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Author Topic: Modelling bits for 3d printing  (Read 110328 times)

Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #45 on: December 03, 2013, 06:11:10 PM »
Ah like so, that's not such a bad idea. So just keep the roof but without the exhaust and extra plates? Consider it done!

Expect an update either tonight or tomorrow. :)
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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #46 on: December 24, 2013, 03:32:45 PM »
Monkeytroll over at DakkaDakka ordered and painted my Buzz Saw and Spiked Gauntlets (Frosted Ultra Detail):
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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #47 on: December 30, 2013, 12:31:56 PM »
In the meantime, I quickly doodled this together, as a distraction:

It needs a lot of tweaking, tried to put it on Shapeways, but it mentions there are all sorts of thin parts which need to be fixed. Above that, printing it is too expensive at the moment. Will probably try to make it multipart, so that you can add the shelves in yourself. That way I can hollow out the books.
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Offline Stormwind

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #48 on: December 30, 2013, 01:43:20 PM »
Yeah I'm shocked at how expensive the shapeways projects people have are - kind of put a bust on my wanting to explore getting some BOFA type ruins printed.
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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #49 on: December 30, 2013, 05:54:43 PM »
Yeah I'm shocked at how expensive the shapeways projects people have are - kind of put a bust on my wanting to explore getting some BOFA type ruins printed.

It's due to the printing costs. The stuff I have on Bits Blitz all have very little markup. Normally the retail price of a product is between 200% and 400% of the production costs. So if your item costs $10 to produce, then the markup would be between $10 and $30, the retail price then being somewhere between $20 and $40. However, my own markup is rather small, meaning that the difference between product costs and retail price is a couple of percents at most, the highest being around 10% or something, which means I'm hardly making any money on the products I've got on Bits Blitz.

I'm sticking with Shapeways to do my Bits Blitz for now. My ships and corridors will be done by another company though. Printing will be more expensive, but luckily those will be cast in resin or plastic then.
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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #50 on: January 03, 2014, 08:21:10 AM »
Updated my BFG scaled Ork turrets a bit:

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #51 on: February 04, 2014, 11:09:56 AM »
Inspired by Philip Sibbering's pre Dark Age autoguns I've started working on some rifle designs which fit the universe/setting of my Legion ships.

It's as good as finished, just need to add/remove some of the details to make it all workable scale wise, which reminds me: what are the dimensions of boltguns and lasguns (both the GW Cadian ones and the more realistically scaled FW Elysians/Krieg rifles)?

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #52 on: February 04, 2014, 02:35:01 PM »
Been tweaking the design some more. Wasn't too happy with the battery pack and the barrel. Looked around for some more inspiration and ended up with this:

Legion produced Streaming Stun Gun rifle, based on a pre-Supremacy autogun. In the early days following the Psidemic those who survived the catastrophe had lost most of their technology when the machines left. Because of this they were forced to use ancient technologies from the days before the machines produced everything. This rifle (needs a name!) is one of the early Legion patents. It's basically a pre-machine autogun with its internal workings based on the Streaming Stun Gun. These were used in the early days during the conquest of Gaia because they were cheap to produce and easy to maintain.

Whilst Legion technology has advanced in the following years, this rifle is still produced. Due to its low costs it has spread throughout the Conglomerate, be it in the hands of private bodyguards, criminals or locals in need of a defensive weapon.

Its major downside is the rifle's lack to generate a total conversion field. Most contemporary Legion technology has this capability, meaning that energy weapons do not have to be recharged since they change themselves automatically. Because of this the rifle needs a battery pack that has to be replaced whenever it runs empty. For the Legion this is very profitable since they are the only suppliers and are the only ones capable of disposing these batteries in a clean and efficient way.
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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #53 on: February 10, 2014, 09:52:27 PM »
In the meantime I've shrunk the gun to 75% of its original size, making it 18mm long, it looks a lot better on a 32mm scale miniature:

Note that the human figures I've used here aren't mine, I borrowed one from here just to get the proportions right.
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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #54 on: February 16, 2014, 02:47:02 PM »
Got a bit sidetracked...

Instead of learning Blender so I can design some humanoid models, I found MakeHuman. Another great open source program which enables me to easily make the human form. Now of course I'm still running into the problem of giving this human armour, but for now it allows me to make human heads with different features. Also...it allows me to add bionics on them!

But first I've got to decapitate a human and import him to SketchUp:
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Offline Stormwind

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2014, 04:50:36 PM »
Ooh, the start of a bigger... or smaller project? =-P
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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2014, 08:20:15 AM »
Smaller, it's just some separate bits for now.

The main challenge now is to smoothen the heads so they won't look so...well...blocky. Don't really know how to do that with SketchUp though. Might be forced to actually learn Blender!
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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #57 on: February 19, 2014, 08:49:23 PM »
Got a little bit distracted whilst figuring out how to fix the connector parts of this terrain so they could be castable...

Didn't make these human models myself. Credit goes to Mida for making these amazing Half Life models. Even though I did colour one grey to match the base, can you see him running?

I really need to learn how to make these human characters myself. That way I could really make my own actual artwork or comic styled stuff. Been wanting to write something along the lines of a graphic novel or illustrated fiction, but never found an artist willing to work for free (duh!). So I should just try to do it myself!

Lets see where this will take me...
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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #58 on: March 03, 2014, 03:28:41 PM »
Ok, so I started working on an epic scale tank...

I imagine this to be some sort of APC, still need to put some weapons on there, was thinking of a turret on the front of the tank, probably something to blast (heavy) infantry and (light) armor with.
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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #59 on: March 03, 2014, 07:59:13 PM »
Hmm, ended up putting the turret on the back, makes more sense since it can turn 360 degrees.

For the more perceptive ones amongst us, I started working on something heavier as well...
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