, anyway, I had some questions:

Firstly, as I don't need to worry about the GW parts lawyers with BFG due to it being obsolete, are there any 3rd party pieces/common knick-knacks/toy pieces I should be aware of? I do have a Chapterhouse Warrior Lash Whip which I might put to use as a long spinal tail thing on a Hive Ship, and also I was planning on using sea shells/non-volatile sea creature bits to give them a real "spaceborne creatures" feel, partially inspired by the Space Monsters from Gunbuster.

Secondly, whilst I wanted to make it obvious that they were my Tyranids I wanted to give them the same colour scheme as my 40K army, however due to  their sheer mass I would imagine that they would look fairly different to the planetary attack organisms. Any ideas on how to paint them to make them look space-y?

(For the record, here are a few pics of one of my 'Nids. Sorry about the crappy photography!)


Third, are there any guidelines regarding the size of the models? I was planning on making an absolutely huge Hive Ship to represent that it had been fully upgraded with extra structure points (using a Rupture Cannon as the rear half!) but obviously if there's rules regarding size I might not be able to do that. I recall reading in the rules that there's no real size limitations, but I'd like to know general player etiquette.

Also, any general wisdom on fleet equipment/ship choices?

Gribbly fan for life.

Offline DinoDoc

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Re: Tyranid ships?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2014, 01:42:42 AM »

Offline radu lykan

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Re: Tyranid ships?
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2014, 01:33:39 PM »
regarding size, there are no restrictions apart from it must be on the correct base(as that is all that is used in game) which in the hive ships case should be the large one