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Author Topic: Looking for BFG games in london  (Read 13229 times)

Offline Dieithryn

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Looking for BFG games in london
« on: June 12, 2013, 02:11:10 PM »
HI, been lurking on the forums for a while, saying hi now given I have part of my fleet painted, also if this is actually meant more for General Discussion sorry for putting it here.

But onto the subject, Looking for games of BFG in London, northwest for preference. Currently playing at Dark Sphere (going to tonight in fact) but it is kind of a trek to get there and home again, so if a club has an active BFG section going in spitting distance of Harrow let me know, or if anyone wants to massacre me can arrange for a table at Dark Sphere.


Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2013, 03:11:09 PM »

Offline Dieithryn

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2013, 04:07:10 PM »
Thanks, pity you are in America though, bit far for a game

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2013, 05:09:18 PM »
Agreed, though I would love to go to London again.

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2013, 11:13:42 PM »
Check for players at Warhammer World?

Maybe look for other specialist games leagues, like Blood Bowl, Epic or Necromunda and ask around.
"Give me a thousand men crazy enough to conquer Hell and we shall do it!"

Offline Gorlak

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2013, 12:46:43 AM »
Hey Dieithryn, I live in central London (Clerkenwell) and pop into Dark Sphere when I can. I've only played a few games of BFG recently, but my old housemate and I want to get some more games in, work allowing. Afraid that's not much help to you out in Harrow though!

Offline Dieithryn

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2013, 07:51:13 AM »
@ Gothmog, I'm definitely checking around places, but this forum seems pretty active for BFG so started here, but checking with the other games systems is a good plan, hadn't thought of that.

@Gorlak, Good to know, currently there seems to be three of us at Dark Sphere that are getting into regularly, in fact we have just gotten to grip with most of the rules now so we are, *shock and horror* adding in some terrain for the next game ^_^ Wednesdays at 7 pm if you want to stop by.

@Afterimagedan, if you are ever in London, will happily play you, and after looking through your blog totally trying out your Tyranid fleet idea, looked so cool!

Offline Samulus

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2013, 11:11:05 PM »
I live in London and am just putting together a couple of BFG fleets - kicking myself for not buying earlier before they went and pulled the plug on production, now its costing me an arm and a leg...

Will probably be ready for a game in a few months - still plenty to paint! I live in Mile End so not too bad to get to Waterloo (I work in Westminster so close on a weds night as well).

(first post!)

Offline Dieithryn

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2013, 08:41:42 AM »
Awesome to hear from another BFG player in london, personally I don't mind playing against unpainted fleets if it gets me a game or two :D

Offline novemberrain

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2013, 07:33:59 PM »
My partner lives in London and I am often down either to visit him or for conferences.

I am more than willing to lug a fleet or two down with me for a game!

Offline Islacrusez

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2013, 07:36:32 PM »
I'm down in the South West, but I'd be happy to give a shout next time I'm passing through!
Quite crucial to be able to tell minefields and rally points apart...

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2013, 09:23:59 PM »
I think the ultimate nerd trip would be to set up something like a BFG mega-game at Warhammer World, with Dan and I (and whoever else can) making our way across the pond for it. We get it all arranged on here since we're the most numerous, and go from there. Doesn't matter painted or not, everyone just comes with 1500 points and we make teams and have a mighty larf.

Not anytime soon though, because I'm broke as hell. :D

Offline radu lykan

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2013, 09:08:51 AM »
sounds like a plan, cant remember what gw policy is on specialist games at warhammer world is though?
i have heard its frowned upon in regular stores?
might be fun to get some big games in as well, possible team play?

Offline Gorlak

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2013, 10:30:35 AM »
I've been very poor in replying to this thread, and generally getting games in at Darksphere. I still live in central (Clerkenwell) and work  in Shoreditch, but I try to pop into Darksphere whenever I can. I've been bringing my fleets up to scratch and picked up quite a bit (never enough...) during the 'end-times' at GW, so would love to get some ships onto tables. Hell, it would be great to meet up with others interested in BFG!  ;) My old housemate, who lives in Ealing now, plays Tau as well.

I'm am still working on the combined BFG & FAQ2010 rulebook document as well, which sadly was on hiatus during the crazy work months over the summer. Its always good to discuss such projects over a pint too!

I'd definitely be up for a game to represent up at Warhammer World, particularly if its an international meet up!
I've gone up for Gamesday last year and the Weekenders were great fun too. Gaming with Specialist stuff is certainly frowned on in the stores I've asked, essentially saying you can play those games during the day weekdays only, which rules it out for anyone with a job... I understand that Warhammer World is quite different though and is happy to house such games.

Offline Samulus

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Re: Looking for BFG games in london
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2013, 07:46:49 PM »
Nice to hear some enthusiasm from london based players!

We should arrange a meet-up at Dark Sphere.  I'm free next week but my fleets are still very much WIP. After that I'm on holiday and have some crazy work weeks coming up but should be good for mid/later september?

Whats generally used -  the original rules +Armada or the 2010 FAQ, or BFG:R?