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Author Topic: BFG:R Orks  (Read 46398 times)

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #75 on: May 23, 2013, 05:31:31 AM »
Sorry, I meant auto hit on ramming. And never-mind, why not just give Orks the same Prow Ram upgrade as Imperial ships?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 05:37:12 AM by afterimagedan »

Offline Khar

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #76 on: May 23, 2013, 10:09:08 AM »
well, it came to life this way:
We know that ship fitted with ramming device inflict 1 point of damage extra - imperial power ram does that.

I can't imagine Ork cruiser NOT built with ramming in mind.

So I just gave them power rams built in. But If it's a problem, we can always make it 5 point upgrade while making them 5 points cheaper.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #77 on: May 23, 2013, 01:34:23 PM »
+40 pts, every one of them. You may buy 1 for every 500 pts. They have one re-roll base, may buy one more for +20, two more for +40.
Warboss: double boarding value.
Kaptain: +1 Ld
Big Mek: +1 shield, re-roll repairing criticals because Mek should help in actual repairs, I think...

These seem fitting.


All Ahead Full: Ork ships automatically pass Ld test required to go on All Ahead Full order. Ork ships may only move 2D6 on All Ahead Full special orders. Note that vessels equipped with Soopa Engines ignore this rule and will travel the full 4d6 on All Ahead Full special orders as normal.

Anything but +2d6. Its absolutely pointless to go AAF even when its an automatic order. Even +4d3 would be more acceptable but +3d6 should be the minimum AAF for any ship (even transports can do that ::) )

Boarding: Ork ships add +1 to their boarding value.

So they get a +1 to the die roll and +1 to their boarding value?

Turrets: Ork Turrets hit only on roll of 5+. Note that when shooting at ordnance that is only hit on a roll of 6, Ork Turrets need 6 to hit.

Ramming: Ork vessels noted to have Rams inflict one automatic point of damage when ramming, before normal damage rolls are made. How come Imperials have bonuses to ramming while Orks don't ;)

Klaws: Klaws are unaffected by special orders of any kind but cannot be used by capital ships if they are crippled.  Any time the ship  equipped with Klaws moves in base contact with any one enemy ship during the movement phase, it may immediately stop its movement. If it does, it must attempt to board it this turn.I didn't want to make it copy-paste of Tyranid claws as it was in Clanz list. I felt that upgrade helping in coordination of ramming and boarding would be more useful than one more way to deal damage.

The Tyranid version allows for the grab to fail too.

Ork Escorts: Get a free escort ship if they roll ld 5 or 6. Get +1 ld when in squadron of 6 or more. Squadron size 3-10

Gunz: If firepower is random, it's rolled each time gun is fired.

Heavy Gunz: Heavy guns do not get the left column shift on the gunnery table to close range but inflict 2 damage per hit. They suffer from an extra right column shift when firing over 15 cm. I too think that left shift for close range would be an overkill.[/color]

Heavy guns inflict 2 damage per hit. They suffer from a right column shift when firing. There much more concise. within 15cm they get a right and a left column shift, canceling each other, and 16-30cm they get a left shift.

Launchas: The strength of a salvo from a torpedolauncha is generated randomly each time it is fired. Ork ships in squadrons may never combine their torpedoes into larger salvoes.

Zzap Gunz: Lances. After shooting, place blast marker touching back of your base.

Launch Bays: Equipped with Fighta bommas and Assault boats, If random, count attack craft limit for highest value. Orks like close combat - a-boats as standard seem to reflect it quite well.

CHARACTER UPGRADES: Unlike upgrades listed near ship entry, these can only be taken by ships carrying characters. Every re-roll a character has allows you to buy one of these (each upgrade can be bought only once per ship):

-Extra Turrets: ship increases its turret value by +2, up to maximum of 6. +20 pts. if you REALLY need to have extremely ordnance-resistant ship. It takes a character upgrade slot, though.

-Mega armoured boarding parties: +1 to boarding actions and hit&run results,  -1 to enemy hit&run result. +15 pts.

-Extra power field: +1 shield, can be combined with Kustom Force Fields, +20 pts.

So Kustom plus this would be d3+1? and adding a mek would be d3+2?

-Mad Meks: repairs criticals on 4+, +20 pts.

-More Dakka: ship may re-roll strength one weapon per turn. +10 pts simpler than separate upgrades for gunz, lances and torps...

-Grot riggers: +1 Ld when attempting to reload ordnance. +15 pts used to be called looted torpedos in BFG:R. But as it also seemed to work on launch bays...

Any capital ship may take one of those:

Goffs: +1 to boarding, +1Ld to ramming attempts. +20 pts
Evil Sunz: +5 cm speed +20
Bad Moonz: +1 Ld when reloading ordnance. +15pts They're rich. They can afford all the fancy stuff like fuel and torpedos ;)

More Dakka would probably be more fitting here.

Deathskulls: may buy one more character upgrade than usual. That means ships with no character on board can still buy 1. +15

Shouldn't this be free, or 'for the cost listed'?

Blood Axes: Random Imperial refit. +20
Snakebites: Only Roks, Hulks and Escorts. +1 Ld when bracing for impact. [free]

Any escort squadron may take one of those:

Goffs: +1 to boarding, +1Ld to ramming attempts. +20 pts
Evil Sunz: +5 cm speed +20
Bad Moonz: +1 Ld when reloading ordnance. +15

More Dakka again

Deathskulls: not sure.

May take one additional escort re-fit for its listed cost?

Blood Axes: Up to half of squadron may be imperial escorts. They still have Ork Ld. [free]
Snakebites: Only Roks, Hulks and Escorts. +1 Ld when bracing for impact. [free]

Kill Kroozer:
165 pts
Port Heavy Gunz304Left
Port Gunz306Left
Starboard Heavy Gunz304Right
Starboard Gunz306Right
Prow Heavy Gunz306Front
Prow Gunz456+d6 i guess this one can be kept random, as even 7 is still solid.Front

Ork Kill Kroozer is equipped with Ram. As standard. Makes people want to ram if they already paid for bonus.

An Ork Kill kroozer may replace its prow heavy gunz battery with a torpedo launcha
(speed 30cm, Strength D6+2) for +10 points. If this option is taken, the kroozer may carry
boarding torpedoes (speed 20cm, Strength D6+2) for +5 points. It may also
replace its port and starboart heavy gunz for D6 torpedoes for no cost.

Alternatively, it may replace its port and starboard heavy gunz batteries with str2 Zzap Gunz with range 30 for +20 pts.

It may also replace its prow heavy gunz with str2 range 30 Zzap Gunz for +5 pts. Above upgrades allow you to turn Kroozer into torpedo or lance-boat. Separating lance upgrade from characters would make people actually take it from time to time, as now it tends to beovershadowed by clearly superior options.

Ork Kill Kroozer may be equipped with Soopa Boostas for +25 pts. the ship gains +5cm speed, and it rolls 4D6cm when on All Ahead Full special orders. i think, and correct me if I'm wrong, that this version is in most cases more desirable than sacrificing firepower to get it.

Ork Kroozer may be equipped with Kustom Force Field for +15 pts. It replaces its shields value with d3, rolled at the beginning of its every turn, before orders are declared. More Orky than +1 shield. Yeah, from time to time upgrade does nothing, but it doesn't render ship useless.

Ork Kill Kroozer may be equipped with Klaws for +10 points. For fans of boarding actions.

Terror Ship:
185 pts
Port Launch Bay-2-
Port Gunz305Left
Starboard Launch Bay-2-
Starboard Gunz305Right
Prow Heavy Gunz306Front
Prow Gunz454+d6Front

Ork Terror Ship is equipped with Ram.

An Ork Terror Ship may replace its prow heavy gunz battery with a torpedo launcha
(speed 30cm, Strength D6+2) for +10 points. If this option is taken, the kroozer may carry
boarding torpedoes (speed 20cm, Strength D6+2) for +5 points.

It may also replace its prow heavy gunz with str2 range 30 Zzap Gunz for +5 pts.

Ork Terror Ship may be equipped with Soopa Boostas for +25 pts.

It may be equipped with Kustom Force Field for +15 pts. It replaces its shields value with d3, rolled at the beginning of its every turn, before orders are declared.

Ork Kill Kroozer may be equipped with Klaws for +10 points.

Onslaught Attack Ship:
30 pts

May exchange 1 firepower for Soopa Boostas for +5 pts. given that they also increase speed in this version, a slight point increase.

I've given it L/F/R guns to redefine its role a bit. With Savage having 30cm rang, it seemed like a superior option in most respects when fightinc capital ships, so L/F/R guns are supposed to help Onslaught fight more nimble targets, namely enemy escorts. As escorts are in general fragile, random firepower seemed ok - large squadron still rolls a lot of dice, and even low result is potentially lethal.

Savage Gunship:
35 pts
Heavy Gunz304Front

Savage Gunship has Soopa Boostas. Speed bonus is already taken into account.

No real changes here, just a point adjustment due to extra speed and range.

Ravager Attack Ship:
40 pts

May exchange 1 firepower for Soopa Boostas for +5 pts.

Except for turrets, no change. If you want random torpedos, its solid ship.

Brute Ram Ship:
25 pts
Prow Gunz302L/F/R

rolls 4d6 for ramming damage.
May exchange 1 firepower for Soopa Boostas for +5 pts.
May buy Ram for +10 pts.

Added ram option. It seems fitting ;)

Grunt Assault Ship:
40 pts
Prow Gunz302L/F/R

Boarding value 4, Cannot Come to New Heading.
May exchange 1 firepower for Soopa Boostas for +5 pts. didn't have this option, i think it could use it...
May buy Klaws for +10 pts.

Added klaws option, second hit [it's a large ship, after all and option for Boostas.

80 pts
Gunz45d6+6all around
Heavy Gunz304all around
Torpedos30d6all around

Upgraded Heavy Gunz range and turrets value. Apart from that, I think it seemed solid.

I would consider just adding the Soopa boostas as a purchasable upgrade to all of them without removing anything.


Battleships: They as of now, have just 2 more hits than a Kroozer. Weapons and other stats seem ok, but I think they should be tougher somehow...

These are about the only good ships Orks have. They actually have sufficient gunz to hit something ::).

Hammer: Kroozer with battleship's weapons. Another reason I think battleships need rethinking - it's not really that more fragile than them, while being cheaper.

Zukov's Klaw: Still need to read into its rules in detail.

Basha Lite Kroozer: 6 hits, while normal kroozer has 10. And it moves like normal kroozer. It either needs more mobility or more toughness.

Its a poor point filler, this really shouldn't exist :/.

Hulks: I'm not touching these. They seem to work on their own...


I'd leave Klanz fleet as it is, apart from adding Kaptains and Meks as character options. I'd throw out WAAGH list - Klanz should take its place when it comes to representing hure Ork forces.

Pirate list: Remove cruiser cap. Can only buy as many different Klan upgrades it has characters. Or even limit to just one Klan? A bit too restrictive, I think.

This may need some work, the fleet structure in the klans list is horrible at best.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Mallich

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #78 on: May 23, 2013, 05:35:48 PM »
Heavy Gunz: Heavy guns do not get the left column shift on the gunnery table to close range but inflict 2 damage per hit. They suffer from an extra right column shift when firing over 15 cm. I too think that left shift for close range would be an overkill.
Heavy guns inflict 2 damage per hit. They suffer from a right column shift when firing. There much more concise. within 15cm they get a right and a left column shift, canceling each other, and 16-30cm they get a left shift.
Careful. There might actually be a difference between those 2 wordings if BFG:R has the same rules RE: firing sunward.
Any firing conducted towards the sunward table edge doubles the column shifts for long and short range. At long range (over 30cm) the powerful photosphere blinds long range sensors, so take two column shifts right on the Gunnery table instead of one. At short range (15cm or under) targets are "silhouetted" instead, so make two column shifts left.
If you're using the "no range modifier at close range, right shift when firing over 15cm" wording then when fighting sunward the heavy guns receives no range modifier at <15cm.
If you're using "same as normal guns but with 1 right column-shift" wording then when fighting sunward you'll get a total of 1 left column-shift at <15cm.

/Rules lawyering.

Offline Khar

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #79 on: May 23, 2013, 06:10:31 PM »
Anything but +2d6. Its absolutely pointless to go AAF even when its an automatic order. Even +4d3 would be more acceptable but +3d6 should be the minimum AAF for any ship (even transports can do that  )

3d6, then. I'll make Boostas cheaper 5 pts for cruisers as they add less that way.

So they get a +1 to the die roll and +1 to their boarding value?

my bad, I ment +1 to roll only.

The Tyranid version allows for the grab to fail too.

Requires Ld test, maybe? simple 4+ seems too random to rely on it, and in case of Ld you can always use a re-roll. It may use the same modifiers as ramming, too.

So Kustom plus this would be d3+1? and adding a mek would be d3+2?

So i figured, because it a] takes up character choice, b]character upgrade slot, c] kroozer with all these is almost in battleship price range, before applying any additional upgrades. I'll test it a bit more, though.

More Dakka would probably be more fitting here.

I tried to avoid making these identical to standard upgrades without being cumulative. But it might be a better idea...

Shouldn't this be free, or 'for the cost listed'?

Actually, I thought that letting the ship to buy extra character upgrade, even without any character at all, might be worth something extra. Maybe a bit less than 15, though.

May take one additional escort re-fit for its listed cost?
might work.
I would consider just adding the Soopa boostas as a purchasable upgrade to all of them without removing anything.

True that, good idea. Escpecially with 3d6 base AAF.

These are about the only good ships Orks have. They actually have sufficient gunz to hit something .
Let's leave them as they are, then, with slight tweaks such as adjusting turret values and big gun range. Might work well enough.

Its a poor point filler, this really shouldn't exist :/.

I too have a burning urge just to drop this thing altogether, but maybe we'll figure something out... Just giving it 90 turn would make it usable, but it's more than anything else in the fleet... We could've blame it on combination of cruiser drives and smaller mass...

This may need some work, the fleet structure in the klans list is horrible at best.

I'll try to write down something more useful.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 06:20:23 PM by Khar »

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #80 on: May 24, 2013, 02:40:52 AM »
The Tyranid version allows for the grab to fail too.

Requires Ld test, maybe? simple 4+ seems too random to rely on it, and in case of Ld you can always use a re-roll. It may use the same modifiers as ramming, too.

I would think that Traktor beams would fit this ideal better, with klaws remaining the same.

Its a poor point filler, this really shouldn't exist :/.

I too have a burning urge just to drop this thing altogether, but maybe we'll figure something out... Just giving it 90 turn would make it usable, but it's more than anything else in the fleet... We could've blame it on combination of cruiser drives and smaller mass...

Well that does go counter to the existing fluff too. Why not make them 8 hits?
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #81 on: June 03, 2013, 08:55:51 PM »
No more Orks?!?!

Offline Khar

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #82 on: June 03, 2013, 09:13:02 PM »
Easy, I'm just compiling full list for further discussion right now ;)
I've been a little busy lately, hence the delay.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #83 on: June 03, 2013, 09:39:25 PM »
No prob! I would hate to see the typical xenos neglect.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #84 on: June 07, 2013, 02:28:40 AM »
Any luck Khar?!

Offline Khar

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #85 on: June 08, 2013, 01:31:27 AM »
Pff. I would never let any Xeno fleet be neglected ;)

Entire fleet list is, at this point, too long to post. So instead of dividing it between few uberlong posts I'll just list the changes made from my previous version:

MEK: re-roll repairing criticals. If you rolled more 6's than needed to repair all current criticals, repair 1 lost hit (only 1, regardless of how many extra 6's were rolled). Reason: extra shield together with other upgrades got kinda crazy on Battleships. This version seems, well more meky.

AAF: 3d6 base. Not sure about it, though.

Boarding: +1 boarding roll base. Not value. It was a mistake.

Any capital ship may take one of those:

Goffs: +1 to boarding, +1Ld to ramming attempts. +20 pts
Evil Sunz: +5 cm speed +20
Bad Moonz: May re-roll firepower of one weapon per turn. Cumulative with More Dakka [can't re-roll same weapon twice] +15pts As per suggestion
Deathskulls: may buy one more character upgrade than usual. That means ships with no character on board can still buy 1. +15
Blood Axes: Random Imperial refit. +20
Snakebites: Only Roks, Hulks and Escorts. +1 Ld when bracing for impact. [free]

Any escort squadron may take one of those:

Goffs: +1 to boarding, +1Ld to ramming attempts. +20 pts
Evil Sunz: +5 cm speed +20
Bad Moonz:  May re-roll firepower of one weapon per turn. Escorts with no random weapon increase their firepower by 1. +15pts As per suggestion
Deathskulls: Nothing works, damnit! +1 turret? Random ork refit from Armada? 5+ side armour? Hey, i kinda like the last one.
Blood Axes: Up to half of squadron may be imperial escorts. They still have Ork Ld. [free]
Snakebites: Only Roks, Hulks and Escorts. +1 Ld when bracing for impact. [free]

Deathskull escorts are bit problematic.

Klaws are back to their Klanz-Nid-Copy version.
New Klaws are now called Traktor Fields.
Everything that could take Klaws before now can take both, 10 pts each.


Gorbag's Revenge:
315 pts
Prow Gunz45d6+6Front
Prow Torpedos30d6+4Front
Dorsal Launch Bay-d3+1-
Port Gunz306Left
Starboard Gunz306Right
Port Heavy Gunz306Left
Starboard Heavy Gunz306Right
Port Launch Bay-2-
Starboard Launch Bay-2-

 Gorbag’s Revenge may be equipped with boarding torpedoes for +5pts (speed 20cm strength
D6+4) and/or torpedo bommerzs for +30pts. Due to its poorly distributed mass, Gorbag’s Revenge may not use Come to New Heading special orders.
When Leadership values are generated for the Ork fleet, Gorbag’s Revenge can opt to swap Leadershipratings with a Kill kroozer or Terror ship to represent the warlord dragooning the best crew in the fleet aboard his vessel.
May be equipped with Kustom Force Field for +20 pts, changing its shield value to d3+1
Gorbag's Revenge is equipped with Ram
It may be equipped with Traktor Field for +10 pts
It may be equipped with Klaws for +10 pts

Should I give it access to Klaws and Traktor field as well? On one hand, as kroozers have it, so should Battleships. On the othere, these are unique vessels and could have more of fixed statline... Not sure. Opinions?

295 pts
Prow Gunz45d6+6Front
Prow Lances45d3+2Front
Dorsal Launch Bay-d3+1-
Port Gunz3010Left
Starboard Gunz3010Right
Port Heavy Gunz306Left
Starboard Heavy Gunz306Right

Slamblasta may be equipped with torpedo bommerzs for +30pts. Due to its poorly distributed mass,
Slamblasta may not use Come to New Heading special orders.
When Leadership values are generated for the Ork fleet, Slamblasta can opt to swap Leadership ratings with a
Kill kroozer or Terror ship to represent the warlord dragooning the best crew in the fleet aboard his vessel.

May be equipped with Kustom Force Field for +20 pts, changing its shield value to d3+1
Slamblasta is equipped with Ram
It may be equipped with Traktor Field for +10 pts
It may be equipped with Klaws for +10 pts

290 pts
Prow Gunz45d6+6Front
Prow Bombardment Cannon306Front
Dorsal Launch Bay-d3+1-
Port Gunz308Left
Starboard Gunz308Right
Port Heavy Gunz306Left
Starboard Heavy Gunz306Right

Dethdeala may be equipped with torpedo bommerzs for +30pts. Due to its poorly distributed mass
Dethdeala may not use Come to New Heading special orders.
When Leadership values are generated for the Ork fleet, Dethdeala can opt to swap Leadership ratings with a
Kill kroozer or Terror ship to represent the warlord dragooning the best crew in the fleet aboard his vessel.

Dethdeala has Soopa Boostas. Speed bonus is already taken into account.

May be equipped with Kustom Force Field for +20 pts, changing its shield value to d3+1
Dethdeala is equipped with Ram
It may be equipped with Traktor Field for +10 pts
It may be equipped with Klaws for +10 pts

265 pts
Prow Gunz45d6+6Front
Prow Heavy Gunz306Front
Dorsal Launch Bay-d3+1-
Port Gunz308Left
Starboard Gunz308Right
Port Heavy Gunz306Left
Starboard Heavy Gunz306Right

Kroolboy may be equipped with torpedo bommerzs for +30pts. Due to its poorly distributed mass
Kroolboy may not use Come to New Heading special orders.
When Leadership values are generated for the Ork fleet, Kroolboy can opt to swap Leadership ratings with a Kill
kroozer or Terror ship to represent the Warlord dragooning the best crew in the fleet aboard his vessel.

Kroolboy has Soopa Boostas. Speed bonus is already taken into account.

May be equipped with Kustom Force Field for +20 pts, changing its shield value to d3+1
Kroolboy is equipped with Ram
It may be equipped with Traktor Field for +10 pts
It may be equipped with Klaws for +10 pts


Hammer: More or less as-is. r30 on heavy gunz ,+1 turret, Ram,  may buy Kustom Field [d3+1] and new Soopa Boostas, costs 250.


hits changed to 8. Turrets changed to 3. May buy Boostas, Kustom Field [d3] Heavy gunz have r30, prow gunz have power d6+2. Prow heavy gunz may be replaced with d6 torps. P/S gunz now s4. Has ram.
May buy Klaws or traktors. Costs 115 pts.

Soopa Boosta upgrade no longer reduces firepower.
Grunt has both Klaw and Traktor options.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 01:33:49 AM by Khar »

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #86 on: June 11, 2013, 05:04:13 AM »
Nice work Khar! Anyone want to chime in on this?

Offline Markconz

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #87 on: June 11, 2013, 10:45:37 AM »
Yes nice work thanks Khar, but don't think I've got enough experience to comment without playtesting a lot more.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #88 on: June 12, 2013, 04:31:36 AM »
I like this a lot Khar. A few things:
-Did you intend to make Gorbag's Revenge with D6+4 torps instead of D6+2?
-I think the battleships should be able to get klaws and traktor fields.
-I assume the ships have increased turrets because they are now hitting on 5+ now?
-Slamblasta gets another D3 lances and no point boost?
-Kroolboy seems like it should be much closer priced to the Dethdeala, shouldn't it?
-Why increase all the battleships to 25cm movement when the Hammer is still at 20cm? I think I see what's happening because there are "Soopa Enginz" and "Soopa Boostas" but they are different. It might be good to keep them separated so that battleships don't become 25cm. 25cm battleships with 4D6 AAF will be faster than their escorts.
-I am still not sure what to do with the AAF stuff for Orks. If I had my way, I would return them to 4D6 AAF again (considering Orks are crazy obsessed with speed) and give them +2Ld to AAF orders. Passing automatically doesn't seem realistic, even considering Orks love speed, and also 2D6 for AAF, being less than regular fleets, seems pretty weak. 4D6 AAF and +2Ld to AAF tests fixes both of those problems. AAF as fast as everyone else, but you still have the possibility of failing the test.
-Deathskullz: I think the looted upgrade option that already exists in the clanz list is sweet and should be kept for capital ships and the 5+ to the armor on the sides of escorts is also great. I would make it like that.

Offline Markconz

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #89 on: June 12, 2013, 08:34:39 AM »
Agreed 20cm movement should probably stay. I also  think the existing AAF orders for orks is fine (Automatic 2d6 or 4d6 with soopa boostas). I'm not sure on this it is just my impression at this stage.  For interest - in epic orks get bonus to order test if trying to do double movement or assault, but 3x movement (marching) is at a penalty.

Slamblasta might need those extra lances just to be a competitive choice compared to the other BB I think.

How many points would the extra side armour Deffskull upgrade be?