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Author Topic: Battle Reports (Fluffy Version)  (Read 2646 times)

Offline FistusMaximus

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Battle Reports (Fluffy Version)
« on: July 09, 2013, 04:12:24 PM »
hey ya all, i've been trying out some new stuff: making battle reports after a game COMBINED with the backstory.

sounds clunky in the beginning, but it was actually a pretty smooth thing to do on the go, i pretty much just wrote the backstory part what has happened before the battle and then made the actual battlereport part in the exact same style as the story part, which leads to it being a coherent story. which makes it kinda nicer to read than just a "technical" battlereport IMO  :D

they are still not "full" stories, as those have usually a lot more details and things that happen around, but are not necessary to know for a batrep, hence i left out bits like that.
this makes the batreps neither a full technical batrep nor a full long story, but more a crossover with a little of both. and exactly that is the experiment  ;D

it might be sometimes hard to figure out though what exaxtly happened game-wise, so at certain points i insert things in these brackets [ ] to make things clear.

i will post all the reports in the second post, and will just update that post whenever i add a new batrep.
let me know what you think of the idea, or if you have any comments or ideas to the specific batreps.

note: the whole thing started as a part of afterimagedan's draco sector campaign http://afterimagedan.blogspot.de/2013/05/the-draco-sector-specialist-games.html   :D (but will continue after that ends, i will just add batreps as long as i have the motivation and people actually read it ;D )
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 04:24:58 PM by FistusMaximus »
Nova Cannons are for these sissies who as a kid too preferred to throw stones at the others from a safe distance rather than closing in and get into a real fight ;D

my BFG log: http://www.forum.specialist-arms.com/index.php?topic=5390.0

Offline FistusMaximus

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Re: Battle Reports (Fluffy Version)
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2013, 04:13:09 PM »
this is the batrep post. updates will not be seperate posts, but just edited into this one.

[convoy run scenario]

A small fleet of ships originating from Ultima Segmentum, coming from the forge world of Antax (Vidar Sector), exited the warp close to the Draco Sector planet Epitaph. This was a routine procedure, making contact with the waypoint near Epitaph for registry after the long way from Antax, and then crossing the Arion passage to reenter the warp and make the short rest jump to their destination, the Draco Sector Capital Isis.

The fleet was a convoy, consisting of a bakka pattern endeavour CL and one defender class CL , as well as a three strong squadron of swords. The transport vessels to be protected were two heavy fuel transports, two heavy cargo transports, one light fuel tanker, and three light container transport vessels.

Just after sending the data to the waypoint, the fleet made contact with several unidentified vessels. As veteran, the convoy leader captain Madras (aboard the endeavour) gave orders to immediately go on battlestations, as it was known that chaos raiders regularly attacked convoys in this region. His precautions proved to be vital, as a large squadron if iconoclast destroyers and another squadron of idolator raiders darted towards the convoy with full speed. Madras, having already swung around his cruiser, ordered to open fire with all guns, ripping all enemy vessels apart with a few devastating salvoes, aided by the gunfire of the swords and the lances of the defender. These attacks raged on for two full days, every time a large hadful of small raider vessels accompanied by aircraft and missile salvoes attacking the convoy, but always getting repelled with minimal damage suffered by the convoy ships.

The convoy made it through to the jump point and reached its destination, but the ferociousness of the attackers and the overall immensely large number off attacking ships lead to Admiral Kurov, which was responsible for the convoy protection, to contact the commanders of the Draco Sector. This will have consequences.....

Meanwhile, the Chaos Warmaster Caska was furious about the news that not a single convoy ship was destroyed by his forces, while in return getting wiped out entirely.
He silently swore a Vendetta to bring the wrath of the dark gods upon the imperials, these dogs of the false emperor will feel his might when they dare to enter this sector again! His plans must not be disturbed, for he planned a far larger cruelty than the imperials suspect.....

[surprise attack scenario, 1000 points]

+High Orbit, Planet Epitaph+

The deck shook violently and the blinding flash of the massive lances of the Devastation class cruiser "Typhon" filled the starboard view, towards the planet, as all batteries fired again. isolated from most of the tremors by the inertia dampeners of his command throne, warmaster Caska watched the impacts of the lance and weapons battery fire as his fleet continued their bombardment on the mining world Epitaph. Yes, thats it, this feeling, thought Caska. havoc and suffering, and no way to escape for the victims. and this was just the beginning, these few pityful souls are nothing compared to the countless billions that will be slaughtered once the plan unfolds....

then the orbital platforms around the planet joined in, overrun by the chaos forces and now used against their creators and former masters. lance and weapons battery fire raked the planet, just as the assault boats returned to their carriers.
the planet was surrounded by four cruisers and a squadron of three escorts, all guns punding the planet. only one ship was designed to be on active patrol, the Slaughter class "Belial".

+in the void between the planets of the Epitaph system+

Just as "Belial" slowly turned around to head back sunbound on its patrol, as its scanners were slowly blocked by the planet, a small energy signature appeared on the offside of the planet.
as it was not detectable by "Belial", and the other ships crews were too busy with the bombardment, the signal went unnoticed.

steadily, the distance decreased.

+bridge of the Endeavour CL "Marius"+

"Admiral! we made contact! they are in orbit around Epitaph. i count signatures of four cruisers and three escorts." as the transmission was sent, captain Madras former stiff concentrated face turned into a broad grin.
"we got the basterds. and looks like this is going to be a pretty big surprise for them there..."

"this is Kurov, contact confirmed. full speed ahead and engage!"

Madras didn't need to repeat the order, his crew already had turned up the engines and the Endeavour cruiser slowly picked up speed. the Dominion class battlecruiser which was the second part of the strike force was slower, but the powerful engines managed to accelerate the ship to an impressive speed regardless.
Kurovs strike force proceeded a slight turn port, away from Madras', in order to create a formation which will leave no room for the enemy to escape.

as Segmentum Tempestus fleet command stated that they have other pressing matters, it was put into the hands of Kurov himself to protect the travel route for the valauble convoy, so, by the emperor, he will! Kar Duniash High Command has sanctioned the fleet of Kurov departing for Segmentum Tempestus in order to ensure the safe return of the convoy, so he was bestowed with the full might of his assigned fleet, with which he will bring the Emperors wrath upon the traitors.

+bridge of "Typhon"+

"my lord! multiple signals incoming! unidentified vessels closing in rapidly!" an officer shouted. Caska turned his blood red colored eyes away from the view of the burning craters on the planet surface and gazed on the tactical screen. there were two groups of signals, both showing just two single craft.
he let an angry snort out "bah! those are just some small patrol groups, nothing big, we can deal with them with the offside batteries and maybe a few bombers. those imperial cowards would not come in such small numbers if they plan to be a threat to us. those are just some hopeless last-stand patrol ships."

as the engaging ships all simultaneously let loose of their torpedoes, he quickly realized that his evaluation was grossly miscalculated.
these were bigger ships than expected.
a LOT bigger.

and the size of the rapidly approaching torpedo salvoes was worryingly large.

just as the sirens wailed throughout the ship and the comms jumped to life, the first salvoes impacted the Murder class cruiser "Zahgurim", ripping massive holes in the hull and almost destroying it outright in the first blow.

at that point, the "Marius" has already been in gun range and had opened up with a massive broadside, destroying all three present iconoclast destroyers in a single sweep and leaving nothing but shattered pieces and drifting clouds of fuel and plasma in its wake.
"yes, looks like we caught them with their pants down.", the second in command aboard the "Marius" remarked. Madras permitted himself a little laugh, then he proceeded to yell orders through the ship.

at the same moment the torpedoes were launched, the two strike forces also had launched their attack craft waves, both the Dominion class and the Dictator class had launched Bombers.

by the time the "Typhon" was swung around to engage Madras' strike force, the "Zahgurim" detonated in a massive blast, ripped apart by the imperial bomber waves, and the Styx class heavy cruiser "Apophis" had recieved significant damage by hits from the Dominins weapons batteries and lances.

the Slaughter Class cruiser had his engines on full speed ahead, hurrying to support the remaining murder class cruiser in combating Kurovs strike force.
on the other side of the planet, the Styx was destroyed just as it had picked up speed to escape the close quarters firefight, and was left a drifting hulk.

The furios, but also very much enraged Warmaster Caska had brought his ship in the rear of Madras strike force and opened fire with all guns, as well as having wave after wave of bombers attacking the two ships, causing massive damage and ultimately forcing both ships to retreat, which they successfully did, avoiding destruction. Caska swung his ship around, eagerly awaiting his enemy to come around the planet.

on the other side, things did not turn out in favour of the Chaos forces. both weapons platforms on that side, as well as the Slaughter class cruiser which retreated in the last moment with massive substantial damage fell to the guns of Kurovs ship.
just as he swung the ponderous vessel around the planet, the still drifting wreckage of the Styx class heavy cruiser approached the asteroid field neighboring the planet Epitaph. the Chaos forces aboard the boarded nearby orbital laser platform could only watch helplessly as the disaster unfolded. the heavy hull smashed into the asteroids, which ripped it apart, and destroyed the containment of the still hellishly glowing plasma reactors.
the ship vanished in a plasma explosion of epic proportions, engulfing half of the asteroid field as well as entirely eradicating the orbital platform nearby.

as the blinding flash decreased to a sickly glow of burning metal and molten asteroids, Caska turned again his gaze towards the inferno, when suddenly a massive shape broke through the debris.
he looked down the torpedo tubes and gun barrels of an imperial Retribution class battleship, untouched by the cataclysm, protected by its massive shield generators.
and it came under full speed towards him.
he felt his face going cold.

with a skin pale as ivory, he screeched with painfully nervous voice "turn around! get us out of here!"
there still was a fully operational murder class cruiser, the "Asmodeus", which rushed towards them to aid their warmaster, but going up against a full grown imperial battleship was even then a very daring plan. if not suicidal, since from the positioning, the battleship was able to catch one ship each with a full broadside. this was not good, thought Caska.

as if his mind had been read, the "Mjölnir" opened fire, its broadsides lighting up bright like a deadly sun.
the heavy impacts pounded on the shields of the "Asmodeus" and the "Typhon", until they gave in under a crackling noise that echoed though the ships and a sudden light flash. they recieved several heavy impacts, but remained largely intact. Caska saw that they now turned out of the broadside arc, so they will be out of danger for a short time while the battleship turns, giving them itme to restore the shields and prepare a counterattack.
just then a blinding light reminded hin of the existance of the powerful dorsal lance batteries on the Retribution class.
The impact threw everybody aboard "Typhon" off their feet and sent them flying in all directions. the hits were directly into the shield generator banks, obliterating the devices themselves, robbing the "Typhon" of all possible defensive capabilities.

it took Caska a brief moment to bring the word over his bleeding lips, but he knew he had no choice. having just two cruisers, and one of them not a gunboat but a damaged carrier, and completely without shields, was not a postiton to combat a fully operational imperial gunnery heavy battleship. he lost this battle.

as Caska had retreated, and seeing that the mighty battleship slowly turned around to bring its guns to bear on his ship, the captain of the "Asmodeus" wisely decided that a last stand against a Retribution battleship was not a good idea with a damaged Murder class cruiser and chose the tactical retreat too.


Instead of pursuing the fleeing ships with his ponderous vessel, Kurov decided to meet with his own ships and let the rest of his fleet deal with the escaping Chaos forces.
They were running straight into the net.
All was going even better than according to plan, Kurov thought and smiled.
They have no idea whats coming their way.

Aboard the "Typhon", Caska was slowly cooling down from his rage. he has survived, he thought, and his plan is working out.
except for losing several good vessels and their crew. but sacrifices must be made for the success of the bigger plan, he thought, and grinned.
Almost everything going according to plan.
They have no idea what will be coming their way.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 05:36:51 PM by FistusMaximus »
Nova Cannons are for these sissies who as a kid too preferred to throw stones at the others from a safe distance rather than closing in and get into a real fight ;D

my BFG log: http://www.forum.specialist-arms.com/index.php?topic=5390.0

Offline FistusMaximus

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Re: Battle Reports (Fluffy Version)
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2013, 05:38:02 PM »
(placeholder for random pictures)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 05:39:54 PM by FistusMaximus »
Nova Cannons are for these sissies who as a kid too preferred to throw stones at the others from a safe distance rather than closing in and get into a real fight ;D

my BFG log: http://www.forum.specialist-arms.com/index.php?topic=5390.0

Offline FistusMaximus

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Re: Battle Reports (Fluffy Version)
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2013, 05:40:00 PM »
update, this time a longer one, put some effort into this one.

maybe this time somebody pays attention to it  ::)
Nova Cannons are for these sissies who as a kid too preferred to throw stones at the others from a safe distance rather than closing in and get into a real fight ;D

my BFG log: http://www.forum.specialist-arms.com/index.php?topic=5390.0

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Battle Reports (Fluffy Version)
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2013, 06:00:50 PM »
update, this time a longer one, put some effort into this one.

maybe this time somebody pays attention to it  ::)

 Just moved into my new house and the only internet I have is my phone. Once IIcan read it on my computer I will pay pay attention :D
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Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Battle Reports (Fluffy Version)
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2013, 03:21:32 AM »
Good read :), I will be looking forward to the story progressing. This also reminds me I need to find my notes and collate them into some reports for Dan...
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Offline Daemon_Primarch_Lorgar

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Re: Battle Reports (Fluffy Version)
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2013, 07:56:27 PM »

I just wanted to add that I will be following this thread closely :)! Can't seam to get enough of the BFG battle reports hehe! Keep up the good work!