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Author Topic: ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser  (Read 2929 times)

Offline Duke

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ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« on: June 06, 2013, 03:35:48 AM »
Hi there, been a while since I last posted.

Now that the worst came to pass, and we somehow survived it, I wonder if the community would be willing to host a competition, or perhaps just a round table discussion, on bringing one of the many BFG fan artists to sculpt a new Necron cruiser!
And of course, to go with (hopefully) a new mold, all the ship's armaments to be decided on a la the usual community polls.  8)

The discussions on bringing new, incredibly dated, or experimental/ fan made ships have already been underway for some time, but we all know these have favoured the Imperial fleets for the most part. On the whole it's been mostly tinkering of the traditional ships, and some of the ASC ships.

Now I don't play Necrons myself, but I'm saddened by the severe lack of options  for this traditionally over-powered fleet. The view of it as such probably stayed and propagated for so long simply because of said uniformity; for those who liked Necrons in fluff and in 40k, to enter BFG discussion boards was to incur the routine assertions and stories of their power and simplicity. Choose A & B, fill in with C, & win, win, win- I know it discouraged me years ago with the prospect of being a gamey player.  :'(

Other fleets might be just as outdated or underrepresented, such as the Tyranids, but I want to make the case that the Necrons deserve a new sculpt & cruiser type. A cruiser anywhere in design and capability between a Shroud+ and a role between the Sythe and the Tombship. The goal of the ship would be to provide a viable alternative to building Necron fleets traditionally based around a Tombship. Those grandmamas should feel a tad rarer than they are, and players ought to feel they can build lists with some variety.

As for legality: we create fan rules. And sculptors can practically develop whatever design they like this point. Feel free to discuss this aspect, but I hope some of you can understand (and do share) the need for a breath of fresh air. What do you say we create a board for this purpose, send some fliers out to the talented BFG sculptors, and make it a community contest? We can discuss where the ship should lay design and purpose-wise, flesh out the stats. Vote on the variants and the model entries, and we have the first scratch-built community contribution in this post Specialty-Games era. An announcement that we're still kicking?

Cheers, please share your thoughts. If one of the mods wish to make a formal board at some point, that would be fantastic.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 06:41:00 PM by Duke »

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2013, 04:19:37 AM »
Well we are currently working on ASC 2.0 to be compatible with BFG:R. And while yes, it is alot of Imperial and Chaos, I have expressed interest in getting more Xenos present. As for development, right now we are still working on IN stuff, but as we work through the list, details are hammered out and will be voted on as each race is completed (just like BFG:R)

Here is the main ASC 2.0 topic.

As of right now, there are no necrons on the list (the one that was is already part of BFG:R)

Have you seen the BFG:R Necron rules? The added a bunch of cruisers and even a Grand Cruiser to the fleet

if you don't know what BFG:R is, check it out here

As far as sculpting and modelling go, people are heavily exploring proxy options already. Necrons have some pretty suitable proxies out there already
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Offline Duke

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Re: ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2013, 04:37:11 AM »
Yeah the Islamic Federation range is very promising for proxying.

Anyways, yeah I try to keep plugged in on what happens here somewhat weekly/monthly. But the fact that I missed the Necron ship additions is beyond me. I must have some old file or something one that one. 
Sorry folks dropped the ball. I like the armament designs.

As far as holding a contest though, I feel that it would be pertinent for the spirit of BFG. The fellas making the Zeus prows got a lot of attention across a lot of forums- and did they deserve it! Things like that I feel would make an impression beyond what we have here. A sculpt dedicated to either of those cruisers would be quite the thing.

Offline Armiger84

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ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2013, 04:57:16 AM »
You know, a cruiser/grand cruiser level assault barge wouldn't be a bad idea...

The new round of Necron models offer a new design aesthetic to work with, too.  If I didn't already have a few projects I want to work on, I'd totally jump on this.
My modelling blog:  http://armiger84.blogspot.com

Offline Duke

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Re: ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2013, 08:51:27 PM »
Thinking further on this, Armiger is absolutely right. This would be a nice chance to update the Necrons now that we see a new aesthetic rising out of their Tombs so to say.

And from gauging the progress of BFG:R, it seems the project is starting to look more complete than not. We've put the bread in to bake a while ago, and it's rising nicely.
So why not try to announce BFG:R with a series of the community made models, that in the spirit of the times would be an open source sharing of molds or designs? Like those old toys you'd get with magazine purchases, you invest in the BFG:R rules and you have available new ship designs for your play as well as the models themselves. I imagine that would spur more people back to the game and into the newer system.

What I meant by open source: the competition (as I think it ought to start out as) could have restrictions for potential applicants. The submission must be dividable into multiple parts, as GW models were- no single ship casting, they must be assembled. And the understanding that while the author gets the original credit for the design, and have the right to sell their own packages, they will have to make sure that all people get the chance to mold the the ship in their own homes, and possibly sell it through their own stores. This would encourage, down the line, that no model is sold through one vendor. Our rules would not be in service of, and reliant upon, any one artist/producer. By making the ship come in pieces it encourages the recreation of the ship, and the acceptance in the larger community that it is a community trusted design, and not some behind the doors deal.

As this system is so small, I don't imagine copyrights and such being a problem. Larger or foreign companies wouldn't bother taking the ship for their own stores.

Additional thoughts, please!.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 08:54:19 PM by Duke »

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2013, 10:02:33 PM »
I think a ship design contest would be a great way to get some ships for ASC 2.0. I think opening it up to a Xenos contest would be best (not just necrons), since there are so fewBasically have a winner of each race and an overall winner, and have all of those be included in ASC 2.0 (especially since BFG:R is already hammered out and was built with list balances in mind, where as this would be able to be done outside those constraints).
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Offline Duke

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Re: ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2013, 09:20:52 AM »
Ok, it's late for me so I'll keep it *brief*. I mentioned the possibility of publishing the rules of a contest to horizon in Warp Rift, and he took to the premise.  ;D I think this would be a great way to make it official, but the response on the forums has been rather silent regarding the idea.

I'd love some brainstorming on your parts on the entry rules, and perhaps some volunteers to act as judges when submissions would be accepted. Note that judges usually exempt themselves from taking part.

Timetables would be loose, as some excellent plasticard creations have taken months to build (Tiberius's own super battleship being a superb example). I also perceive catching the attention of modelers on other 40k sites to take a little time.

I talked earlier about the rights to sell, the modular designs, and establishing a reliable source among  fan producers for all BFG hobbyists, present & future. I'd be most interested in what you have to say regarding these points. If something won't work, please state so, and suggest alternative actions.

All in all, I think inaugurating BFG:R in the future with unique, reproducible models is a great idea. I think we should also limit which ship profiles we would be accepting (after all, "necessity is the mother of invention" & limitations inspire creativity). Xenos mostly I'd think.

Eager to hear from the community,  :D

P.S. Shameless plug: I'm looking for a terminus est model to buy. I uploaded a trade query in the proper sub-forum, but I'd like to slip the request in here as well. Looking for forgeworld Gladius ships, in any condition.  :)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 06:08:52 AM by Duke »

Offline Duke

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Re: ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2013, 06:04:24 AM »
Been busy lately. I hope to post some concrete guidelines tomorrow, with which I hope some volunteers will help me refine.


Offline fracas

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Re: ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2013, 11:21:29 AM »
do you have a line of models in mind to use for necrons?
including your new cruiser?

Offline ehlijen

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Re: ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2013, 03:12:11 PM »
Something like:
- Must be a xenos ship (ie no chaos or IN).
- Must be a cruiser? (ie between 4 and 10 HP, 1 to 3 shields).
- Must be between 100 and 300 points (more if BBs are also an option), appropriate costing will be considered as part of the judging   
  for the winner (ie no 20 lances on a 200pt ship).
- May at most have 2 special rules, of which 1 can be unique (factionwide spacial rules don't count).
- May have at most 2 additional options/variants (not counting the base variant), double for nids and dark eldar

Criteria for judging are:
- Creativity
- points appropriateness
- adherence to faction design paradigms (eg no 6+ prow for eldar, no holofields for nids etc)
- quality of the model if sculpted/CAD designed/kitbashed


This is just a suggestion.

Offline Duke

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Re: ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2013, 06:38:57 PM »
Hi guys.  :D
I should perhaps cross out my original post, as the stats design part of a new Necron vessel has already been done neatly in BFG:R. What I've been shooting around here and in PMs is a modelling contest only.

BFG:R has introduced some new vessels, and for the 'crons in particular, some of these vessels may not have a standard design. While most would take it as an opportunity to create scratch-built ships, I was hoping (in the Necron case again) to standardize one of the BFG:R ships already created; give a chance for a neat little competition, highlight BFG:R to the greater public, and essentially legitimatize the effort by starting a line of production.

The idea is to limit submissions to Xenos only, and even then I see potential in limiting it further to the Necron range. The Reaper heavy cruiser, & the Khopesh and Cartouche light 'Harvest' cruisers all would benefit from unique models.
The PDF is here, but the ship sketches portrayed are slight photoshop adjustments of the old designs (fair enough fix for the time).

If there are other Xenos vessels in need of more designs (that have arisen in BFG:R), then please post the race and new ship class.

I'll write again later today,

Offline ehlijen

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Re: ASC: Adding a new Necron cruiser
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2013, 08:15:17 AM »
Ah, my apologies. I was getting it all wrong.