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Author Topic: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)  (Read 4357 times)

Offline Gorlak

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Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« on: April 03, 2013, 07:47:05 PM »
Hello all!

Following the work being done in the sticky thread 'Rulebook Text' above, we have a document that has been merged and read through by Neferhet and is now in need of some proof reading and comments etc. For more info on what we're trying to do here, just click that link and you'll find all the resources and discussion.

For those who are interested, please see do grab a copy of this text and have a read:

This text is a merged version of the text from the Basic & Advanced Rules (GW) and the FAQ2010. Neferhet has removed certain duplications and minor tweaks were the grammer etc. could be improved. Obviously the nature of rules documents like this can lead to different interpretations of the same written words, so the more proof readers and rules checkers, the better!

Any and all feedback and comments are welcome which ideally, and most helpfully, would be input directly into the document itself (using tracked changes or another colour etc) to make integrating these things easier.

Thanks all!

Updated the ink to the current version (note the date stamp in each file name), as of 17/04/2013
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 07:56:13 PM by Gorlak »

Offline Neferhet

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2013, 09:30:53 PM »
Well done Gorlak!
Thanks in advance to anyone who is going to help.
Per aspera sic itur ad astra!

Offline Neferhet

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2013, 08:52:42 AM »
I resurrect this thread!  ;D
Since Gorlak is going to begin the final formatting in a couple of weeks, I'm asking for final thoughts, impressions and proofreading.

Offline Khar

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2013, 02:17:22 PM »
So, I've read through it, and it seems nearly perfect.

One thing caught my eye, at the very beginning - even though mention of Gothic War has been removed from the opening text, on page 3, in Ship Types paragraph, it says 'Imperial, Chaos, Orks and Eldar' while we have lot more fleets by now ;)  Nothing major.

Other thing.. so.. any chance we'll have 2 hit escort rules there? If we intend to promote BFG:R ,having full rulebook for it surely would help, and I think it's the only thing it needs in main rules. (correct me if I forgot something here)

Also, I declare willingness to help with inDesign work.


noticed a typo on page 4: in last line of 'fire arc' description there's '1be' instead of 'the.' I'll probably find more of those in second readthrough, but hopefully not many ;)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 02:23:26 PM by Khar »

Offline Neferhet

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2013, 03:32:26 PM »
Thanks a lot Khar!
I'll correct those typos and add some more fleets in pag 3 :)
About the 2 hit escort: this document is NOT related to BFG:R. It is but a merging of the original rulebook and the 2010 FAQ. Only offical rules. This way you can print your book and be totally confident with it at any tournament or official event.
So nothing that came from BFG:R will be endorsed on the file.
About the InDesign: I suggest you to contact Gorlak. He is the Tech Priest. I'm but a humble Servitor.
Waiting for some more readings and typos!

EDIT: Having edited the file, the first download is no longer working. Here it is with the appropriate corrections.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 03:38:18 PM by Neferhet »

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2013, 05:47:21 PM »
Are you going to have the basic and advanced rules sections merged? It seems like you have that now, but I think there are some references to the "advanced rules section" and that sort of thing.

Offline Neferhet

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2013, 07:59:51 PM »
We have merged the advanced/ basic sections
Can you please point out where  those wrong references are? thank you!

Offline Gorlak

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2013, 08:11:19 PM »
Hello all, and apologies for my long time absense. Work has been insane these last two weeks and I am in the UAE on business at the mo, but I intend to get on this asap.

Khar: Thank you very much for your input and time, it is much appreciated. Your help with the Indesign would certainly be very useful. As you probably know, Indesign can be tricky to work with multiple users on one document, but we can probably work that out. What version do you use?

Neferhet: Thanks for getting on those changes done and for moving this forward! And for re-posting the link - I've previously updated the first link as we've updated the file; I'll do so once I'm back in the UK.

2-hit escorts: Now this may be going against my fellow contributers, but I am actually inclined to include this...! We could perhaps include this without naming the specific vessels that are a two hit escort, saving that for the fleet lists. That way, the rule book works as a reference for BFGR, and for BFG as without the BFG fleet lists naming which ships have two hits, it wont be used? Does that make sense?
I sought of do want this to be the 'master' rulebook that works across versions ideally...I'm certainly open to thoughts on this though.

afterimagedan: As Neferhet mentioned previously, the way a lot of FAQ2010 etc is written, having basic and advanced sections is made a little redundant. I personally prefer a 'single' text rather than split volumes, as this exercise is really about bringing the various documents together into a clear, single reference point and rulebook. Again, open to other views though, as always.


Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2013, 10:11:38 PM »
I wasn't saying I'm against the merge, in fact, I'm for it. I did see some references to "advanced section" and "basic section" that could be removed, that's all.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2013, 06:10:41 AM »
oy the typos. This is probably going to take someone going through and changing them as they go.

Off the bat just about every other "D6" reference actually say 06.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Neferhet

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2013, 04:22:38 PM »
@Gorlak: I'm ok with the extra rules, but that should be in an appendix, not merged in the official rules. We could just say at the beginning of the book: "For some non-official rules and extra from BFG:R, see Appendix I, at the end of this book" or something similar.

@afterimagedan & Andrewchristlieb
you are reporting typos from an old version. I've checked the last one twice and found nothing! Try download this (same link as my last post)

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2013, 05:02:29 PM »
Its still there ;) and theres a typo in the second paragraph of the first page (it says "bow" instead of "how")


There are lots of occasions in a battle when you have to roll dice to see how a ship's actions turn out- how effective shooting is, what damage is done to an enemy ship, how well captains and their crews react to the stress of battle and so on. All dice rolls in Battlefleet Gothic use a standard six-sided dice (usually shortened
to D6). Sometimes you will need to modify the result of the dice roll. This is noted as 06 plus or minus a number, such as D6+ 1 or D6-2. Roll the dice and add or subtract the number indicated to get the final result.

For example, D6+2 means roll a dice and add 2 to the score, giving a total between 3 and 8.

You may also be told to roll a number of dice together, which is written as 206, 3D6 and so on. Roll the indicated number of dice and add the scores together, so that with a 206 roll, two dice are rolled and added together for a score between 2-12. 3D6 adds together the scores of three dice for a total
between 3 and 18 and so on.

For example, a 2D6 roll of a 5 and a 3 are rolled together to score 8.

Another method used is to multiply a dice by a certain amount. Thus, D6x5 means the result of a D6 roll multiplied by 5, giving a total between 5 and 30.

Sometimes a combination of these methods may be used, such as 206+5 giving a score between 7 and 17, or 3D6-3 which will total 0-15.

In a few rare circumstances you may be told to roll a D3. Since there's no such thing as a three sided dice, use the following method for determining a score between 1 and 3.

Roll a D6 and halve the score, rounding up. Thus a 1 or 2 equals 1, a 3 or 4 equals 2 and a 5 or 6 equals 3.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Neferhet

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2013, 06:20:35 PM »
ok, I'm really sorry. My brain farted...I've read those lines a dozen times and NEVER, never saw those 0s

This is the updated link (of course you could just keep pointing out typos from the previous files, this is just to make people catch up without repeating the same corrections over an over :) )

Thank you very much guys!

I've read quickly the document again, even using the quick search option and really can't find the "advanced / basic rules" references. Guess it's like the 06-206-306 thing  :P and i'm never going to find that..., so please help me.

Offline Gorlak

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2013, 07:58:12 PM »
This is great work guys, I'm quite excited to begin on the formal laying out as soon as possible. I head back to the UK late tomorrow so hopefully I can get to that soon. Any new updates before I start that are of course much appreciated!

For the purposes of the rulebook, the only BFGR changes that would appear in a main rulebook (as opposed to the relevant Fleet List) are, I believe:

V6 - Nova Cannons:
-D6 damage if the hole touches your base.
-1 Damage if it touches your base without the hole over your base. ] -You can lock-on to re-roll your scatter dice (the scatter die and the other D6s) -The scatter bands are 30cm - 60cm -> D6, 61cm - 150cm -> 2D6. -The Imperial Navy is limited to 1 per 500pts. -Shooting at a vessel with Holofields, the player can make you re-roll your score scatter dice result. If you are on lock-on. it negates this ability and the Nova Cannon shot should be resolved as if Lock-On and Holofields are not in effect.

V7 - There are now 2 hit escorts with the following rules:
-1. 4 maximum 2-hit escorts per escort squadron.
-2. A critical hit to 2-hit escorts causes 1 hit.
-The following ships have been changed into 2 hit escorts, with possible point increases:
-Eldar Hellebore, Tau Defender, Ork Grunt, Tyranid Kraken, Dark Eldar Corsair, Demiurg Rampart,
-Defense Monitor, Orbital Weapon Platform, and Escort Carrier.
(this element would, probably, not be included in the rulebook, but in the relevant fleet list)

Is that all the changes that might be in a main rulebook, or is there something else I've missed?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 08:06:43 PM by Gorlak »

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Merged Rulebook (Alpha Test)
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2013, 08:58:21 PM »
Personally, I do think it should be a strictly 2010FAQ and original rules document with an appendix included with BFG:R stuff. People can either not print those parts, or just have them near the end. This works best for both parties because people who don't want the BFG:R rules won't have to go surgery the document to root out the BFG:R rules.