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Author Topic: Dominion with Nova Cannon?  (Read 5032 times)

Offline Daemon_Primarch_Lorgar

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Re: Dominion with Nova Cannon?
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2013, 08:57:02 PM »
@Mallich: He actually has 3 Explorers and 3 Cutodians ;).. And we are actually playing BFG:R with the ordinance interactions and escort types from Plaxors rulebook.

@Horizon: Something like that: 3 Heroes, 1 Custodian and a securtity orbital with 3 bays. I only had 4 bays (the Mars) as I can't really bring 2 Battlecruisers in less than 1200pts. But it was the combination with the torpedoes (and lances, man those Heros have got everything ;P!) that took my fleet apart. Escorts and Dauntlesses really fold over if they have to face any of that haha! My torpedoes was: 2 Cruisers (Lunars) and 4 Cobras. Then I had the Mars and 2 Swords and a Lance Dauntless.

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Re: Dominion with Nova Cannon?
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2013, 09:28:34 PM »
Uhh, well, I would not use the rulebook/rules from Plaxor revised. Wasn't completed and all.

How did he fit all that into 1000pts? or didn't he field the escort. Did he have a commander?

//and sorry, somehow I read you had used two carriers. But with 1 carrier it should work as well, only more difficult. Plus you have a Nova Cannon (or 2...).

Offline Daemon_Primarch_Lorgar

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Re: Dominion with Nova Cannon?
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2013, 08:22:56 PM »
I know, but my friends like it, so I guess that's how we're going to play it. For now at least ;)..

He actually had both the 1 escort and a commander. The security orbital was paid for by the 2d6*10pts spent on planetary defenses though.

However! I fought another game last night, 2300pts of planetary assault. I brought all the ships I had at my disposal + a space station and an orbital dock. He used something like 2 Explorers, 2 Custodians, 4 Heros, 6 Wardens, 10 transports and perhaps something else I don't really remember. But this time I really crushed him ;).. I lost 1 Dauntless, 1 Cobra and 1 Sword and I also had to disengage my Retribution, but in return I destroyed each and every one of his ships except for 1 crippled and disengaged Explorer and 1 Custodian and prevented him from reaching the planet to score any planetary assault points. The extra LBs provided by the mission really helped me to minimise the damaged he could cause and as soon as I got in close it was a very one sided fight. And the Mars and the Dominion proved invaluable this game! Together they crippled one Custodian and one Explorer, destroyed another Custodian and one Hero and finally forced the second Explorer to disengage. 2 Nova cannons work great together! The Retribution didn't perform at all though, but she was a huge fire magnet (a very unlucky one unfortunately) and my escorts/light cruisers ought be thankful for her actions in soaking up the Tau torpedoes!

Now I'm looking forward to get some more games in this summer and hopefully we will be able to play a full scale campaign soon and perhaps write some battle reports to post here later! 

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Re: Dominion with Nova Cannon?
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2013, 09:14:08 PM »
Heh, good.
But did you have so many spot on his with the Nova cannon? Good scatter rolls! (You didn't use the ages old guess range rules, right ;) )

Offline Daemon_Primarch_Lorgar

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Re: Dominion with Nova Cannon?
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2013, 03:37:35 PM »
I'm not the greatest strategist nor am I the greatest list builder, but when it comes to rolling scatter dices: be afraid, be very afraid ;)!