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Author Topic: BFG:R - Rogue Trader  (Read 16776 times)

Offline horizon

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #30 on: December 30, 2013, 06:50:03 AM »
I am no fan of pools. Not such a fan of that system to be honest.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2013, 03:39:39 AM »
Ok, but what about exotic upgrades? At this point, you can have a whole bunch in the fleet.

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2013, 04:50:37 AM »
Yeah, cool isn't it?

ehm, poll about it?

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2013, 05:51:20 AM »
I mean, I'm not against it rules-wise necessarily, but I don't think it is fluffy. Why not just let each RT or VC buy one or two they can use in their fleet? 15pts to roll for it, +5 to pick. It just doesn't seem fluffy to have a whole RT fleet where each ship has xenotech gear (yes, I know not EVERY exotic upgrade in the list is xenotech, but the majority is).

Offline Cyk0

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #34 on: December 31, 2013, 05:05:25 PM »
I have no problem with a RT fleet with loads of exotic upgrade rolls. The way a 2d6 table works most of the rolls will end up towards the middle of the table were the more mundane rhings will be. From a fluff perspective a rogue trader from such a fleet would be wary of the inquisition and admech but there certainly are plenty of examples of that type of rogue trader lords in fluff. Some of them even go on to establish small domions outside of imoerial space to get some breathing room.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2013, 06:59:28 PM »
But the option to pay 5 points to choose which one you want makes the roll irrelevant. Its not as much the exotic stuff that is in fluffy, its the ability to xenotech your whole fleet that's getting to me.

P.S. on the exotic roll that gives you xenos bombers, why not just half each of them instead of making the ship pay points? The trouble will be, you will have made your list already when you roll that and you will have no more points to spend.

Offline Cyk0

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #36 on: December 31, 2013, 09:51:15 PM »
I have never been in favour of the pay to choose.  I think the exotic should be a roll an the standard one should be straight buy. That allows you to utilize the standard distribution of a 2d6 roll to separate the results from a exoticness and ingame effect perspective.  An the straight buy approach to the imperial list allows for differing point costs when applicable.

I totally agree thst you should not pay extra after a roll has been made on the exotic table.  Either affect the number of launch bays or simply place the result att 2 or 12 so that it is something people ate hoping to get when buying a roll on the table.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #37 on: December 31, 2013, 10:45:03 PM »
I'm on board with that. So, Imperial upgrades bought, exotic upgrades rolled for on 2D6 and the xenotech (rare) upgrades at the margins. I can dig that.

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2014, 02:56:11 PM »
If I get the chance I will edit the opening post.

Cyko, could you post the exotic list in order as you seem most fitting?

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2014, 08:44:03 PM »
Updated post one, red points need some attention.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2014, 11:47:55 PM »

-Xenos vessel exactly like 2010 (with the 2010 xenotech upgrades chart there for you to choose your upgrade from)
-Cargo vessel just like in 2010. The way it gives the bonus of +1 RO when it doesn't have the bonus for scenarios is important.
-I just think recommissioned escorts should just be exactly Sword, Cobra, Firestorm. Just call is "Recommissioned Cobra," etc. I don't believe there needs to be an alternate profile for recommissioned vessels.
-Transports just like 2010 Exploration fleet.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 12:21:14 AM by afterimagedan »

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #41 on: January 06, 2014, 07:29:08 PM »
Here's my crack at it:

Short list Imperial: 15pts per upgrade 
1)Improved Sensors: +1 Leadership
 2)Targeting Matrix: Weapons receive a left shift
 3)Secondary Reactors: +2d6 AAF / +1d6 AAF and +5cm speed?
 4)Plasma Boosted Batteries: All 30cm Batteries are exchanged for 45cm Batteries
 5)Heavy Hull Plating: +1 Hit point
 6)Armored Prow: Prow adds 6+ armor
 7)Penance Shields: (As in WR17 >add) this allows it to not be a random roll that makes exotic upgrades risky. For example, if you roll penance shields and they don't apply that game because there is nothing they shield against.
<<<<add more?>>>

For +20pts you may take an exotic upgrade, due their rarer availability, the result is more chance of what the Rogue Trader found then what he would like:

Exotic List
Re-roll results that are not possible on the ship.
2)Alien Hull: (As in WR17 >add) *not intended for escorts
3)Eldar Holofield Tech: (As in WR17 >add)
4)Displacement Drive: (As in WR 17 >add) I dont get how these work...
5)Tau Tracking systems: (As in WR17 >add)
6) Macro Cannons (as in WR17)
7)Leaf on the Wind: Love it, I would tweak it to: "You may always attempt AAF, BR, or CTNH special orders, even if other ships have failed their command checks already. You may also re-roll the dice for any attempt to navigate celestial phenomena.
8)Expert Troops: +1 to boarding and hit & runs, -1 to hit & runs against this ship.
9)Extra Lance: +1 Dorsal 30cm Lance L/F/R *not intended for escorts (I recommend we make this 60cm. This is the "exotic" list we are talking about. A 60cm lance would be like getting a piece of admech technology on your ship.  Meant for cruisers and up only.)

10 )Nekulli Energy Shields: +1 Shield, Nekulli shield technology is highly efficient and any ship refitted with them will not change their base size, even if this refit brings them from 2 to 3 shields. *not intended for escorts

11)Exotic Torpedoes: Add additional torpedo options to your ship. Roll D6:
1)Boarding Torpedoes
2)Kel-Dach Torpedoes (Melta Torpedoes)
3)Demiurg Torpedo Silo (Speed 30cm, arc Any)
4)Tau Torpedoes (Per Tau)
5)DE Leach Torpedoes (Per DE) (half firepower and round up)
6)Eldar Torpedoes (Per Eldar) (half firepower and round up)
12)Exotic Attack Craft: Roll D6: *not intended for escorts. Half any launch capacity and round up.
   1-2) Thunderhawk Gunships (Replace all ordinance with Thunderhawk gunships following all rules for those craft)
   3-4) Darkstar Bombers (Replace your bombers with Darkstar bombers following all rules for those craft.) *you must have already purchased bombers!
   5-6) Manta Bombers (Replace you bombers with Manta bombers following all rules for those craft.) *you must have already purchased bombers!

Offline horizon

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #42 on: January 07, 2014, 04:48:06 AM »

-Xenos vessel exactly like 2010 (with the 2010 xenotech upgrades chart there for you to choose your upgrade from)
-Cargo vessel just like in 2010. The way it gives the bonus of +1 RO when it doesn't have the bonus for scenarios is important.
-I just think recommissioned escorts should just be exactly Sword, Cobra, Firestorm. Just call is "Recommissioned Cobra," etc. I don't believe there needs to be an alternate profile for recommissioned vessels.
-Transports just like 2010 Exploration fleet.

Good with me.

As for the list, seems fine.
Add rule explanations next. (I will try to explain displacement drives better).

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2014, 05:49:13 AM »
One of the things I do not like about the WR17 list is the limitations on the RT specific vessels. It just doesn't seem necessary or realistic. If people want 2 trade galleons, why the heck not? Personally, I think taking those ships and upgrading them with stuff would be part of the fun of the RT list in my opinion.

Also, would the upgrades to the Galleon, Merchantman, and Lorcha still be options as upgrades for them? Maybe each could have a list that is called "Additional Imperial Upgrades" or something like that?

Other things:
-Havoc lore has them as more common among Rogue Traders. I think we should include those.
-Armed Cargo Vessels should be 25pts and have 2 WBs. This makes them more useful as ARMED cargo vessels. Imperial Transports even have 2 wbs... Making them 2 WBs but at 30cm makes them the same firepower but at the longer range, making them ARMED cargo vessels.
-Man, Q-ships really need a points rework...

Offline horizon

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #44 on: January 07, 2014, 06:52:20 AM »

On Trade Galleons, well in WR17 they were a more staple choice and more common then the list proposed on here.
The ships can be quite strong when well upgraded, and in essence these are stripped down Lunars retrofitted as a captain may wish.
The Lorcha has been removed in the proposed list.

Creating another separate (upgrade) list for Trade Galleon, Merchantmen will perhaps be to cluttering and not enough streamlined for a final list.

Havoc, can be added, won't harm the list.
Armed Cargo vessels: yeah, that is a good idea, in fact, I always wanted to do that, lol.
Q-ships, ya.

on Recomm.Escorts:
humm, the Sword is also so common I wouldn't call it recommissioned, but we can do that and add the basic Sabre from the RT book as the standard escort variant?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 06:56:21 AM by horizon »