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Author Topic: 2014 BFG Reboot from GW maybe?!  (Read 7344 times)

Offline RaptorEvolved

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Re: 2014 BFG Reboot from GW maybe?!
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2013, 08:42:56 PM »
Not happening, at least not until  "Hobbit" movies are being made. Some time after the last movie is out and the hype is gone they would have to replace the Third "Big" game for something else. So maaaby the specialist games could fit that gap. But since Hobbit movies are so successful there are rumors that hollywood would milk that cow a bit longer. There is a lot more Tolkien stuff that can be made into movies :)

funny but after looking at your avatar I read everything you wrote in that space ghosts vharacters voice, I also thought it would be a cool Idea to model the asteroid base that space ghost operated out of
If I do kill you, it'll be from the front, and you'll be armed.
-Malcolm Reynolds