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Author Topic: Adepticon Announcement  (Read 33525 times)

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #165 on: January 13, 2014, 01:54:54 AM »
I am sticking by my statement that SM aren't a top tier fleet
I'd enjoy it if you could provide some 1500 point lists from various fleets that you think would be able to take on the SM fleet. It'd be good food for my thought! (we can do it in PM so as to not take up all the space here)

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #166 on: January 13, 2014, 03:11:50 AM »
I'm glad these types are disagreements occur because it means that it is not easy to pick fleets that are overpowered.

Offline Bessemer

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #167 on: January 13, 2014, 04:33:34 AM »
One of the best things about BFG is that it's what you do with your ships that swings games as opposed to what you solely take. One aspect where 40k has been failing in recent years...
I refuse to be killed by something I've never heard of.

Offline horizon

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #168 on: January 13, 2014, 04:37:37 AM »
I'm glad these types are disagreements occur because it means that it is not easy to pick fleets that are overpowered.
Yeah, it would mean something was terribly wrong if everyone said the same fleet was best or worst.

Look at Adepticon past winners:
Orks, Tau, Space Marines, Dark Eldar.

Diversity enough!

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #169 on: January 13, 2014, 05:00:18 AM »
I'm glad these types are disagreements occur because it means that it is not easy to pick fleets that are overpowered.
Yeah, it would mean something was terribly wrong if everyone said the same fleet was best or worst.

Look at Adepticon past winners:
Orks, Tau, Space Marines, Dark Eldar.

Diversity enough!

All of that and still people complain MSM Eldar and Necrons are overpowered. I still see plenty of complaints that the game only works with IN and Chaos too and everything else is subpar in comparison.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #170 on: January 13, 2014, 06:27:06 AM »
I think, if one prepares for those two fleets (lotsa long WB and lotsa lances), then Eldar of any stripe and Necrons are just another fleet. I've never had trouble facing either of them, and that was with my point-blank Marines.

It'd be my bet that if you come to a random game with a prepared fleet, and find out your facing Necrons and that you have little to do against them, you'll come away from it upset.

The only fleet I've been unhappy to play against is the 5 nova cannon in 1500 points kinda guy, at Adepticon a few years ago. Beat him with terrain, but it still wasn't any sort of fun...

Offline horizon

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #171 on: January 13, 2014, 08:01:37 AM »
All of that and still people complain MSM Eldar and Necrons are overpowered. I still see plenty of complaints that the game only works with IN and Chaos too and everything else is subpar in comparison.
MMS Eldar was not developed because Eldar MSM are overpowered. MSM Eldar are broken in rule design and make Eldar overpowered and underpowered at the same time. ;)

Necrons I have no issues with.

@ Seahawk, personally I rather face five NC then a wall of well played torpedoes.

Offline unseelied

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #172 on: January 13, 2014, 01:02:37 PM »
One of the best things about BFG is that it's what you do with your ships that swings games as opposed to what you solely take. One aspect where 40k has been failing in recent years...
This I have to agree on.  There is no substitute for a well played fleet.  We can argue about what constitutes an optimized fleet but it doesn't matter if it isn't well played.
I'd enjoy it if you could provide some 1500 point lists from various fleets that you think would be able to take on the SM fleet. It'd be good food for my thought! (we can do it in PM so as to not take up all the space here)
I will get back to you with some lists within the week.  Also you can PM me what you think is a good SM fleet.  My SM fleet list I think is second rate but I will send that list along anyway as well.
Yeah, it would mean something was terribly wrong if everyone said the same fleet was best or worst.

Some of this I think is small pond syndrome.  In some degree or another we are all large fish in small ponds.  BFG doesn't have the following that 40k does.  I might think escorts are underpowered because there isn't anyone in my pond that uses them well enough.  Some of you might not have anyone in your area that is from the captital ship school at all let alone someone who can play such a fleet well. 
The only fleet I've been unhappy to play against is the 5 nova cannon in 1500 points kinda guy, at Adepticon a few years ago. Beat him with terrain, but it still wasn't any sort of fun
Have to agree on that.  I just dislike it because other than lucking out and having terrain that could be useful to hide while approaching, you basicly just have to hope he rolls poorly.  I find facing Necrons to be like that to some degree as well.  At least with a torpedo line fleet you can move to avoid, adjust your approach,defend with ordnance,etc.  You are a part of the game.  Fortunately its a fleet that often doesn't do well in tournaments because it is crappy against the eldar.  It is a spoiler fleet though and if he is rolling hot it can be a problem. Its much better now than when we first started and Novas were a guess weapon.  We'd never miss after the first shot.  We ended up house ruling one nova per 750pts.  I think its one of the things that hurt the rise of BFG in the early days.  A good guesser with an all nova cannon fleet could easily destroy everyone but eldar in an unfun manner.  This could be mitigated with good play but in order to learn how to play you have to get past that steep hill and I don't think a lot of people tried. 

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #173 on: January 14, 2014, 06:56:00 PM »
Hmm, what would people suggest for allying in Eldar to an Imperial Navy fleet?

For convenience's sake, the Eclipse is a quick 250 points...

Offline horizon

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #174 on: January 14, 2014, 09:55:24 PM »
For effectiveness:
Deadly Nightshades & Deadly Hemlocks. 3 + 3. Or 6 of one kind.

A bit fluffier would be an Aurora or Solaris + Nightshades or Hemlocks.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #175 on: January 17, 2014, 09:23:25 PM »
I hope those rules are published soon, so that I can plan and plot and scheeeeeemmmme!

Offline lordgoober

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #176 on: January 17, 2014, 11:00:07 PM »
they are into the guy who does the formatting and layout and have been for about a week.

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Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #178 on: March 03, 2014, 07:54:53 PM »
Some clarifications, s'il vous plait:

0-1 cruiser of max 8 hp
Cruiser, or Cruiser hull? In other words, only cruisers, not light/heavy/battle/grand cruisers. Or, is it any ship of the type "Cruiser", regardless of distinction, as long as it's not "Battleship" or "Escort" or "Defense" and is 8 HP.

Also, at minimum, it MUST consist of two escorts, yes?

Vet Fighter Aces: Fighters stay alive for one extra set of ordnance gone through compared to standard attack craft of the race, Bombers ignore 1 turret for number of attacks rolled.
So, a standard fighter can remove two enemy ordnance? Is that limited per turn or forever? Example: I have a standard fighter counter. It makes contact with another marker and removes it on my turn. Next turn, it goes after another marker. Do I lose my fighter now, or did it "reset"?

Another question: fighters v fighters. If two fighter markers hit each other, what happens? Normally they'd both be removed, but this special rule says no. So, do both markers stay on the table? Do they fight each other again and then die?

Another question: fighters v waves. Is it like durable ordnance, where it can remove one counter and then attack another?

Another question: durable fighters. Do they only roll the 4+ after the second marker they remove? So, attacking a wave I remove two enemy markers, then roll to see if I stay. If I do, can I then kill two more markers before having to test to stay again? Back to the very first question, if I only remove one marker a turn, do they then never test to stay on the table?

+1 bonus battle point for having at least one ship/squadron from your fleet successfully navigate the warp rift on the table.
As per Desperate Allies, the allied flotilla cannot achieve this, right?

Offline lordgoober

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #179 on: March 03, 2014, 08:38:16 PM »
Classed as Cruiser.   Yes, at least 2 escorts.

Vet Fighter Aces.  It's like the rule for Eldar fighters.

Fighter vs Fighter.  Give me until later tonight to clarify that one.

Fighters vs Waves.  Yes  a single fighter can remove 2 bombers from a wave then is gone.

Durable Fighters.  Give me until later tonight to clarify that one.

Warp Rift:  Note.  The scenarios that are on the website in the rules  section are last years scenarios for reference.  Be patient young grasshopper to find out what devilish things we have planned for you this year muahahahahahahahahahaha.