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Author Topic: (BFG) Da Squig Pak  (Read 58735 times)

Offline Malika

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #45 on: November 04, 2013, 06:57:28 AM »
I think it will only become truly effective as soon as the costs for printing will go down, and maybe that will already happen next year. :)
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Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #46 on: November 04, 2013, 05:20:43 PM »
Thank you guys for all of the great info in regards to 3D printing.  I’d say it is the future……………  As for building component parts, that would be cool, but many times I really don’t know what I’m building.  Da Boss juz says do this or that, and then I figure it out.  I wish I could say I had this great plan, did a bunch of cool sketches and then set out and built it.  The reality is I just build, look and make changes until Da Boss is happy.  Most of the time the model builds itself, I just influence it. I sure do like the stuff you guys are doing over at shapeways.  I can see myself spending lots of money, but the reality of it is I know my time is short and like most of us I’ve got me tons of stuff that probably will never see paint.  So I’m really trying to practice some self control.  Ok with that I’m off to Da Scrap Yard, I need to get my prow guns finished up so I can move forward.  Dang ring, I’m pretty indecisive.  I see this huge chunk of copper dat the Boss really likes (he likes how it influences Da Warp Heads), I think it should probably go, but you know it may just stay.  Time will tell…………….

Offline Malika

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #47 on: November 04, 2013, 07:57:37 PM »
I'd love to see you make a Space Hulk, but not a normal space hulk, which is usually some asteroid with Imperial/Chaos ships sticking out of it, but an actual gigantic Ork battleship, something akin to this, but then on a BFG scale. So basically a gigantic battleship that counts as a Space Hulk.
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Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #48 on: November 04, 2013, 09:33:30 PM »
Shoot, can’t go wrong with Da Deff Skwadron!  Actually it makes me want to jump projects and get back to work on my aeronautica stuff.  Ya, I really don’t like to talk too much about long term goals, but yes me Hulk drifts in the deep corners of me mind.  Actually someone else mentioned a similar idea to what I was thinking.  Basically a compilation of many hulls all twisted into the basic shape of a gi-normous battleship/pirate ship monstrosity.  A 10,000 guns kind of thing!  That picture from Deff Sqwadron reminds me a lot of what I’m thinking.  We will see if I can stay motivated that long. There is a lot of work to be done before I get to that point.  Right now I’m struggling over a small turret platform on the prow of Da Munga Fish, it’s making me crazy enough that a Hulk is the last thing on my mind…………….. 

Offline Islacrusez

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #49 on: November 04, 2013, 11:13:10 PM »
As for building component parts, that would be cool, but many times I really don’t know what I’m building.  Da Boss juz says do this or that, and then I figure it out.  I wish I could say I had this great plan, did a bunch of cool sketches and then set out and built it.  The reality is I just build, look and make changes until Da Boss is happy.

Aye, that's why I figured going digital wouldn't be too helpful to what you're doing. Honestly, you're on a whole different level to what we're doing. Our stuff is easy and weak sauce by comparison ;)
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Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #50 on: November 05, 2013, 02:36:43 AM »
Ahhhhhh I wouldn’t say that Islacrusez.  It’s all good, I’m just on a nice run (and I’m a long ways from finishing this project, plenty of time to F%$# it up!).  You should see me struggling like a 2 year old trying to get this turret right.   I look forward to a digital future (I think……………..)  It looks very cool with lots of possibilities.  I really like what you guys are doing with it!

Offline Malika

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #51 on: November 05, 2013, 03:36:58 PM »
I like both approaches. Personally I'd love to scratchbuild again. I used to do that quite a lot in the past. Just tear up old radios, lighters, pens, and whatever I could get my hands on and use those bits to create stuff. I'd really love to create some small robots for pieces of scrapmetal again, but then not limiting myself to the 28mm miniature format.
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Offline Islacrusez

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #52 on: November 05, 2013, 03:46:32 PM »
Each approach has its merits, no doubt. I do maintain that doing orks the way you're doing them (properly) is best left to scratchbuilding, as currently it is not effective for one-off items.
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Offline Malika

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #53 on: November 05, 2013, 04:25:05 PM »
But what if you could design the buildingblocks, so various components and hull pieces. Print them, and cast them. Those pieces could add an extra dimension to the whole scratchbuilding process.
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Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #54 on: November 17, 2013, 07:45:39 PM »
Forward, slowly forward we go.  So after getting some opinions I decided to Neuter Da Dog.  Here is a shot of Da Munga’s prow without the big ring attached to the barrel of the lower right big shoota.  I’m thinking it looks better, but on the other hand I’m not 100% sure.  If you’ve been reading my posts I’m sure you know by now I tend to have a hard time making up my mind.  It’s usually not too bad because Da boss in the end always has the final say.  So for now Da Ring is gone, although in the end Da Boss my say “put it back ya useless git!  How wez gonna keep dem bug eyes off of da ship without our big copper ring?”  So to compensate and try and distract da bosses eye I did put in another turret on the leading edge of da gun stack.  I gotz dis crazy klan of boyz that are just itching to man that post.  The platform that the turret sits on was a little rough to build as the space was cramped.  We will see how it looks when I throw paint on it.  I’m a little worried about it, but at the same time I don’t feel it is so bad that I need to cut it out and take a second run at it.  Also in this shot you can get a pretty good peek and the new engine shak and suppa blowa sitting up on the dorsal.

All of this decision making was hurting me head so I decided to step sideways for a bit.  In honor of BFG:R I decided being a proper Blood Axe klan and all I’d work on some captured imperial escorts.  It sayz that up to half of me escorts in a squad can be imperial escorts.  So I went about having a cobra bash party.  I’m pretty happy about this build to this point.  Small and fiddly I must say.  I’ve still got to do some engine work, and a little bit here and there, but I wanted you to have a peek.  I’m not sure what to bash next.  I figure I’ve probably got room for ummmmmmmm 3 more escorts.  So my question to you imperial gitz is what is a good choice of imperial escorts to bash? ( I’m thinking about doing 2 Falchion class escorts as I like da look of dem, but again I’m not sure and could use your help!)  I was also contemplating bashing a chaos escort so I could have a klan of dog faced killa boyz to represent in me bosses hoard.  Ok I know I’m rambling, so I’ll get on with it.  Here is “Da Wot Not” and “Da Dagga Kart” looking propa and orky now me thinks!

Ok so back to the main project.  After neutering Da Dog I was on this make Da Boss happy page so I started work on me broad sides.  My plan was just to use some imperial bitz but as I sat there looking at it I decided I needed to build me own.  The first thing I’d need is a place me new shootas could call home.  So I set about grinding, drilling and cutting.  I then sat back and smiled.  This will work…………….  Oh, just a note the top fairing piece is just sitting there it is not glued and will be straighter and tied in better when we do the final dance.

Ok, now that I’ve got a home the next step was to build more Daka.  I’ve made 2 different designs.  I’m not sure which will end up living in me new holes.  It may be a combination of both, or one type.  We will see when we get there and I will defiantly keep you posted.  I’m thinking I will need to cut down the barrels a bit, but I want to see how they fit in the finished holes first.  I’ve still got at least one layer of plates to add to the sides of da ship to tie it together and this will create more depth.  Perhaps requiring the longer barrels.  We will see when we get there.  Ok that is about what I got fer now.  As usual thank you for reading and any comments, criticism or help is more than welcomed.  Thanks!

Offline Aquahog

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #55 on: November 17, 2013, 09:34:14 PM »
You make it look so easy! Yet, I know if I were to try disappointment and frustration would stop me within minutes. Thanks for sharing.

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #56 on: November 17, 2013, 11:07:04 PM »
You know it’s not easy, but one thing I can say is it does get easier.  You should try it because you will get better with each attempt.  One thing I can say that I’ve picked up is don’t be afraid to cut bad work and start again.  This has helped me a lot.  The other thing is don’t set yourself up to fail.  You know when you see some masters work and you set out to do something comparable.  Just try to do better than your last attempt.  We all get better and before you know it someone will be looking at your stuff trying to copy it.  That’s the beauty of this hobby, we are all getting better and we all sucked at some point.  I know I have a long ways to go, but I get a little better every time I sit down at me desk!

Offline Aquahog

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #57 on: November 18, 2013, 05:38:48 AM »
Good point. I've gotten to a place were I'm content with my painting skills and will sometimes stop to wonder how I'm still improving when I'm not trying to improve. It just flows on automatically when you're not fussing about achieving a certain level. I should try to implement that mind set in sculpting/scratch building.

Offline harec

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #58 on: November 18, 2013, 10:44:09 AM »
Good point. I've gotten to a place were I'm content with my painting skills and will sometimes stop to wonder how I'm still improving when I'm not trying to improve. It just flows on automatically when you're not fussing about achieving a certain level. I should try to implement that mind set in sculpting/scratch building.

Actually maybe you guys would be interestred in this: The main idea is to join forces amon ther scratch builders ;).


I think is a good way to share frustration :P, something thart happens in every new project and technic ;)r
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline Aquahog

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #59 on: November 18, 2013, 02:29:20 PM »
I've been following the thread but haven't thought of anything I could contribute with so far.