I’m really intrigued by this list, having already done a unit of Eureka Halflings
http://www.forum.specialist-arms.com/index.php?topic=5055.msg39728#msg39728So I hope you won’t mind if I throw in some comments.
The first thing that strikes me is that the basic infantry are very similar to Empire and so the danger is that the wider response will be “hey, why not just have an Empire army?†Also, in comparison to Halberdiers etc., shouldn’t their stats be slightly less than humans? Perhaps not as low as Goblins, but on the way there?
Second, I think ‘difficult to see and masters of their local terrain’ is something to try and replicate, but I don’t think an extra defensive terrain bonus is the solution. Why not make some units able to infiltrate like Skaven Gutter Runners? Instead of doing something new, just copy an existing WM template and this gives them a ‘guerrilla’ style of defence against invaders. Also, do you need Scouts and Rangers? And if you call them Rangers doesn’t that imply that they should have the same pursuit abilities as Dwarf Rangers?
Third, I think the allies are a good idea. But perhaps tweak it so that they only get to choose one type from Ogres, Empire and Dwarves? No more than 2 units per 1,000 points and must have its own hero with it? And wouldn’t Pistoliers be a more likely immediate reinforcement of the Moot than Knights?
Fourth, I see the point already made about the general’s command value. Why not keep it at 9 but give him a minus 1 when ordering non-Halfling units?
I realise all this might come across as a bit critical, but if this list gets ironed out and gains general acceptance, I’ll be one of the first to be ordering more little models from Eureka. Hence what I hope are constructive criticisms.