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Author Topic: Fleet / Battleship quandry  (Read 2156 times)

Offline novemberrain

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Fleet / Battleship quandry
« on: September 16, 2013, 09:58:10 AM »
Hi guys,

I currently have two imperial fleets, a Gothic and a Bakka, and have just come into possession of two more battleship models (an apocalypse and a regular), 2 unbuilt Imperial Cruisers, and 2 Vengeance Class Grand Cruisers - and have three endurance / defiant / endeavours spare. Now I have enough bits to arm either of the two battleships with whatever weaponry so the class doesn't really matter for them or the regular Cruisers, but the Vengeances are fixed. The thing I am stuck on is which ships to build / paint for each of the two fleets I already own. This isn't really a question about which BB / cruiser is the most powerful - but which you think fits best both fluff-wise and list wise, while also being useful in games. I also have some mangozac prows kicking around, so a Voss pattern fleet with the Apoc, Endeavours, and converted prow cruisers is an option.

So, the fleets I have are:
Gothic - Emperor (this cannot be changed), Mars, 2 x Overlord, 2 x Dictator, 2 x Lunar, 2 x Dominator, Gothic, 5 Swords, 5 Cobras.
Bakka - Victory Class (magnetised), Mercury, Ad-Mech Dictator, 2 x Lunar, 2 x Gothic, 2 x Dominator, Dauntless and an Enforcer (unpainted so far, can go in any fleet), 6 x Havocs, 3 x Vipers.

I want to try and get the lists / groupings nailed down before painting!


Offline horizon

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Re: Fleet / Battleship quandry
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 10:52:07 AM »
The two Vengeances would be ideal with an Emperor, but that ship is already used so build an Oberon Class Battleship. Add the other voss vessels.

As for the other battleship: the good old Retribution or the Apocalypse (my Apocalypse is the Retribution model with lances and thus also the standard gothic prow).

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Fleet / Battleship quandry
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2013, 06:38:05 PM »
Its super easy to magnetize the port and starboard on Imperial ships too so you can paint up a set of the weapons batteries and a set of lances for the standard BB hull and make both. The nova/ ram can be pinned or magnetized too.   
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline intercepta

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Fleet / Battleship quandry
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2013, 08:32:24 PM »
As above! Magnets magents everywhere!!! Specially as the ships are getting pretty rare! :'(

Offline novemberrain

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Re: Fleet / Battleship quandry
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2013, 10:02:15 AM »
I am not worried about magnetising the weapons slots (I was planning on doing that anyway) - it is the painting of the body of the ships.

My Gothic is a green and cream scheme, the Bakka is a red and balck scheme. So if I paint up the ships I want them to fit in with the fleets they are most likely to be used with. Plus I will need to paint the weapons fixtures to fit too...

Offline novemberrain

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Re: Fleet / Battleship quandry
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2013, 03:50:35 PM »
Another set of related questions:

If you were taking a Victory in a Bakka fleet list, which BB would you pair it with?
a) competitive wise
b) fluff wise

If you were taking a Vanquisher  in a Bakka fleet list, which BB would you pair it with?
a) competitive wise
b) fluff wise