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Author Topic: Building a Chaos Fleet, 3k points. Suggestions?  (Read 1235 times)

Offline TSD

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Building a Chaos Fleet, 3k points. Suggestions?
« on: May 04, 2014, 08:19:29 AM »
From the Blue Book, using corrected values from the 2010 FAQ

Warmaster = 50
Styx x 2 = 520
Hades x 2 = 400
Murder x 2 = 340
Murder x 2 = 340
Carnage x 2 = 185
Slaughter x 2, each with a Lord and Mark of Khorne = 470
Repulsive w upgraded Lance = 240

Total so far = 2720

This gives the fleet a ferocious 20 Lances at 60 cm range to try and force BFIs, and another 3 at 45 with the Repulsive. Every ship has weapon batteries in case of pesky Eldar. Many have 60 cm batteries to insure best chance of catching those Eldar who try and hit and run.

The whole purpose of the Slaughters, barring Eldar encounters, is to utilize their fantastic 30cm movement and Mark of Khorne to double boarding value and absolutely pound unsuspecting ships in boarding actions.

No Torpedoes, and 12 fighters/bombers (most likely used on CAP to protect against Imp torpedo salvos. With 280 points remaining, I could throw in another Repulsive without the upgrade and change the fleet leader to a  100 point Warmaster or throw in a Devastation for an extra 4 fighters/bombers and some escorts.

I also really considered trying to make room for a Despoiler and its 8 launch bays and 7 lances.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 08:22:39 AM by TSD »