Hmm, well...I do have some connections with people who have both CNC and laser cutting machines...
However, to do this as a mass production thing, and casting them, would probably be a tad on the expensive side, which would seriously influence its accessibility. I mean, I know many people go for third party stuff because it's cheaper, but if prices are as high or higher than ForgeWorld, I would imagine people would be quicker to buy the Mortalis terrain than this and not because of quality or anything (the casts of the Mortalis kit are/were horrible!!!), but namely the fact that the FW stuff would be 'officially approved' and all that.
Food for thought.
But a variant kit could be doable, so it would contain a few extra bits, including a floor plate with removable grill, but then still a grill of 1mm thick, which should be castable. The etching of brass or something would simply be too expensive to do at this time. However, if the product/setting becomes popular enough...