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Author Topic: Starting up with Gorkamorka again!  (Read 4841 times)

Offline Clever Ted

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Starting up with Gorkamorka again!
« on: August 10, 2013, 12:47:46 AM »
Hi all,

I just thought I would post as I am about to start up another Gorkamorka campaign with a few of my gaming friends! It has been absolutely ages (many years) since I last played it, but I have recently dug the books back out and re-read them so I am really excited to give it another go!

Two of my friends have Ork collections already, and though I still have my old mob somewhere, I think I will collect a whole new one using the current Ork range, and I am also tempted to convert a mutie raiding party too...

Just as no-one seemed to have posted in this part of the forum for ages I thought I'd share some of my re-kindled enthusiasm for Gorkamorka and see if anyone noticed.

Let me know if you still play, and how things are going in your campaigns. I'd be interested to hear.

Cheers folks!  :D
BB: Skaven
BFG: Imperial/Marines/Orks
Inq: Puritan/Various
Necro: Escher/Orlock/Ratskins/Pit Slaves
WM: High Elves/Empire
GM: Morkas/Muties
Space Hulk, Dreadfleet, Relic and others...

Offline Flamekebab

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Re: Starting up with Gorkamorka again!
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2013, 03:34:38 AM »
Generally speaking the only active (English-speaking) Gorkamorka forum online is the one over on The Waaagh. There's also the Gorkamorka subreddit and the Facebook group.

There's a group of us bashing away at content slowly and irregularly over at tUGS too, of course.

I'm not currently playing a campaign due to a recent move but I know at least some of the tUGS team have something going on. I ought to put together some more muties myself, actually.

Offline Clever Ted

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Re: Starting up with Gorkamorka again!
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2013, 01:31:41 PM »

I had found and spent a good couple of hours on tUGS. Apparently the 'board administrator is not accepting any new registrations at the moment' on the Waaagh forum  :-\

I have requested to join the Facebook group but that's about all I can do at the moment!

I'll try to update our campaign progress on there...

Cheers  :)
BB: Skaven
BFG: Imperial/Marines/Orks
Inq: Puritan/Various
Necro: Escher/Orlock/Ratskins/Pit Slaves
WM: High Elves/Empire
GM: Morkas/Muties
Space Hulk, Dreadfleet, Relic and others...

Offline Flamekebab

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Re: Starting up with Gorkamorka again!
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2013, 04:19:18 PM »
I had found and spent a good couple of hours on tUGS.
Awesome! I guess we're not doing things entirely wrong then :)
Any useful stuff we can change to make things better there?

Apparently the 'board administrator is not accepting any new registrations at the moment' on the Waaagh forum  :-\
Yeah, The Waaagh is due for an upgrade at some point and they've closed user registrations for the moment. That said manual registrations are still possible.

The topic explaining it is only visible to registered users. Not sure whether that's intentional or not but basically if one wants to register an email can be sent to the admin. I can do that for you if you'd like, just PM me an email address and a username.

I have requested to join the Facebook group but that's about all I can do at the moment!
Have you? I've just checked and don't see any outstanding requests. I'm confused as to why I can approve people but I did just approve my friend's request for membership. Not really sure how I have that power though! I can invite you by email it says, so if it's the same email address in the PM I can sort that out too!

I'll try to update our campaign progress on there...
Good good! Take lots of photos :)