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Author Topic: Neverending Painting list as I think i'm done buying ships  (Read 1912 times)

Offline PST

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Neverending Painting list as I think i'm done buying ships
« on: August 01, 2013, 05:33:59 PM »
The below were mostly all acquired after the demise of BFG (I had about 6 Imperial Cruisers, some escorts and 4 chaos cruisers when it ended). There are a few things still to get (Badly want a Desolator) such as the new Mangozac spear prows but i'm pretty close to done (other than future fleets).


Grand Cruisers 2
Battlecruisers 6
Cruisers 10
Light Cruisers 4
Sword Class 10
Firestorm Class 6
Cobra Class 10
Transports 2
Troop Transports 2
Fuel Transports 2
Heavy Fuel Transports 2
Black Ship 1

I think this is around 6k points of Imperials


Despoiler 1
Repulsive 3
Heavy Cruiser 5
Cruiser 9
Infidel 3
Idolator 4
(another 10-14 Chaos escorts coming from a friend sometime soon)
Planet Killer

I think this is around 4k of Chaos

Void Stalker 1
Shadow 3
Eclipse 3
Aurora 2
Solaris 2
Hellebore 6
Nightshade 6
Aconite 6
Hemlock 9

3600 points of eldar

1 Ramilies Star Fort
1 Black Fortress

6 Weapon platform-satellites (Firestorm Armada ones)

Space Marine
Battle Barge 2
Strike Cruisers 3

Pretty sure I'm going to sell these as the price for SM escorts continues to be insane. I might keep 1 strike cruiser to use for Imperial fleets.

I have a necron proxy fleet done from Firestorm Armada and will be doing Orks and Tyranids out of bitz, but not for a while. I figure it'll be well into next year before this is all painted as I'm not even 1/3rd of the way through the Imperials and haven't touched the others yet.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 05:35:48 PM by PST »

Offline horizon

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Re: Neverending Painting list as I think i'm done buying ships
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2013, 08:12:05 PM »
Next year I expect to see at least 1 ship in GothiComp 2014. ;)

Happy Painting!

Offline Islacrusez

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Re: Neverending Painting list as I think i'm done buying ships
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2013, 08:30:31 PM »
And you'd better post a progress thread in the Modelling and Painting section!
Quite crucial to be able to tell minefields and rally points apart...

Offline PST

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Re: Neverending Painting list as I think i'm done buying ships
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2013, 10:41:09 PM »
Next year I expect to see at least 1 ship in GothiComp 2014. ;)

Happy Painting!

I would have entered my zeus fleet with 2 cruisers, 2 lights, 4 swords and 3 firestorms but just ran out of time to have them up to the standard I wanted, They're 'done' but need more touching up and tweaks to finish off.

I'll be sticking up a thread in painting, probably looking for some advice and tips/techniques though I might divert into chaos for a while as the other half has made comments about wanting some of hers painted up.