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Author Topic: Dark Eldar fleet  (Read 1624 times)

Offline novemberrain

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Dark Eldar fleet
« on: February 17, 2014, 10:14:39 AM »
Hi guys,

I am thinking about building up a 1500pts ish Dark Eldar fleet, but was wondering if anyone had any experience playing with them?

To me they seem like they would play very much like regular Eldar without the second move - using their speed and maneuverability to stay in rear arcs etc, while being a little tougher than regular Eldar. Any suggestions on load out or upgrades?


Offline unseelied

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Re: Dark Eldar fleet
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2014, 03:45:48 PM »
I have a DE fleet but its not a favorite of mine so I am not claiming to be the master of the DE.  Here is what I have found that works for me.  They are a very difficult fleet to use.  Unlike the Eldar they don't get that critical second move so you have to be very patient and sneaky to use them well.  Bring big squadrons of escorts as you are going to lose large numbers of ships and you want to be able to stick for awhile and not have the squadron destroyed.  The best escort load out is the impaler assault module.  With the updated rules from the 2010 faq they are very good at getting you VPs in any scenerio that involves them which is many.  They are especially good against fleets with escorts as you get points for taking slaves and you can in effect kill the escort as well.  Not as good against necrons and nids but nothings perfect.  You are going to need some killy too so either the lance or torpedo escorts or both are good.  The cruisers I find to under perform but you need AC so I normally run two with launch bays to run interference for the assault modules.  Leech torpedos I've never had any luck with.  Just too difficult to set up and if I can hit you with torpedoes why wouldn't I just hit you with normal torpedos?  Sometimes mimic engines are good and sometimes they don't work.  Its all situational so that you'll just have to try on your own and see if you like them.  I'd suggest taking some as you could get a really strong alpha strike out of it, but I wouldn't take them on every ship as normally someone will not be in range those points will be wasted.  Thats all I can think of, good luck.