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Author Topic: Help IDing ships  (Read 1993 times)

Offline scaley41

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Help IDing ships
« on: August 02, 2013, 03:14:48 PM »
I made some trades for two fleets one eldar and one imperial and I was wondering if someone could help me ID what Eldar ships are in the picture:

Any help would be awesome!

Looking for Warmaster players for games around london and surrey.

Offline unseelied

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Re: Help IDing ships
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2013, 04:14:36 PM »
Hello, the cruiser on the left is an eclipes( carrier) the other is a shadow( gunship).  The little guys mostly on the left with all the little guns/bumps  on the front are acconites.  The small ships with the batwings are nightshades.  The smaller ships with the large gun sticking out of the front are hemlocks and the larger ones are, I believe Helebores.   The eldar escorts have a lot of varitiy of shape.  If it has batwings its a nightshade, lots of bumps its an acconite and and a poky out thing sticking out the front is a hemlock.  The helbore combines the stick and the bumps and is bigger.  Hope that helps.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Help IDing ships
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2013, 11:02:35 PM »
Yep, that's right.

Offline scaley41

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Re: Help IDing ships
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2013, 11:16:34 PM »
Awesome! Going by the insane ebay prices at the moment I think I've got a pretty good deal then for what it cost me. I originally was just looking for imperials but I felt this was going to be a decent investment that I couldn't pass up! I will try and get a list written up tomorrow.

Imperial wise I've got a battle barge, 6 plastic cruisers, a dauntless and and frigates. Plus 6 chaos cruisers. Possibly getting another load of imperials in the form of a retribution, 5 cruisers, a dauntless, 3 sword and 4 cobras.
Looking for Warmaster players for games around london and surrey.

Offline Lord_Poxus

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Re: Help IDing ships
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2013, 11:29:01 PM »
You can find some sweet deals on ebay if ya shop around, and try looking in different spots other than BFG.
Like, I found these Cylon Base Stars, from the old series, that were perfect scale for BFG, the where selling them with a stick of bubble gum for $1.50 ....lol
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