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Author Topic: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log  (Read 33518 times)

Offline Helge

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[WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« on: November 25, 2013, 06:38:04 PM »

I am transferring my "forum home" to this fun place in anticipation of some Warmaster painting. I am a relative newcomer to the forum, having lurked in the shadow for many years. In the past I contributed a bit to the TacComs sister forum by documenting my progress on different Epic armies:

Eldar ToEG 2012 http://taccmd.tacticalwargames.net/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=22752
Squat ToEG 2011 http://taccmd.tacticalwargames.net/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=20775
Necron ToEG 2011 http://taccmd.tacticalwargames.net/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=21771
Chaos ToEG 2010 http://taccmd.tacticalwargames.net/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=18817

I have been painting miniatures for over two decades now and cover just about everything in the Games Workshop universe, as well as forays into historical systems such as Flames of War and DBA. You can find some of my armies and projects on my blog: http://wargamingworkshop.wordpress.com/

After a long time in the world of 6mm Epic armies, I decided last year to start a large 28mm project: a full 250 model Blood Angels army (using airbrushing for the first time). It has been a few years since I last painted a large 28mm army so I made the mistake of porting my successful "assembly line" approach from 6mm to 28mm. A year later, with ~200 models about 80% done - but nothing at all truly finished (and thus no pics at all on the blog/forum) - painting morale is at an all time low. Bad mistake.

In an effort to restore morale, I am not turning back to smaller scales. Epic is tricky because I only have two armies left to paint (Adeptus Mechanics and Tyranid) and the new restrictions at TacComs regarding "proxy models" means that I wouldn't be able to post most of the images. Not a great start for a morale therapy. So it is back to the Warmaster scale (and thus this forum).

When the game came out I bought the six core armies and painted five of them (all except High Elves). With GW killing the line, I made some last minute purchases last month to get (almost) everything I need for all the other armies in the Warhammer universe. This post will document my progress as I grind through the lead mountain to spawn losts of little Warmaster forces.

I am more of a painter than player, so the goal for each army is to make a playable 2k force with "some of everything" to capture the "spirit" of each race. I am also throwing in a few Lord of the Rings forces (for Warmaster War of the Ring/Battle of Five Armies).

« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 07:32:12 PM by Helge »

Offline jchaos79

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Re: Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2013, 07:04:32 PM »
Welcome Helge,

I glance to your webpage.. and wow your painting level is really high.

looking forward to see your warmaster "old 5 armies" and the new ones :)

Offline Helge

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Re: Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2013, 07:31:52 PM »
So here we go with the "work order". I am trying to replicate the entire Warhammer Universe in 10mm, plus some of the more known elements of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings world for good measure.

Green is completed, orange is ready for painting, red still needs to be purchased or converted. As in my past progress logs, I will update colours as I go along - hopefully this page will be all green eventually.

1 Beastlord
1 Doombull
2 Wargor
1 Wargor on Chariot
2 Bray Shaman
4 Beastherd
4 Beastkin
2 Bestigors
2 Minotaurs
2 Centigors
2 Chaos Hounds
2 Tuskgor Chariots
1 Dragon Ogres (maybe proxy - already have these in the Chaos Mortal list)
2 Chaos Spawn
1 Shaggoth

1 General
2 Heroes
1 Hero on Pegasus
1 Enchantress
1 Enchantress on Unicorn
4 Bowmen
2 Men-at-Arms
2 Peasants
2 Grail Knights
6 Knights
2 Pegasus Knights (Eureka models)
2 Squires
1 Trebuchet

Chaos Dwarfs
1 General
1 Hero
1 Hero on Great Taurus
1 Sorcerer
1 Sorcerer on Lamasu
4 Chaos Dwarf Warriors
4 Blunderbusses
4 Hobgoblins
2 Hobgoblin Wolf Riders
2 Bull Centaurs
2 Earthshaker Cannon
1 Death Rocket
1 Bolt Throwers
(Black Orcs and Orcs can be borrowed from the O&G list as needed)

Chaos Mortals (Mostly done already - http://wargamingworkshop.wordpress.com/games-armies/warmaster/chaos/)
1 General
1 Hero
1 Hero on Dragon
1 Sorceror
2 Chaos Warriors
6 Marauders
3 Chaos Hounds
2 Chaos Knights
1 Marauder Horsemen
1 Chariots
1 Chaos Spawn
1 Dragon Ogres
2 Harpies

Not sure if I will do this one...

Dark Elves
1 General
1 Hero
1 Hero on Chariot
1 Hero on Manticore
1 Sorceress
1 Sorceress with Cauldron of Blood
4 Spearmen
4 Crossbowmen
2 Witch Elves
2 Cold One Knights
2 Dark Riders
1 War Hydra
1 Harpies
1 Bolt Throwers

Dwarfs (mostly already done - http://wargamingworkshop.wordpress.com/games-armies/warmaster/dwarves/)
1 High King
1 General
1 Hero
1 Runesmith
1 Runesmith with Anvil of Doom
6 Warriors
4 Handgunners
2 Rangers
3 Troll Slayers
3 Cannons
2 Flame Cannons
2 Gyrocopter

Empire (mostly already done - http://wargamingworkshop.wordpress.com/games-armies/warmaster/empire/)
1 General
5 Heroes (had the spare models...)
1 Hero on Griffon
1 Wizards
1 Wizard on War Altar
4 Halberdiers
4 Crossbowmen
1 Handgunners
2 Flagellants
1 Halfling Militia
4 Skirmishers
2 Knights
2 Pistoliers
2 Cannons
1 Mortars
2 Helblasters
1 Steam Tank

High Elves
1 General
3 Heroes
1 Hero on Drake (count as Giant Eagle)
2 Heroes on Chariot
2 Mages
4 Spearmen
4 Archers
2 Reaver Knights
3 Silver Helms
2 Chariots
1 Dragon Rider
1 Drakes (count as Giant Eagles)
2 Bolt Throwers

1 General
1 Tzarina Katarina
2 Heroes
1 Hero on Bear
1 Shamans
4 Axemen
4 Bowmen
4 Horse Archers
4 Knights
2 Bears
1 War Wagon

1 Slann
1 Engine of the Gods
2 Saurus Heroes
1 Saurus on Carnosaur
2 Skink Heroes
2 Skink Shamans
6 Skinks
4 Saurus
2 Temple Guard
3 Cold One Riders
2 Kroxigors
1 Stegadon
1 Terradons

Ogre Kingdoms
waiting for E&C to complete his beautiful models...

Orcs and Goblins (mostly already done - http://wargamingworkshop.wordpress.com/games-armies/warmaster/wm-orcs-and-goblins/)
1 General
2 Orc Heroes
1 Orc Hero on Chariot
1 Orc Hero on Wyvern
1 Orc Shaman
1 Goblin Hero
2 Goblin Shamans
4 Orc Warriors
4 Goblins
1 Black Orcs
1 Trolls
3 Ogres
2 Boar Riders
2 Wolf Riders
2 Wolf Chariots
2 Rock Lobbas
1 Giant

1 Grey Seer
4 Heroes
4 Warlocks
10 Clan Rats
6 Rat Swarms
2 Gutter Runners
2 Jezzails
2 Stormvermins
2 Plague Monks
4 Rat Ogres
2 Doom Wheels
2 Warp Lightning Cannons
1 Screaming Bell

Tomb Kings (mostly already done - http://wargamingworkshop.wordpress.com/games-armies/warmaster/tomb-kings/)
1 Tomb King
4 Liche Priests
1 Liche Priest on Zombie Dragon
5 Skeletons
5 Skeleton Bowmen
2 Skeleton Cavalry
2 Skeleton Chariots
1 Sphinx
1 Bone Giant
1 Carrion
1 Skull Chukka
1 Bone Thrower
1 Plague Cart
2 Tomb Scorpions

Vampire Counts
1 Vampire Lord
1 Vampire
1 Vampire in Black Coach
1 Vampire on Winged Nightmare
2 Necromancers
4 Zombies
5 Skeletons
2 Grave Guards
4 Ghouls
2 Ethereal Host
4 Dire Wolves
4 Black Knights
1 Fell Bats

Wood Elves
1 General
1 Noble
2 Nobles on Giant Stags
2 Nobles on Warhawks
1 Noble on Giant Eagle

2 Spell Weavers on Unicorns
2 Treemen
4 Eternal Guards
6 Glade Guards
2 Dryads
2 Wardancers
2 Waywatchers
2 Glade Riders
3 Wild Riders
2 Warhawks
1 Giant Eagles

War of the Rings:

1 Gandalf
1 Gandals on horse
1 Beorn
1 Aragorn
1 Hobbits
1 Legolas
1 Gimli

1 Balrog
1 Sauruman

1 General
1 Hero
1 Faramir
1 Imrahil
1 Boromir
1 Denethor
2 Citadel Guards
4 Spearmen
4 Bowmen
2 Militia
2 Ithilien Rangers
2 Light Cavalry
2 Cavalry
2 Knights of Dol Amroth

1 Marshall
2 Captains
1 Eomer
1 Theodred
1 Theoden
4 Warriors
2 Bowmen
4 Horse Archers
4 Riders
2 Household Knights

1 Chieftain
3 Heroes
1 Hero on Chariot
2 Sorcerers
2 Heavy Infantry
4 Spearmen
4 Bowmen
2 Slaves
2 Far-Harad Trollmen
2 Heavy Cavalry
2 Light Cavalry
1 Mumakil

Evil Forces (mix and match for different army lists)
1 Witch King
1 Khamul
1 Mouth of Sauron
1 Servant of Sauron
1 Orc General
2 Orc Heroes
2 Orc Heroes on Wargs
1 Nazgul on Winged Nightmare
4 Uruk-Hai
2 Uruk-Hai Elites
8 Orcs
2 Orc Archers
8 Goblins
2 Trolls
2 Olog-Hai
2 Evil Spirits
4 Wolf Riders
2 Orc Cavalry
6 Wargs
1 Rock Lobber
1 Bolt Throwers
1 Grond

Lots to do... I will start by cleaning up the small remaining items in the 5 "completed" armies (mostly just one unit missing to make the full count). After that I will do some Wood Elves as I haven't painted green in a while.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 02:52:35 AM by Helge »

Offline Aquahog

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2013, 07:34:17 PM »
Awesome, I'll be watching this space.

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2013, 09:05:33 PM »
Good luck to find was is missing... :)

Offline Helge

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2013, 09:26:08 PM »
Good point Marell. The Chaos Dwarves and Beastmen will come from Eureka so that's easy. Kislev will need some more luck. Beyond that it's bits and bobs (1 Slann, 2 Saurus, 1 Plague Monks, 1 Stormvermins). I hope that they will eventually show up on ebay (or here!).

Offline David Wasilewski

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2013, 09:34:16 PM »
Lovely painting - welcome to the Forum.


Offline Stormwind

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2013, 10:55:09 PM »
Oh this will be magnificent!

Please tell me what models you will use for th e Warmaster LOTR/Tolkien forces!  You will notice I've made several topics discussing the matter, lately in the BOFA area of the forum. :-X
My Personal & Modelling Blog >>http://theancienttrack.blogspot.co.uk/

Offline Helge

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2013, 03:02:30 AM »
Alright, first successful session. I finished some Board Riders, a Rock Lobber, Imperial Mortars and a unit of Chaos Hounds. Odd assortment but that's what was missing to complete the Orc and Chaos force. Photography will have to wait until the weekend - need to unpack the light box again.

Offline wmchaos2000

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2013, 10:57:14 AM »
Hello Helge!

Nice paintjob on those armies!

And "nice goal" with the rest. :)

I may have some spare Chaos Harpies, if you are interested.

Those Nurgle Daemons, the Epic ones, I guess that you aren´t interested in parting from them? ;)

Off-topic, swede? (Helge is a swedish name, therefore the question)

Best regards /ola

Offline Dobbsy

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2013, 10:34:45 PM »
Ahh yeah, another forum you can put my skills to shame in :D Welcome to Warhamster! ;)

Offline Toon

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2013, 04:28:37 PM »
You have really great armies Helge. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.

Ahh yeah, another forum you can put my skills to shame in :D Welcome to Warhamster! ;)

Arn't you the one with a great skaven army, Dobbsy? It's kinda hard to put your skills to shame ;)

Offline Dobbsy

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2013, 10:45:54 PM »
LOL! Yeah but Helge is prolific AND good! ;D

Offline Helge

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2013, 01:12:46 AM »
So the weekend was a frenzy of cleaning, gluing and spraying lots of 10mm armies. I did squeeze in some time to actually paint a few models - you can guess what it is on the blurry picture from my "back up camera" (ancient camcorder). I order a few more lamps on ebay for the photo booth - coming tomorrow - to accommodate the small scale. Nicer pics of the first painted batch will be up in the next few days. Sorry for the delays, those who followed my EPIC plogs know that this tends to pick up speed once the "planning/assembly/coating" prep stages are done.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 01:52:38 AM by Helge »

Offline Helge

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Re: [WM] Helge's Warmaster Log
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2013, 01:20:59 AM »
And in case anybody cares, this is what five WM armies look like in "ready to paint" assembly mode. Top: Vampire Counts & Bretonnia
Middle: High Elves & Lizardmen
Bottom: Dark Elves (Skaven are still missing a bunch of models so not yet put onto strips)