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Author Topic: Modelling bits for 3d printing  (Read 110374 times)

Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #195 on: September 08, 2016, 10:50:40 AM »
Some casts came in for the Dragon flame tanks (3 turret variants) and the Novan Elites Jetbikes:

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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #196 on: September 13, 2016, 08:24:13 AM »
And we've received some pics from our caster:

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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #197 on: September 15, 2016, 01:53:44 PM »
Lots of new prints got shared on Vanguard Miniatures' Facebook page:

Artillery tank hull:

Centurion Main Battle Tank:

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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #198 on: September 25, 2016, 12:07:34 PM »
The Firefly and Siege (needs a better name) turrets are as good as ready to me. Note that the targeting device on the Firefly turret is a separate bit, meaning you could place it where ever on the turret you'd like.

Please let me know your thoughts. If all is fine these kits will be shipped off to Vanguard Miniatures. :)

Oh yeah, here's a little teaser...
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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #199 on: September 26, 2016, 05:15:33 PM »
The Novan Regulars Centurion Main Battle Tank is up for pre-order over at Vanguard Miniatures, check it out here

The kit includes 3 Centurion Battle Tanks and will be released on November 25th:

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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #200 on: September 29, 2016, 07:09:21 PM »
Started working on some variants of the Centurion Battle Tank:
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Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #201 on: September 29, 2016, 10:23:16 PM »
Very cool!

Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #202 on: October 11, 2016, 05:44:25 PM »
New reinforcements for the Novan Regulars, the Dragon Flame Tank:

Dragon flamethrower tanks are not operated by regular mechanised forces but by specialist engineer units attached to novan battlegroups on an ad hoc basis as the situation dictates.

Yet another variant of the popular warrior chassis the rear hull troop carrying section has been replaced with a massive armoured fuel pod which feeds a high pressure flame projector turret capable of hurling a jet of extremely volatile and highly combustable liquid many metres. Utilised to breach enemy defense zones and stubborn pockets of enemy resistance this terror weapon has been know to cause the enemy to withdraw at the sight of an approaching dragon before it even gets close enough to fire.

An horrific but highly effective weapon system used sparingly but to great effect by novan forces the dragon flame tank is considered by many a distastful but none the less necessary tool.

This pack contains 3 x Dragon tanks each with three variant turret options.


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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #203 on: October 13, 2016, 10:38:46 PM »
New releases!

Novan Regulars Support Tanks:

The warrior IFV hull has seen numerous adaptions over it’s years of service. Many field modifications as well as factory produced variants have come and gone but others have prooven themselves in the test of battle and endured to this day. Two such variants are the Hunter tank destroyer and the Hammer bunker buster.

Both vehicles use the same adapted warrior hull to house a specialist heavy weapon in a fixed forward mount giving a low profile for an excellent hull down capability.

The hunter houses a long barrelled high energy laser cannon capable of penetrating the heaviest armour making for a most effect tank hunter.

The hammer on the other hand has a completely different roll and houses a short barrelled heavy mortar designed to smash enemy fortifications to rubble in short order.

Most often seen supporting warrior mounted mechanised forces these vehicles are a powerful addition to the novan arsenal.

This pack contains:

3 x hull

3 x sprues with optional weapons


Novan Elites Javelin Fighter:

The Javelin aero-space light fighter is a sleak highly manouverable and extremely fast multi roll capable aircraft able to operate in space as well as in atmosphere with equal ease thanks to advanced anti gravity generators and numerous directional thrusters.

Used exclusively by novan elite forces pilots this fighter has become a feared site for Tusculum Nova’s enemies with a reputation for extreme combat manouver’s and skilled piloting used to deadly effect.

Armaments include twin laser cannon in each wing mount and innovative vertical launch anti-aircraft missiles mounted along the upper fuseleage.

This pack contains 2 x Javelin fighters and 2 x plastic flight stands.


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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #204 on: October 15, 2016, 04:33:56 PM »
A few more WIP's:

First of all, the Apocalypse Battle Tank:

The tank is almost ready. Will need to work on a mechanism to allow you to fit a dozer blade underneath it. Beyond that maybe some extra details.

And then there's the anti-infantry variant of the Novan Centurion Battle Tank:

Curious to hear your thoughts before I submit these to Vanguard Miniatures.
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Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #205 on: November 28, 2016, 05:15:18 PM »
A bunch of my designs have been released by Vanguard Miniatures, allowing you to upgrade your Novan Warrior IFV (a very chunky possible Chimera proxy).

Warrior Turrets Upgrade Set B:

(from left to right: right missile pod, left missile pod, pulse laser turret (with missile pod mounts), heavy laser cannon turret, bunker buster cannon, quad autocannons, medical front armour)
This set contains three sprues for upgrading the warrior IFV model with alternative weapon options. It will allow players to wield some of the rarer Warrior variants

3 x pulse laser turret with missile pod upgrade (Chimerro proxy)

3 x heavy anti tank laser cannon (APDS-6a Defender proxy)

3 x bunker buster (Chimedon proxy)

3 x quad autocannon (Chimerax proxy)

3 x hull MG position blanks with cross symbol (proxy for Samaritan medical transport)


Warrior Armour Upgrade Set A:

This set contains spaced armour for upgrading the warrior model.

3 x hull side armour

3 x turret armour

Please note that the hull armour will fit on the Dragon and Support tank models too.


Warrior Armour Upgrade Set B:

This set contains reactive armour for upgrading the warrior model.

3 x hull side armour

3 x turret armour

Please note that the hull armour will fit on the Dragon and Support tank models too.


Warrior Turrets Upgrade Set C:

This set contains three sprues for upgrading the warrior IFV model with alternative weapon options.

Warriors of faith turrets.

3 x twin heavy machine guns

3 x twin heavy flamethrowers

3 x twin heavy microwave cannon

3 x hull MG position blanks with shield symbol

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Offline marell le fou

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #206 on: November 29, 2016, 10:33:56 PM »
Great stuff ! And good for you. I hope you now manage to have a correct monetary feedback for your work.

Offline Malika

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #207 on: November 29, 2016, 10:46:05 PM »
Ha! Thank you for the kind words, but I'm not really getting rich of this. Right now I sell the designs directly to Vanguard Miniatures for a fixed fee. I can't charge too much (a) because I'm a fan and (b) the 6mm market is rather small, so there isn't that much to win.

Maybe if a whole lot of people would start to play 6mm scaled games and wanted to buy tons and tons of miniatures it might become lucrative. :P
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Offline Chios

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #208 on: November 30, 2016, 11:45:08 AM »
The paintes javelins are gorgeous! It is really cool to see (at least the tail end of) your design phase up to the realised miniatures.

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Modelling bits for 3d printing
« Reply #209 on: November 30, 2016, 04:54:08 PM »
Inspiring builds.  Really makes we want t play with 3d printing.  You got skills!