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Author Topic: Adepticon Announcement  (Read 33554 times)

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #75 on: December 31, 2013, 04:39:59 PM »
I sincerely hope that's not the final chart, as it makes no sense.

Chaos should never ally with eldar or necrons, not be trusted allies!

Inquisition and rt fleets don't even exist (unless they're a very hidden ruleset somewhere).

I think it needs a complete overhaul. The allies interactions aren't even really much, if any detriment. Please give my ideas some consideration before making a final decision.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 04:42:30 PM by Seahawk »

Offline unseelied

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #76 on: December 31, 2013, 05:57:41 PM »
It does seem a little quirky.  Its weird that the only blacked out square is Ad mech not being allowed to ally with chao or DE? Why DE??  Admech has their flip side the Dark Mechanicus so it would make more sense to have them distrusted.  Loyal Mechanicus would never ally with chaos but Dark would be best buds so that leaves you in the middle which is distrusted.  Maybe some lines for Dark Mechanicus, Renegade IN, evil inquisitors, etc should be added?  Maybe thats something that can be cleared before hand if you happen to have a Dark Mechanicus fleet or Renegade IN?  The chart doesn't actually take into account the 6th ed new everyone is best buddies fluff it seems but it still is a little strange even from what I remember of the older fluff.

I was planning on bringing a chaos fleet to adepticon and my only best bud is eldar.  Twist my arm.  Maybe I will be able to pull off the The Volandum Manouevre. ;)  Apparently the farseer has forseen that an escort squadron of hemlocks has to help some spikey evil guys for the good of Eldar everywhere.   

Offline RaptorEvolved

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #77 on: December 31, 2013, 06:47:27 PM »
Were still working out the kinks here,that why we posted them. key is to keep pace on the idea of Allies, Special auxiliary fleet rules were trying to have and even amount of Green, Yellows, and orange across for each main fleet. There will obviously be fleet combos that will be better fluff wise, and others either for shenanigans, or space madness!

We did look at the 40k allies matrix as I really do still play 40k. there are a couple issues I think with porting over directly from it, mainly that almost everybody can have some form of parring. and then there are it's problems Example: sister of Battle rather trusting Eldar at the same level they trust Black Templar or Blood Angels. Point bieng it's a work in progress and we want your input it's the first time were doing this and anything you wanna se helps, we should focus on whats already presented and pick out what we like
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Offline lordgoober

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #78 on: December 31, 2013, 07:01:26 PM »
Seahawk,  your chart looks like it makes much more sense than ours.  We're going to use yours with slight modifications.  Those being that the Tyranids can bring in Desperate Allies from most fleets to represent Genestealer Cults taking over the commanders of these ships.  Also the Tyranid/Tyranid ally will be That one of the pair must be a Vanguard Fleet.

It would also make sense that on the Desperate Allies that while your "Animosity" idea looks like a good idea,  I still like the thought that these ships could very well fully betray you like the IN run Chaos ships in the Reserve Fleet.

Offline Islacrusez

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #79 on: December 31, 2013, 07:06:50 PM »
Curious as to the thinking behind matrix being unequal depending upon the main fleet. 

The reasoning behind my proposal of asymmetrical allies is because sometimes that's just the way it is. For example, if the Tyranids ask for your help, it's more likely because they want your help so they can eat someone else. And you can always shoot them in the back at key points in the battle, or mop up the remainder afterwards. If you invite Tyranids anywhere, they will eat you.

Similarly, most of the Imperium can be summoned by an Inquisitor, but who in their right minds would invite an Inquisitor?

Not all friendships are equal, especially when it comes to people that still want to kill each other after the immediate threat passes.
Quite crucial to be able to tell minefields and rally points apart...

Offline horizon

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #80 on: December 31, 2013, 07:09:36 PM »
Seahawk's list plus the nid bit from LG makes most sense if you want to use such a chart.

@ unseelied, please do that manoeuvre!  ;D

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #81 on: December 31, 2013, 07:12:01 PM »
I also thought about, for the fail on a 1 rule, that whoever fails must direct half their shooting at the allied ship/squadron.

Offline lordgoober

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #82 on: December 31, 2013, 07:16:05 PM »
Like Abbadon's "You Have Failed Me for the Last Time"?

Ok.  Here's an even better idea, based upon the WFB Orc Animosity.  Maybe increase the check range to 20cm?

Test.  On a 1 something happens.

1:  Blast Em!  Follow rules for Abbadon's "You Have Failed Me for the Last Time" rule
2-5:  Watch Em:  Do nothing like Seahawk's chart states:
6:  We'll Show Em How It's Done:  Head at full speed towards nearest enemy squadron and attempt to board.  If beyond normal movement range for a direct move and enemy ships are in a line where an All Ahead Full could potentially reach the ship,  The ship automatically succeeds in an All Ahead Full special order.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 07:20:02 PM by lordgoober »

Offline RaptorEvolved

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #83 on: December 31, 2013, 07:17:41 PM »
"Admiral Piet'! err I mean slave thingy!
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Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #84 on: December 31, 2013, 07:18:19 PM »
Not all friendships are equal, especially when it comes to people that still want to kill each other after the immediate threat passes.


Offline unseelied

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #85 on: December 31, 2013, 07:26:32 PM »
From a purely gaming perspective, no fluff, the chart raptor put up actually has a more even spread of allies.
Seahawks chart,while making a lot more sense fluffwise, really bones some groups as they don't get any best friends.  Orks and Chaos don't have friends :(  Tau on the other hand are friends with everyone.  I think for a fair matchup a little fluff is going to have to be reinvented so that everyone can get at least one best friend and some people may have to be suddenly distrustful of the particular Tau in this sector of space, the Backstabby Sept.

Offline lordgoober

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #86 on: December 31, 2013, 07:27:56 PM »
As I said before,  a good piece of fluff/story submitted to us before the tournament could give you an upgrade of status.

Offline unseelied

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #87 on: December 31, 2013, 07:57:59 PM »
I think the desperate allies thing is a little too harsh.  Who is going to bring them if they can't take mission objectives and may go all crazy on a bad roll?  No one takes them in 40k so why would they here? I liked the earlier subtract leadership thing better.  Makes them less good but not awful.  The point of the allies thing is to add spice so why not at least make the more exotic spices at least viable?

Maybe if they fail their roll rather than just sitting there they have to turn and run away.  More likely to keep them alive but still being a large downside to the overall plan.  I'd be afraid that I'd roll a one and those guys would stupidly get themselves killed and lose me the game.  How about just not being able to shoot or launch ord that turn?   A downside but not a game losing one.  Might as well just simplify the chart and make them come the apoc otherwise. 

Offline lordgoober

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #88 on: December 31, 2013, 08:34:38 PM »
note.  in order to make the roll on the second chart you have to roll a 1 on the initial check.  so the "You have failed me for the last time" and "We'll show em" will only have a 1/36 probability chance each.

Offline unseelied

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #89 on: December 31, 2013, 09:47:41 PM »
whoops, I'm a ninny.  I missed a very important part of that whole thing.  You have to be within 15cm for this stuff to happen.  I thought you just tested at the beginning of every turn.  Just don't go within 15cm and then the only downside are no re-rolls and no mission objectives.  OK not so bad really then.  Most likely at 250pt its going to be escorts or a single ship so it will be fairly easy to keep them away from their friends and one ship not "scoring" or whatever it does probabally isn't going to be huge either.