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Author Topic: Adepticon Announcement  (Read 33523 times)

Offline lordgoober

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Adepticon Announcement
« on: December 17, 2013, 04:45:01 AM »
Ok.  We are hashing out a change to the fleet composition rules for Adepticon this year.  It has to do with the bonus ships beyond the 1500 point standard fleet comp.

There will be no transport requirement. 

The change is this.

Fleet size is increased to 1750 base.  You may spend up to 350 points on an Auxiliary Flotilla.

Auxilia Flotilla rules. 

1 cruiser of max 8 HP.  has to be from a different racial fleet from the primary fleet.
1 squadron of 2-6 escorts. These must be from a different racial fleet from the primary fleet.  These escorts can be from the same fleet list as the Auxiliary cruiser but that is not a requirement.


Auxiliary Flotilla cannot be from a secondary fleet list of the same race (IE different sector of Imperial Navy allying together. But Imperial Navy could have an Adeptus Mechanicus auxiliary)
Dark Eldar ships in the Auxiliary Flotilla are not allowed to have Mimic Engines.
Tyranid Ships are not allowed to be part of an Auxiliary Flotilla.
However Tyranid fleets may have an Auxiliary Flotilla as those ships would be controlled by a Genestealer Cult.

The flotilla will also have one special rule, chosen by the controlling player at fleet creation

1. Expert gunners= Left column shift for all Weapon Battery based weapons
2. Vet fighter aces= stays alive for one extra set of ordnance gone through compared to standard attack craft of the race
3. Upgraded Lance Firing Matrix=Lances Hit on 4+ as standard but may reroll failed hits without needing lock on special order. However these rerolls only hit on 5+ if you don't use the Lock On special order.

You are not required to use an auxiliary
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 06:03:01 AM by lordgoober »

Offline horizon

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2013, 06:47:08 AM »
I dunno, it might be interesting. But will all options be allowed? Inquisition with Chaos auxillaries per example?

Offline RaptorEvolved

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2013, 07:51:34 AM »
The idea here was to mimic what goes on with 6th ed allies matrix of Current 40k edition. well be answering that soon enough
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Offline RaptorEvolved

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2013, 08:53:56 AM »
This is the Adepticon 2014 BFG Allies Matrix
Green: Can be allied
Red: Cannot
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Offline Aquahog

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2013, 09:29:29 AM »
I dunno, it might be interesting. But will all options be allowed? Inquisition with Chaos auxillaries per example?

Ever heard of the radical inquisitors that insist on using the weapons of Chaos to fight it? :)

Offline horizon

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2013, 12:55:40 PM »
The idea here was to mimic what goes on with 6th ed allies matrix of Current 40k edition. well be answering that soon enough
Ah. Well, I don't play 40k (stopped at the time 3rd edition came out). But I read that allied business and frankly do not like it. ;)

Offline RaptorEvolved

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2013, 02:52:44 PM »
If thats the case you can make up a characterful story as to why, and we can change the allies matrix to accomadate that and leave it as is it is stated in the rules on the first post. just to keep it simple. and relegate just to Nids
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Offline lordgoober

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2013, 04:23:51 PM »
I just saw this and I like the matrix idea and here's how we'll work it.

We will hash out a chart much like what Raptor put here.  There will be 4 Categories.

Your standard fleet will be the left column
The ally you are bringing in will be the top row chart.

Based upon that you will have one of these 4 options in a particular verge spot.\
Trusted:  Base Leadership Die roll for race
Untrusted: -1 to the Leadership Die roll for race,  minimum 1 on the die roll
Desperate:  As Untrusted but -1 to Leadership result ala the Ork LD rolls
Not Allowed:  Nuff Said ^_^

and on the comment of the Radical Inquisitors,  if it hadn't been about 2am when i saw that comment I was going to say that's PERFECTLY legit.  That being said, this almost makes me want to add in the rules from what is it, Battlefleet Cadia for the reserve fleet chaos ships for the lower levels of this ally chart.

Offline harec

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2013, 05:19:19 PM »
The idea is nice, and actually is very interesting for example to have an imperial fleet and 1 space marines strike cruiser helping, or CW eldar/dark eldars with outcast, thinks like that sounds nice, but I don't understand with the auxilary flotilla should have an special rule. Is not good enought to have ships from other fleet list?
specially considering necrons and tyranids are not supose to have auxiliary flotillas (seriously genestealer cult doesn't make many sence for me)
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline lordgoober

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2013, 05:56:58 PM »
You're giving us stuff to think about.  Maybe we don't need the special abilities.  Nothing is completely set in stone at this point.

Offline RaptorEvolved

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2013, 06:28:11 PM »
Giving the Auxiliary Force special rules and elite status was to add flavor and character to your rather small fleet. Simply for them to specialize in one of those three things
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Offline horizon

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2013, 08:56:25 PM »
The special abilities:
Imagine those weapon batteries special rule on Eldar. Or on AdMech with already the upgraded gunnery gift. I think the rules favour some races to a certain extend.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2013, 05:51:52 AM »
No Genestealer cult controlled Imperial vessels?!?!?!?! WHHHAAAATTTT?!?!??!?! jk.

Offline lordgoober

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2013, 07:00:41 AM »
Do you guys think on the Weapon Battery one it would be more balanced to change it to "doesn't take column shift penalties for range or blast markers"

Offline Islacrusez

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Re: Adepticon Announcement
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2013, 12:38:30 PM »
Someone needs to play Necron with AdMech allies...
Quite crucial to be able to tell minefields and rally points apart...