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Author Topic: [BFG] Help for Armageddon fleet colour scheme  (Read 5332 times)

Offline Fuoco Oscuro

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[BFG] Help for Armageddon fleet colour scheme
« on: March 13, 2013, 02:55:05 PM »
Hello to all,   

I came back to BFG since long time (i was playing it in 2000...), and now after few games i really started to
have the need of a well painted fleet.

I'm  a quite good painter myself,  with 2 GD statues won in the past,   as you can understand when i start
a project i'm the person who needs to go in depth with it.
That's the reason why i beg your help fleet commanders!

I've started a Armageddon list (all IN no SM),  spending also some money on upgrades for battlecruisers (Mangozac Zeus prows,  awesome!),   and i'm trying to figure out how to obtain the Armageddon fleet  paint scheme.  Just to be sure you understand what i'm speaking of,  pls. see the Apocalypse BB model on GW website.

Could any of you give me a tested  metod for obtaining that beautiful brownish yellow?

In my mind i imagined that starting with a white primer,   airbrushing with Snakebite leather,  heavy washing with griphonne sepia and a light drybrush with bubonic brown would give the result,   but i'm not sure about it.
I think i'm still losing some passage.

I'm here waiting for your help segmentum solar admiral/painter !    :D

« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 03:25:11 PM by Fuoco Oscuro »

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: [BFG] Help for Armageddon fleet colour scheme
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 11:27:01 PM »
I think Vaaish has the best color scheme of that type around here. I would message him. Other than that, you are the one with 2 golden demons, so maybe you could teach us a thing or two!

Offline Fuoco Oscuro

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Re: [BFG] Help for Armageddon fleet colour scheme
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2013, 08:02:27 AM »

It's only two resin statues back when the painting was not so "over the top" level,  lets say i'm just a good painter  :).
I've seen Vaaish paint scheme,  i like it,  but it's too brown for my taste.  I'm just trying to find out if anyone
has succeeded in copying the GW style paint scheme. 

Is it possble that so few people plays/paints Armageddon fleets? 
Maybe i should post in BFG general an not in Modeling & Painting to have more visibility


Offline horizon

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Re: [BFG] Help for Armageddon fleet colour scheme
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2013, 08:17:11 AM »

my Imperial fleet is based on the box cover, which does resemble Battlefleet Armageddon, no Voss Prows though...

Trying to remember paint order:

black undercoat
bestial brown
snakebite leather
bubonic brown iirc
bleached bone

I mixed colours on the way "up". Especially to get the yellow-ish feel.

and a Lunar:

I lost all my fleet images (and many more BFG pics) :/
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 08:43:51 AM by horizon »

Offline Fuoco Oscuro

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Re: [BFG] Help for Armageddon fleet colour scheme
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2013, 08:48:19 AM »
Hey Horizon,

Thanks for the tutorial, bestial brown ... i think this is the step i was missing.

By the way,  as i'm still new to background,  i've a question about 'Geddon fleets:
Are all Armageddon battlefleet vessels built in Voss forgeworld?
If so,  which vessels are actually built in that FW?

I just want to know for fluff reason. At the moment i've an apocalypse that (swapping lances with bays) i'll utilize as Emperor.  Does ever existed an Emperor BB with voss prow?

Also i've Mangozac 3 zeus prows,  and with that i'll do a pair of 'Geddons BC,     but with the last prow i'd like to build a Mars BC.  Does ever extisted a Mars with voss prow?

Since i'm an avid collector of History books of WWII naval warfare and 1:1250 ship models,  i'm quite obsessed with ships being "Historically correct".  I know this is just a wargame,  but since we have so a vast background
why don't built fluff correct  miniatures?   :)

BTW nice models!

Offline Jimmy Zimms

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Re: [BFG] Help for Armageddon fleet colour scheme
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2013, 02:08:30 PM »
Any pattern can be used to make just about any ship. There's a few that don't fit but they're rare. So for instance if you want a Voss pattern Mars carrier slap one of Zac's nifty prows on it and bob's your uncle. Same as a Kar Duniash pattern: grab a rogue trader chassis and slap the right components. Its a big galaxy so go wild :)

For your BB's you're pretty much stuck with Gothic or Voss patterns as they never made anything else that size (unless you fab a custom one - which would be pretty awesome admittedly :D )

Here's a link to a thread over at B&C where a guy cast up his own Kar Duniash light cruisers. Pretty sweet.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 05:29:46 PM by Jimmy Zimms »
As we Imperials say, "The Emperor [class battleship] Protects..."

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: [BFG] Help for Armageddon fleet colour scheme
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2013, 03:18:12 PM »
The Oberon is an early variant of the Emperor and they have been pictured with the Voss prow so yes its likely that there are some Emps out there with the Voss prow. On the same train the Mars was widely adopted throughout Imperial space so its very likely that any built at Voss would have their signature style.
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