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Author Topic: Do it for yourself  (Read 8088 times)

Offline harec

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Do it for yourself
« on: November 14, 2013, 11:09:34 PM »
I was wandering, BFG has come to be nearly impossible to play with the proper minis, due to the silly prices on ebay, as well with BFG:R we got a bunch of new ships without mini.So I was wandering, what do you guys think If we perform a forum workshop off how to make your own mini?.
This way anyone in the forum can learn how to make different types of ship (If it works we can try to make one of each race for example)

This is my proposal:

-We choose an easy design for a ship. (We should discus this before)
-We all decide the materials we are going to use and we purchase them (Of course). ::)
-Then we all follow the steps until we have a good mini. 8)

Whoever lead the workshop will have to explain every step and show his results before the rest.

In my experience anybody can do it, is not a matter of ability but patience and knowledge, and We can share our knowledge.
I have seen this kind of initiatives in the Spanish team forum and you learn a lot.

What do you think? Does anybody want to join? With witch model would you like to start?
If anyone is interested either answer this topic or send me a PM If you are shy  ::)
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline Gorath

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2013, 01:49:03 AM »
What do you propose for ship building? Raiding bits boxes, donations or pooling resources for the ebay bits?

It's an interesting idea, I'd be willing to throw in bits for it.
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Offline harec

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2013, 05:13:06 AM »
Sorry I mean ship scratch building. When I said building I was meaning lietally. :P
At least that is my initial idea, no bits involved. Or I am not sure how that bits donation can work. ???

I would like to show people that is not so difficult to build your own ship is you know the methodology and you have the correct materials. :)

This were the first minis I ever finished from scratch, I used balsa wood, green stuff, paper putty and catus horns.

This is an eldar ship I am building with plasticard and 2 main types of puttys.
The idea is to recluit volunteers, and alltogether make our own ship following someone more experience instructions, whoever we choose. And post all our result on certain dates.
For this kind of projects we can estimate around 5-20 euros/dolars/pounds of initial investment and the potential result can make it worth it. Just compare the cruisers with a tyranid razorfield cruiser on ebay, they reach over 40 euros, the materials for me were around 3euros each(Of course plus 10 hours or something like that as I was still in learning process )
I mean my hand ability is quite average I really think everybody can do it  :)
If I am honest I have never had good bits available for any of my modeling projects so I have no experience with bits. :D
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline harec

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2013, 05:16:07 AM »
Ups I didn't check the size of the pictures, sorry.How can I chaged it to have a normal size?
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline Lex

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2013, 09:07:17 AM »
They have scrollbars and this way it is good detail to show everyone the actual size/detail of work involged, as you can leave them as is.

If you want to change, EDIT the post and adjust the size of the display (instead of the picture, which of course is the other option)

Offline horizon

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2013, 09:10:03 AM »
That Eldar ship looks pretty good. Would be good if you started a tutorial on it. ;)
I am more of a painter then a builder (albeit I try, mainly kitbashing 40k pieces).

Offline radu lykan

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2013, 04:10:24 PM »
i was planning something like this but just dont have time for it at the moment.
my idea was to find a way of building every vessel with a certain set of bitz, this was to cut down on the actual work involved and enable people to make fleets out of their bitz boxes, if they play a certain army then they should have those bits available.
your scratch build option is good as well, would we make templates? or just pics of parts with measurements written down?

Offline harec

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2013, 05:37:24 PM »
They have scrollbars and this way it is good detail to show everyone the actual size/detail of work involved, as you can leave them as is.

If you want to change, EDIT the post and adjust the size of the display (instead of the picture, which of course is the other option)
OK I will keep the size, but the intention was just to demonstrate that it is not so difficult there is no need of showing all the details.

That Eldar ship looks pretty good. Would be good if you started a tutorial on it. ;)
I am more of a painter then a builder (albeit I try, mainly kitbashing 40k pieces).

This guy is sucking my blood, but that is quite normal with new projects .As is the first eldar ship for me I still need more experience to have tips and tricks, anyway I will have a step by step tutorial on my blog.
Also I don't see many points in posting a tutorial on modeling if it is going to move to the second page in 2 weeks. As well with my WIPs people I got the impression that people used to get bored of them here that's Why I created the blog, anyway I will post the final results here when finish. ;)

i was planning something like this but just dont have time for it at the moment.
my idea was to find a way of building every vessel with a certain set of bitz, this was to cut down on the actual work involved and enable people to make fleets out of their bitz boxes, if they play a certain army then they should have those bits available.
your scratch build option is good as well, would we make templates? or just pics of parts with measurements written down?
Well I have never been a fan of using devourers and tyranid warrior heads as ships, I don't have such a problem with the motorbikes cruisers (I still think there is something wrong).
About the templates I haven't tough if that as necessary but we can try, I mean I don't wan to 'copy' GW ships I want us to do our own designs so yes I guess the best way would be just photos and measurements if necessary. ;) Of course I more people request it we can also try to prepare templates.
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline Malika

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2013, 11:02:12 PM »
Sounds really interesting!

Some of us have been making our own BFG models, look at this, this and this. :)
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Offline harec

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2013, 11:20:13 PM »
I know you guys, but the intention of this is to self made old style.
actually I am still waiting the eldar turrets to be on sell ::) if anyone is interested in making and selling them. :P
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline Malika

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2013, 09:29:10 AM »
Why only old style though? I wouldn't limi myself to getting the models from a single source/style.
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Offline harec

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2013, 10:26:58 AM »
Why only old style though? I wouldn't limi myself to getting the models from a single source/style.

You are absolutely right, actually if you offer yourself lo lead a 3d workshop I will be the first one in the front line  ;).
I just don't know what do you guys use to design your stuff and what steps do you have to follow so it would be impossible for me to lead it.
As I wrote I have a lot of headaches with really small parts and it would be really helpful for me.

The idea of a forum workshop is to have someone leading it and teaching the tricks he knows ;).
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline Malika

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2013, 11:59:09 AM »
Well, I use SketchUp myself to make the models. SketchUp is probably one of the easiest 3d programs out there. The only downside is that you can't really do organic/round shapes so well, so it's best suitable for blocky designs like Imperial, Chaos, Necron and Ork stuff. Eldar and Tyranid are as good as impossible, Tau would be quite a challenge.

Using 3d software enables you to go really detailed, you can make those tiny parts you want so badly. As you can see in my test print, I'm able to make details of 0.25mm. Depending on the printer you can go even smaller, the only thing is that if you do so they'll become practically invisible and impossible to paint.
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Offline Islacrusez

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2013, 12:34:03 PM »
I'll attest to Eldar being pretty high on the impossibility scale when using Sketchup. Sketchup if for flat faces and straight lines. Chaos and Imperial, yes, Necron ish, Orc and Tau less so, and Eldar/Tyranid you should avoid if you value your sanity.
Quite crucial to be able to tell minefields and rally points apart...

Offline harec

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Re: Do it for yourself
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2013, 08:27:02 PM »
Ok I have been thinking, there are some things to do.

First of all I would like to clarify,
I would like to start organising the first workshop. This one is maybe the one with less people joining and a lot of expectators but it is crucial if we want to make it something common here.
So I am going to lead the first, and I am going to guide you you guys in making a piece of terrain, yes you are reading well.
I was thinking, most of my experience is modelling tyranid ships, yea but not all the people here is thinking of starting a complete scratch built hive fleet so I though what about something similar but available for any player.
And this is my main idea, lets see If it receives positive feedback ::)  and we start.

Is something I want to see on the table since I started playin 40k 13 years ago. (Wild animals)

Wild void animal: space whale

I was looking on the internet for some inspiration and this is for me the winner.

We will not do exactly this but something similar to represent our whales.

Materials that we will need for building it.

-Plasticard (minimun whith 1 mm), or valsa wood, or poliuretan sheet ... or something similar
This firt one is important as it is going to be our main structure

-Aluminum paper (opcional) to fill the structure. everyone has at home
-Cheap filling putty (can be: milliput yellow grey, Fimo, kids modelling material (I bought 1 kilo for 3 euros) ...)(again optional) to give it the first shape

-Green stuff or simillar, we want it to be a plastic-like putty to improve results.

As well for anyone thinking in doing their first modelling

-Cutter, sissors, things to cut the structure
-Tools to model putty, of this one I recomend as much as posible but the ony I use more with a great diference is a sharp tool.
Something like this is eought.

-rubber brushes, this ones are not crucial but I recomend them seriously, as the results are going to be much better.

-Sand paper, for this project any, no problem, even you can try to use a cutter.
-Propelling pencil (and old one is ok)
-Patience, with patience you can do everything ever without the apropiate tools  ;)

Lets see If anyone has any question . If anyone is doughting you can really coment anything here, please give me the oportunity to convince you.
If anyone has problems to find the materials please don't hesitate in ask me.
Considering what I have suggested the investment should be around 20 euros, so if your stimation is a lot higher maybe is better to ask.

I was thinking in starting around first week of december, this way people will have 2 weeks to be prepared.
We will fix dates to post our pictures and I will try to teach everything I know, so I think it is a great oportunity to anyone thinking in building their own stuff but don't know how or just like it and want to join. ;)

There is no condition, no minimun level, I will be here to answer all the questions and help you.
Also you will need a camera to show your results and help the other helping you ::).

Lets put a minimum of 4 people, no maximun  :D
who want to join? (If there is any kind of problems ask  :o and coment)

I will post in a diferent post my idea for the whale rules. This one is big enought.Anyway if you guys want to start with another fleet, just tell me.
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.