Don't know if this has ever come up in the past, but has anyone ever wondered why a NC mounted on a BB is exactly the same as one mounted on a cruiser?
WB's and lances on BB's have better range and power over lighter classes, wouldn't the greater powerplant available for a BB allow for a more powerful linear accelerators/future gubbins?
To that end, I've been experimenting with the following NC ranges...
Cruiser- 30-90cmcruiser (all types)- 30-120cm (125?)
Battleship- 30-150cm
I've left out CG and CL as no current classes (official or otherwise) have NC's AFAIK.
Only had a couple of games so far, but it seems to work well enough. The only hurdle I can think of so far is what this could do for points values, though I'm leaving that for now.
The only other route would be to increase the damage done by bigger ships...
Yeah, didn't think so...Thoughts?