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Author Topic: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)  (Read 13356 times)

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2013, 07:12:36 PM »
DE would never ally with craftword. Just Corsairs. And even then, they'd rather prey on other eldar to get their spirit stones and stave off their demise.

And the most definately wheel and deal with Chaos. They even have their own warp beasts! Both APOC and 6th ed have them ally with Chaos (albiet as desperate allies, but they are desperate allies with all their allies, more so because there is always double crossing). They just don't mess with Slaneesh. They even did in the Gothic War (a direct result of which was the involvement of Corsair eldar at the better of Gethsemane). Several chaos lords have employed their own mandrakes.

Basically, whoever is most likely to lead them to more slaves or an outcome that best meets their own ends.

The fleet would have so sort of uneasy alliance rule that would see the vessels all potentially turn on themselves. And the fleet would likely have no Marks of Chaos or Daemonships, just undivided rules.
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Offline horizon

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2013, 07:45:51 PM »
Dark Eldar and Craftworld do ally. Really. It is kin, even if they despise eachother they still feel better then all others.

Offline Bessemer

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2013, 11:24:47 PM »
Just been perusing the 1.4 ships compendium and found the Hawking class exploration cruiser. Makes a good addition for RT and Admech fleets, if you want to add it. I'm assuming you have the 1.4?
I refuse to be killed by something I've never heard of.

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2013, 08:38:38 PM »
Just scanned all the Warp rift magazines. I am going to add a whole bunch to the list.
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Offline horizon

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2013, 08:54:51 PM »
Feel free to add Ry'zon's phase 2 Protector as well:


Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2013, 09:21:53 PM »
Feel free to add Ry'zon's phase 2 Protector as well:


Cool, didn't even know about this. That is awesome. Will add.

This overall project is going to take some time isn't it ;)

Oh well, it is worth it and if it becomes a valuable resource for years to come, that is awesome.
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Offline Jimmy Zimms

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2013, 10:02:43 PM »
There was some interesting stuff with the Rak'Gol on the board a whiles back. Perhaps gathering up some of that work for inclusion is in order. I too would like to see more Xenos stuff.
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Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2013, 10:23:10 PM »
There was some interesting stuff with the Rak'Gol on the board a whiles back. Perhaps gathering up some of that work for inclusion is in order. I too would like to see more Xenos stuff.

If you can find it and put in in here, I'll add it to the list. As well, feel free to do a developement thread on it (like I am doing with IN). That way, more can get processed and this can all get done faster.
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Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2013, 09:57:08 PM »
Bringing this over from the Imperial Navy specific thread. It is my intended solution for ship limitations of ASC 2.0 ships.

I planned on leading off the ASC 2.0 with a foreword explaining that these ships are "unofficial" ship's, developed by the community for compatibility specifically with BFG:R. ASC 2.0 contains ships based off multiple sources, both official and unofficial themselves. As such, using these ships requires your opponents permission. It is recommended that these ship's be incorporated into fleets using reserve rules. How ever since certain classes may be impractical to include using reserves (such as BBs in smaller games) combined with the fact they are unofficial and already require opponents permission to use, players can feel free to use however many as they want in a fleet, though a rough 1 unofficial ship for every 3 official ships is still a good guideline to follow. However, players are encouraged to completely ignore any restrictions for special scenarios, campaigns or just plain fun (Unique character ships are still 0-1 though!) ASC 2.0 will also include some fun and fluffy but unofficial fleet lists. These lists WILL have built in restrictions and it is recommended that these be adhered to and other unofficial ships only be included using the reserve rules. Any special/rehashed scenarios included in ASC 2.0 should be followed as listed, but players are encouraged to modify and change up scenarios to meet their own desires and needs.
Bottom line: Everything is unofficial and meant for fun! There are some good guides lines that are recommended to follow for fair play, but if you and your opponent are up for it, anything is possible! ENJOY!

As for using the 40k allies chart, I think players can decide on their own whether to do things like that or not for campaigns/scenarios on their own, and it would prevent specific things in BFG like using Chaos ships as SM venerable BBs.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 10:08:56 PM by Gothmog Lord of Balrogs »
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Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2013, 03:10:01 PM »
Chaos Hellbringer?

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2013, 06:24:30 PM »
Chaos Hellbringer?

What is/where can I find stuff on the Hellbringer?

And does anyone have any stuff on teh Rak'Gol. I found a few pictures of their ships, but that is about it.
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Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2013, 06:46:27 PM »
Battlefleet Koronus

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2013, 06:49:05 PM »
Battlefleet Koronus

Haha, I had never looked in the back (digital copy), just the part about Imperial Ships. Thanks.
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Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2013, 01:36:54 AM »
I had to remove the IA vol 10 stuff. Since the rules aren't available from FW online, I am not comfortable putting them here.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 04:10:40 AM by Gothmog Lord of Balrogs »
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Offline Armiger84

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Re: Additional Ship Compendium 2.0 (for use with BFG:R)
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2013, 02:50:29 AM »
Safer for now.  You don't really want a call from GW's legal department.  Given how GW has handled similar situations in the past regarding their written IP, I'm not surprised they're flatly refusing for now.  We'll see if & when they reproduce IA10 or post up the rules separately online.
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