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Author Topic: Dystopian Wars Turrets compared to BFG  (Read 2373 times)

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Dystopian Wars Turrets compared to BFG
« on: August 03, 2013, 04:27:52 PM »
I want to pick up some additional turrets for modularising/magnetising my fleets. Does anyone know how large the dystopian wars turrets are compared to BFG turrets?

Offline fracas

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Re: Dystopian Wars Turrets compared to BFG
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2013, 10:35:14 PM »
The EotBS and FSA turrets are too big for BFG

Offline jaggedtoothgrin

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Re: Dystopian Wars Turrets compared to BFG
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2013, 12:17:48 AM »
I'll be putting up a diary soon, and i've used turrets from dystopian wars in some of my builds thus far

cliffnotes are as follows:

The main metal turrets are too big for most stuff. you could get away with them in some builds, but generally no.
The smaller metal turrets from the tanks are still quite big, but have potential in some builds if used carefully and/or chopped in half.
The small resin turrets are generally a good size for 'large' turrets (weapon batteries etc) but are comparatively quite tall (and will need to be chopped off the models.) My favourite is from the britannian frigate, though the brit escort and french flaktank turrets are also pretty great)
The best turrets i've found for turrets are press moulded off the metal bomber models (particularly, the brit and prussian ones)
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Offline Blindhorizon

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Re: Dystopian Wars Turrets compared to BFG
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2013, 06:37:47 AM »

I will also be making a turrets sprue from these turrets soon, just need to get some money together to grab more silicone. I would also like to do more then one turret style so any suggestions on what you'd like to see is more then welcome.


Offline Cneo

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Re: Dystopian Wars Turrets compared to BFG
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2013, 03:52:56 PM »
. I would also like to do more then one turret style so any suggestions on what you'd like to see is more then welcome.


What about bombardment cannons? I don`t really like que GW ones.

Or heavy lances for the long range ones (60 cm). Like the Apocalypse, Mars, Retribution...


Offline Islacrusez

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Re: Dystopian Wars Turrets compared to BFG
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2013, 03:40:44 AM »
I'm currently working on a full weapons pack, mostly focusing on putting the gothic into battlefleet gothic, but as it is a full pack it will contain a variety of turrets, along with mounts for broadside batteries.
Quite crucial to be able to tell minefields and rally points apart...