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Author Topic: (BFG) Da Squig Pak  (Read 58724 times)

Offline Blindhorizon

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #135 on: July 27, 2015, 06:52:39 AM »
Not bad for a first try, the more you tinker and tinker you will get your sculpting style down and see some real skills come forth. Gun probably throws away twice what he shows people because he doesnt get it just right, the funny thing is how do you get junk just right... Good enough for target practice it is though. Once we get some of gun's cast up we'll see how they go boom.


Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #136 on: July 27, 2015, 06:13:34 PM »
Roger, Rodger Boss Blind!  Dat’s a good copy……….  Funny I was a creep-in in yer crawl space da ova night.  I’z a almost given ya a Radio Check but waz behind Da Power Curve see.  We’z gonna link up soon (me’s a finking).  Ya knows, it’s hard to complete some-fing when ya knows da Big boss is gonna be taking a hard looks see.  I likes me toes on me feet n notz be-in da good chewy pieces in a Grot Pie.  Juz say-in.  So ya, tinkering, cutting n  tossing and only keep-in da best bits.  What makes fer da best junk?  I don’t knows, but when it’s right it’s right.  Dat’s wot Iz saying, n life is more Betta dat way!

Mek Pix!  It’s come-in fer sure. It’s a matter of wun bit, wun tweek.  Take a looks-see n kut, scrap n adjust (Dats Da Blood Axe way afta all).  I likes it.  Rembers, da more ya build, da more betta it getz.  Yer Stick Bomb shoota may be a bit too big n considers using a file to trim down da tops of yer smaller shootas.  Kut up some more plastic card to fill in yer big empty spaces n it’s on its way…. Ya make me wants n dats a good fing!

Oh n before me fer-getz………. Thanks fer all of da kind words.  “walk in Da footsteps of Mork” (long toothy grin and nervously looking over iz shoulder).  Don’t let da ova Gitz ere ya say dat!  Day will snick me fer sures when no ones watch-in.  Too much nicey, nicey and da ova Gits get all pokey and sneaky.  Den day be all a ladder climbing an a plan-in.  Dats real bad fer me!  But dem big words do keep a Git motivated.  Juz watch yer tongue in mixed Kompany.  Ok den boyz, gets back to yer Mek Shaks N build!  We’z got dis Waaaagh a bruin n we’z kant gets where we needs ta be wif all dis lip yakking!  “Shhhhhhhh I ears Da Big Boss a come in, look busy now lads, look busy”…………………………….   


Offline Gun_wun

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #137 on: August 16, 2015, 05:11:00 PM »
Ok Den, lotz more to talk about an stuff ta shows ya Boss.  So I’z figuring out hows ta press mold me parts.  Dis way see in da future it’s more betta an I’z don’t haft ta keep build-in from scratch, See.  I’z hope-in dat I’z can cast dem up in resin, den I’z can cut n paste as I sees fit.  Now listen close me’z finking dat digital will be a betta way,but we will see soon.  Ok den enough of me jaw slapping (n secret sharing) an let’s get on wif it already.

So I build me dese lil Shaks.  Where ya gonna keep all of dem Boyz dat’s a itch-in ta get stuck in afta all.  So I builds dem.  Looking back I either need to make my plastic card a bit bigger fer da roofs as day needs more ova hang.  Or I may give dem a green bath.  At any rate they is all a coming along, me finks.  Da ova stuff is a project fer yer looking ats latter.  Ok, ok………………

So I press up my first set of shaks.  Ummmmm not great, but I had snotlings all a hanging off of me arms while making the first press molds.  I’z finking a second shot at dem is in order.  So nots bad, an me’s a finking dat once day is painted I may be able to hide da imperfections (although I’z planning lotz of battle damage, so dat may work to).  Besides Orks don’t cares much about imperfections.  It may end up adding to the ova all character.  We will see.

Ere day is cleaned up a bit and hanging out on a US quarter.  Some end ups gun shaks, some end up spotting shaks an ovas end up hab shaks.  It’s working ok.  Da shootas still need a tad bit more work. 

So me idea is I can use dese bits where eva I fink I might be needing dem (see it?).  My teef say day is going ta work out…….

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #138 on: August 16, 2015, 05:21:07 PM »
Ok Den, All of us boyz been a hammer-in real hards like see n while work has been slow we are seeing stuff start-in ta comes together like.  Dis phase of me project has taught dis Grot dat I needs ta play wif Digital 3D grubbins.  Iz downloaded sketch up n tends to play wif it soon.  Me goal is to attempt some of des small bits and we’ll see what I’z can do.  Let’s hope da job will be a good-un.  Ok e-nuf of dis Meks dream-in n fink-in outs loud.  Let me give ya some more ta chew on.

Dis right ere is Da Rippa Gun.  It’s a medium sized Shoota made fer a rippin gitz.  Me hopes is ta cast it in resin  dat way we’z will ave dem fer lots of options.  No-fing like a battery of Rippas ta smarten a Git up who finks e can gets in yer space.

We’z got dese ova medium sized shootas too (a few of dem dat is).  Some gotz big blasta barrels ovas gots slim barrels fer da longa shoot-in.  Some of dem can even send da torps across da big empty.  Dis is da Blood Axe way, see.  Ya fink we’z juz gonna shoots ya and den some-fing else comes out of da shooty hole.  Me’z gotz ta smile a big grin juz finking abouts da looks on yer smoothy faces when ya see all of da stuff we’z throw-in at ya dat goes BOOM in Da dark!  It’s kinda like Squig breeding if ya finks abouts it.

Juz in case yer wondering “all da stuff?”.  Ya we’z gotz stuff see.  Ere is some small shootas.  Ya we’z got dem too.  Me big plan was ta press mold dem so I’z can putz dem where n when Iz see fit.  Da Big Boss gets all toothy (in a good way) when e sees stuff like dis a pile-in up in me Mek Yard.

Lotz, ya lotz of dem, see.  Piles n piles of lil shootas.  Dis ere is da small pile n da betta news is da barrels is all different.  We’z gotz big n small.  Day is special to me like a  litter of carni-squigs.  All a bite in n and wot not.  Ya dey is weedy but when day is all a comme-in at ya dey will seem real big like. Juz fly in our space n we’z will show ya all abouts it.  Den you’ll be in the know-in n gets real smart like.  Da problem fer you is it’z gonna be juz a lil too late (rubbing his small green hands together excitedly).

Ok Den.  I’z gotz more ta show ya, but I’z got ta get to ya in a bit see.  I fink da press mold plan is come-in together, it could be more betta, but it’z mine and dat makes dis Gitz black lump of a blood pump feel real big and warm like.  Ya a bit poofy and me lines could be more tighter, but me finking when it comes time fer day painting ether I’z gonna be living likes a real Boss Grot, or it’ll be back to da drops.  Fingers crossed.  Da good news iz I’z gonna give dat 3D a run fer it’z teef and see if I’z can do da same damage in dat medium. 

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #139 on: August 16, 2015, 05:30:50 PM »
Ok an a little more.  My bad Boss, I don’t mean ta keep ya from yer own projects by haft-in ta check outs me stuff.  Me finking a bit too much of dat Squig Brew in me belly, dats all.  Ok, so Da ova projects is coming along too.  I’z been working pretty hard (juz not a lot of time after taking care of da Squig Hounds and Da lil Grots.  See, if ya fink Da Big boss is bad news, try tangling wif Mamma Grot…………….  So next up is a Powa Plant.  My idea is once I cast it I cans cut it and do wot I see fit wif it.

It’s got lotz of work to be done yet, but I wanted ta shows ya da progression.  I’z left dese open slots fer, ya you guessed it (ya might have a little Mek-ing in ya yet).  Shaks n or gunz……………………

So me finking I can do dis (now itz a Gun shak)

Or dis

Or dat

I’z seeing lotz of uses fer dis bit.  Ere is da ova side, rough n uneven but we’z will work on it Boss.  Da good news iz I finks I’z can do it up.  All right den, I’ll be right back.

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #140 on: August 16, 2015, 05:51:55 PM »
All rights den awe bit more.  I needs to cut dis one short n getz backs ta work or I’z gonna end up ridding a Grot Bomb.  Da Big Boss don’t like me talking n show-in dis stuff.  I know I can putz me trust into ya cause if ya spouts off at da tongue I’z gotz minions every wheres.  Really, see dis ere big shiny wrench glyph on me cap?  Dat means I’z da Big Mek an if ya crosses me its will be a big bad time fer you.  Ok den, a little more.

I’z also been working on Hanga Town.  All dem Evil Sunz Gits been get-ten all worked up n move-in in.  Lotz of nosie n build-in coming out of those fly holes.  Up top side well it’z more hab stacks n gun shaks.   Notice the blank slots.  Yep dat is wot day is for……..

Dats so I’z can do this.  Now be knowing dat da bits is juz stuck dare so ya can getz a look see.  It’s WIP n I’ll cleans dem up n make dem fit real nice before da glue-ing.

Or dis.  Hanga town is getting close.  Soon I’z gonna cut it off and putz me magnets so I’z can mount it on Da Ship.  Den I plan on casting it so I can use it fer other projects.  I fink it’s going to be a good-un.  I’z also needs to start u build-in Gun Town fer da Kill Krooser option.  I’z all excited as it’s gonna be a big party, see!

Ere is da ova side wif some options.

Da Boss likes options.  Us Axes aint as simple minded as Dem Goff Gitz.  Juz when you’z expecting wun fink we’z gonna hit ya wif some-fing else.  Dats  Da Blood Axe way see!  Ok den, Dats about me fer dis trip.  I hope you likes wot yer seeing n yer inspired to build yer fleet.  We gotz dis Waaagh we’z a building n it’z gonna be a 10,000 world party.  As always commets n critisim n suggestions are always helpful.  Fink real hards now, n know if dis Grot can do dis stuff so can you.  So get out dare n Build!  Remember we’z got dis big party planned n  we invite-in dat  Emperior Git sooooo we’z wants ta make sure were prepared ta treats em real propa like.

Offline marell le fou

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #141 on: August 16, 2015, 08:48:45 PM »
I like very much the idea of making loads of small pars and mold them. But i agree the castings are not that great. What silicon do your grots uses ?

About placing this or that gunz etc, did you think about magnetising everything ? I uses small cylindric magnets (1 mm diam, 0,5 mm high) and they are great to fix any small part.

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #142 on: August 16, 2015, 08:54:47 PM »
Ya Boss build-in da lil bits Iz finking was a good idea, but yes da casts did not come out real propa.  I'm hopping to get together wif dis Imperial git to get better at dis casting business.  I used magic sculpt to press mold these ones.  The first run was difficult (too much going on in da Mek shak at da time) me second run was more betta, but still not great,  I finks I need to move to resin, n again I'z finking big thoughts about digital rights abouts now.

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #143 on: August 16, 2015, 09:00:43 PM »
Oh n while wez a yakking.  Yes magnets!  Although I was more finking about building pieces then down the road casting them as complete parts  then magnetizing dem in place.  Ya know more like da hanga option vs a guns section.  Zappa or big shoota sort of fing.  Opposed to switching the small individual parts out when I sees fit.  Me master plan is ta have enough bits to juz sit down, figure the raw shape and class of ship and den, and den juz stick me majority of parts on.  Ya know so fer a transport ship I could just place a ton of hab stacks and dare ya haves it.  Once dat phase is complete den I can mass produce ships wif less time n effort.  Overly ambitious, or simply a matter of a Grot trying to tackle a Dragon Squig................  Iz not real sure. 

Offline Blindhorizon

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #144 on: August 17, 2015, 06:26:49 AM »
The detail loss on green stuff being pressmolded looks pretty bad, the loss of detail is horrendous. Get your masters together and send them to me and ill make you some molds, you should be able to get some casting done with room pressure you'd just need to pick up some resin from your local hobby lobby. Not all your molds will come out but you should be able to get some stuff to work with in the meantime. And resin sets in about 15 minutes way less compared to green stuff.

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #145 on: August 17, 2015, 09:22:30 PM »
Yep, Boss I'z all agree in like wif ya.  Ya knows sometimes yer Da Boss Grot n Ova times yer juz a front line mine finding runt!  So ere is me second attempt at da press molding.  More betta, but not up ta speed as of yet.  I'z needs ta make a time to make da run North n sit in on yer Mek-ing about.  I'z juz gotz ta be real sneeking like as every Grot knows dats a Imperial sector.  Dats ok, cause we Axes iz real sneaky like. Dis way I'z can get real right and makes da Big Boss happy.  Ok den, ere is da second run.

N fer kicks and giggles, ere is a bad shot of me bigga shak wif shoota n shak.

Again not da best of work, but work all da same.  Da good news is we'z all gonna get a heap lotz betta especially wif gets like you at our 6!

Offline Blindhorizon

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #146 on: August 17, 2015, 09:55:20 PM »
Man those shacks are small gonna be interesting to cast.

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #147 on: August 18, 2015, 03:57:54 AM »
Ya, day is small...................  Hopefully you can pull a squig out of yer hat n betters yet teach dis Grot dat good trick!

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #148 on: August 31, 2015, 09:32:08 PM »
Ok den, been working a bit, problem is Da Squigs been keeping me extra busy and dat’s not mentioning da real work an dat’s keeping up wif me lil snotlings.  Momma keeps dis Grot run-in.  Ok now dat dats out of da way I can get ya up to speed wif me secret life and dat’s build-in dis Waaagh fer da ova Big boss, See.  Ok, ok.  Work as always is real slow an sometimes a git has a hard time staying motivated.  Dese parts is real small and sometimes I fink I should mention to da Boss dat 28mm scale is good fer da crump-in too.  Nahhhhhh I fink I’ll juz keep focused n lives a lot longer.  So ere is where I’z at right now.  It’s all messy and covered with dat sticky squig putty, but I juz wantz to get a good looks see.  Dis way I can figure outs what needs big changes, what needs little changes and it gives me a chance to pick all of you Gitz brains.  It takes a village (or a Clan) ta build a ship and well you’re my village.

Ok Den, I took me Big Shoota Shak and had ta put a sniking on it.  Da windows were juz too big an well I likes dem more better now.  Trying to represent scale and yet keep the feeling is a rough fing.  I know I’m off a lot, but like a stick bomb I’z juz want ta get close.  Dem big windows I couldn’t really tell a story around (to me self, so how iz I gonna fool you).  At any rate day is gone now and da new ones look more betta me finks.

So ere is me ship wif “Hangga Town” attached.  I put some shootas in place fer now just to peek.  Up top of da Hanggas is a press mold shak juz fer a look.  I wanted to check how day would fit.  I fink it could work even though it’s not a great cast.  Up top side is a few big shootas.  I gotz ta fix every-fing real nice an pretty like, but dis is me idea fer now.

Ere is a shot fer scale.  Dats a Goff smasha ship (Da Bad Burg) kroosing along da Starboard side.  It’s still WIP, but dat ship too is coming along.  I’m finking about painting and me cunning plan was to make Da Dakka Town a Bad Moon Krooser, but dang as I’z building some-fing is saying Deff Skull Lootas.  I finks day is fighting up in Da drivas shak as I types me sweet letters to ya.  Time will tell, time always tells ya knows.

Ere is a shot of da ova side.  Again all of da stuff is juz sort of stuck dare wif Squig juice for a good looking.  I fink I’z a liking it, but I know I need ta build some more hab stacks n lil towers.  More ta go but it’z coming.  Me hopes.  Oh, I’z also gotz ta build more exhausts.  It’s gonna need more engine pushing than juz da two out of da back side.  It’s gonna be a funny ship to fly.  Me bets a bag of teef dat  yer best imperial pilot or dem Mars boyz wouldn’t wantz ta even trys at giving it a go around da block.

An ere is da ova side with Da Nid (another ram ship) fer scale.  Ahhhhhh 1 step, 1 step.  I hope yer getting ready fer a good fight n building up yer Waaaagh and is getting all fired up ta join us fer da big party.  As always thanks for taking the time to read and share in my madness and any comments, criticism or wot nots helps keep dis git motivated.  Thanks!

Offline marell le fou

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Re: (BFG) Da Squig Pak
« Reply #149 on: August 31, 2015, 09:55:16 PM »
The village think the work is so good that some parts begin to be less fun than the rest. Reactors, and the bottom point of the moon.

I really like the big gun ! Don't touch it anymore :)

A kiss to your snots. Mines understand very well how it is to have a Grumpy Squat Engineer as dad.