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Author Topic: (BFG) Da Squig Pak  (Read 58720 times)

Offline Gun_wun

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(BFG) Da Squig Pak
« on: March 11, 2013, 10:47:08 PM »
Hello, I’m new to this list, well at least posting that is (I’ve been lurking for some time now).  I posted this over at the Waaagh website being an Ork fan and all, but figured there was more BFG love here and perhaps you’d like to share in my madness.  This is my story so far. I bought 2 scratch built Ork ships off of EBay about 2 years ago. I’ve never played BFG, but I’m defiantly bit by the bug, all other projects are on hold. I’ve got this Blood AXE army I’ve been building since the late 80s but now that the Warlord has 2 ships he Wants a fleet!  I figured I’d start small and build from there, so I started wrapping my head around Brute Ram Ships. I posted a few questions at Da Waaagh, and on a Yahoo group in regards to my Brute Ram Ships, but I didn’t want to show any work due to the fact that my goal was Gothic Comp. Call me a Sneaky Git if ya likes, but no since unveiling “Da Secret” before the party started! Now that the Comp is over and I didn’t make my dead line I figured I’d show you the project. My time at the desk is short so progress is measured in centimeters. I guess this will end up being a long term project for as long as I can stay motivated. I put all of my other projects on hold. They sit on the back burner of me desk, and unfortunately for them they don’t scream to me as loud as my ships. Ok “Here we go”

Here are the ships I bought on EBay. Whoever build them thanks! You made me “Ship Crazy” and now “Da Boyz” are hammering away in me ead!

The original ships looked good, but as I sat looking at them, they just said retrofit. Ahhhhh what did I do to myself? That’s the way it goes because Da Big Boss bashed me ears and told me what it would be. Rebuilding the big Kroozer is going to be my reward for completing the Brute Ram Ships (unless I get stuck on Savages, Ravagers or onslaughts!).

This is the ship that started the madness. I didn’t even place a bid. I just looked at it and thought hmmmmmmmmm. By the time I made up my mind it was gone. This is when I went back and bought the 2 kroozers. Funny about 6 months ago this ship came back up again on EBay. I had a second shot at it. You know I really liked the build, but now that I’m building my own ships I just let her go. Funny how life works. If it pops out of “Da Warp” a third time who knows………….. Sorry if this is a ton of reading I just figured it is best to start a story from the beginning.

At this point I’m getting close to having 10 Brutes on line. For some reason I just can’t stop building them. I’m about 70% finished with the pack. I’ve put a ton of work into them for a guy who has never played BFG, what’s even worse I have not even put together a fleet list. So in some ways I’m just spinning out of control building, smiling, grinning and talking to myself at my desk late at night. I figure it’s all good because I’m getting tons of enjoyment and my skills slowly improve. The problem for me is my imagination is far greater than my skill. Here is a group shot of “Da Squig Pak” to this point.

I was worried about scale, so I bought a Brute Ram off of EBay. Here is a size comparison. the GW Brute Ram Ship flanked by “Da King Fish” and “Da Nid”.

This is one of the newer ships I’m working on. Right now it is being called “Da Mak Snatcha” or “Da Snatcha” for short. As I build them they kind of call out how they want to be painted. Even though I’m doing a Blood Axe theme, I figure there will be many clan colors under the banner. My plan is to mark each ship with some sort of freshly painted Blood Axe insignia to represent the fact that they now fight under the big bosses banner while at the same time allowing for variation in color scheme. My hopes are when their painted up the inconsistencies of color will add to the overall Ork effect. I’m taking into consideration that a ship may change clan colors over and over again and my plan is to represent this in paint. It should be a mix mash of color and rust and metal. “Da Snatcha” right now is saying Loota, but as I build it the Kaptain’s chair may change many times. I figure it is all a matter of what clan controls the bridge. 15,000 orks is a lot of boyz. I’m finding it a bit difficult to represent the scale. It seems as if when I build the scale feels off like the ship is much smaller and should hold less boyz. If you look at the rear housing area of “Da Snatcha” there are 3 windows. Too big for the scale, but as I build I then imagine that chamber holds a race track. Then it works…….. I’m playing with pushing holes in the green stuff for rivets, but I read somewhere how big would those rivets be? Too big for the scale. I’m hoping the effect will work. I’ve got a lot of questions as I build, and I should take my buddies advice and paint one before building any more. I’m just afraid if I stop building and start painting I will not finish the “DA Pak”. I’ve got several other projects that need paint, so no painting for me right now, just build, build, build. So the “Mak Snatcha” is a little long, but man there is something about it that just works. I’m trying to stay within limits 25mm, but it just doesn’t always work. “Da Snatcha” is about 38mm. A little big, but it doesn’t seem too far out when placed next to the other Rams. The way I see it the bigger Rams are just successful Kaptain’s who have added enough loot and are about to become Kaptains of a larger ship category. In my head it is the way of things………

Here is the next stage I’m thinking about for “Da Snatcha” I need to add more housing. I really want to clutter up the rear of da ship with low income blocks of Ork madness. I need to add some more Dakka here and there and plates are always a plus. So she is slowly coming together. At the top, the bridge needs some attention also. I need to cut the edges flatter, and perhaps add a few more small parts. So there is some work ahead. Ok a side note here. I was building me Rams for awhile when I read somewhere about the Brute Rams just flying right threw opposing ships and leaving a big explosion in its wake. As I looked at my ships I went shoot, I didn’t see that when I was building. If that was the case then most of the important gubbins would be torn off of my ships. They are not very stream lined. When I first started building I was seeing my ships smashing into the sides, getting stuck a quarter of the way in, explosions, fires, the ships sliding cutting and working their way in like parasites. Doors and hatches opening with hoards of boys boarding the opposing ship. I could see a ship with several rams working it like a piranha school feeding on some unlucky cow. It could make for a cool side game with several different Ram Kaptains fighting each other to claim the wreckage. Ok perhaps I’m getting a bit carried away, too much time at me desk.

I’m excited about building a Krooza, but I have to wait until I get these Brutes finished. I’m afraid if I start jumping around I will not get back to the Brutes. When I get stuck on one Brute I just switch to another Brute. They all call out to me after all. I’m excited about playing, I got a good friend who is willing to test out the system. I’ve been looking at rule sets and trying to figure out which version to play. From what I’ve read it seems Orks don’t fair to well. I’m ok with taking a pounding, but it does get old. I’m looking at the BFG:R stuff and hopping you guys will do our boyz justice!  Yes, I excited about BFG:R, and watching you guys vote and again hopping you do the boyz right.  Shoot even building a fleet list is a bit confusing as I’m not real sure which list to build from. Ok, back to the Mak Snatcha.  As I looked at “Da Snatcha” the big chamber on the back of Da Boat wasn’t flowing right so I had to cut it. I read an article online that talked about not being afraid to cut your green stuff work off. I’m a tad OCD anyway so off it went. I figure I can use the bit on another ship, and it’s good practice building the new bit. So now it has a new chamber on the back. She is starting to come together I think. I’m not real happy with the green stuffed turret on the side deck. I was hoping I could add some depth for painting latter. As you know the scale is really small and I don’t have much room to work with. So in the end I think I will cut off the green stuff, and probably take a second shot at it. I like how it coming out over all. I’m looking at the bridge and thinking It still needs some help. As this ship starts to form up, it’s starting to smell more like a Blood Axe vessel opposed to a Loota ship. I’m starting to see a fat space tank. Ahhhhhh time will tell.

Here is my plan for now as to where I'm going with Da Snatcha

Thank you for taking the time to read this long post, and  any comments or advice are greatly welcomed!

« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 11:53:10 PM by Gun_wun »

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2013, 10:57:01 PM »
Here goes part 2 and should put us up to speed.  So “Da Snatcha” is really coming together I’m pretty excited about the build. I’m still a bit worried about putting paint to the project. Someone said at this scale the painting is pretty forgiving, so I’m trying not to think about it too much at this point although I’m concerned about some of the green stuff work and how it will look painted. As I look at it up close, it’s not real even, it sort of floats off at funny angles. The rivet holes I made are also warped a bit. I figure my excuse for my lack of skill (or patients) will be that the ships have spent a lot of time in ”Da Warp” thus warping panels and plates. Will it latter be my down fall? Time will tell…………….. Ok, back to “Da Snatcha”. I was struggling with the bridge; I just couldn’t find something that would please me eye. So in typical Ork fashion I cut it off! I looked back and thought I like it! Da Boss was happy too. I re-green stuffed the side deck turret and I like it better too. I still have a few more things to do on “Da Snatcha” but she is getting very close to finished. The smoke stack on the back is going to be cut down a wee bit as it’s a little tall, a few more plates and a dab more green stuff and I still need to put some kind of plates to make the battle damage hole on “da other side” have some more story. Other than that she should be “fit to fight.” I’m now sold on the fact that “Da Snatcha” is going to be a Blood Axe ship.

Here is da other side, I’m real happy with my Belly Blasta and big battle damage hole.

Here is a close up of “Da Belly Blasta”.

Well that is about where I’m at with “Da Mak Snatcha.” What I’d also like to show you now is some other ships in “Da Pak” I’m playing with. First up is “Da Rippa Squig”. This is my token Bad Moon vessel. Kaptin “Gold Tooth Heapkeepa” always seeing opportunity in every endeavor figured it would be a smart choice to run with “Da Axe’s” until some fing better catches his fancy. This ship needs some more work, and I took the pictures without doing a dress rehearsal (she’s missing her guns, Da Big boss thought it would be funny to post the picture like that, “serves dem Yellow Gits right!”). I really like the way this build is coming out and I’m looking forward to painting it.

Here are a few shots of what I’m calling “Da Mugga”. She needs a lot of work. It needs some more spikes and scrap on the bottom of the front strike plate, but I’m liking the overall feeling so far.

I’ve got to build the top decks, guns, bridge and stuff. I’m thinking this is a good base to work from.

Here is a side profile, again lots of little things to do, but the basic layout is coming together. Thanks for reading, sorry again that it is so long. Any feedback is a most welcomed and will help me to keep going. Thanks!

Offline Jimmy Zimms

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2013, 12:32:09 AM »
Now these are proper ork ships!  8)
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Offline jchaos79

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2013, 01:54:03 PM »
wow they look awesome!

Offline David Wasilewski

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2013, 03:23:00 PM »
I don't even play BFG and I think these are awesome!


Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2013, 07:09:58 PM »
Wow those are unbelievable.

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2013, 05:40:41 PM »
Right on thank you for the kind words in regards to me ships!

Offline harec

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2013, 06:11:05 PM »
Good job, I specially like your green parts, I didn't spected it to be so nice using that.
I may steal some ideas ::)
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Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2013, 07:22:53 PM »
Those are really nice, i dont think you have anything to worry about with your green bitz they look great and should paint up nicely.
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Offline Ole

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2013, 08:59:56 PM »
Absolutly Stuning!

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Offline Opaikea

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2013, 05:00:04 PM »
Wow, awesome!, i love them!
Keep up the good work.

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2013, 07:51:02 PM »
Thank you for all of the positive feedback.  You guys are making me feel at home here and it does inspire me to keep building.  I’ve managed to get a wee bit more work done on “Da Mugga”.  As I look at the ship she is saying “Evil Suns” something about the engines/exhausts or perhaps the overall shape.  Now on the other side of me brain I’m hearing “loota”.  So I’m either seeing lotz of red, and checks or blues and lots of rust.  Well either way I’m seeing lots of rust!   Of my 10 Brute Rams I’d like to have 3 or 4 be from different clans.  I know “Da Bad Berg” which is the ship kit bashed from a wrecka ball is going to be a “Goff” ship and “Da Rippa Squig” is a “Bad Moon” vessel.  I’d like just enough to offset the Blood Axe theme even though they will be marked with a Blood Axe symbol as I said before to tie the “Pak” together.  I read somewhere that it is better not to get into all of the different paint colors and just use metal tones as it’s more realistic.  After all how long would it take to paint a ship of that size?  I remember thinking to myself, yes good point.  You know at the end of the day, My ships are going to need color.  I’ll do a ton of metal, but I want some color.  My cover story is I see these ships landed on planets (half buried in the ground do to the impact and weight) and becoming Ork supper fortresses.  I can see shanty towns thrown up around them, and armies of slaves working to make Da Bosses Ships look proper.  Scaffolds, ladders, the blue glow from welding and paint a flying.  Grots, grots everywhere and masses of human slaves a toiling.  All of this under the watchful eyes of armored Orks.  It sort of reminds me of the building of the Great Pyramids.   As I  continue to build the ship will find its self, at least that is how it has worked so far.  I’m glad to hear the words they will paint up just fine and the green bitz will not be a problem.   I’m excited and a bit worried at the same time.  My other concern is picking out some of the details as I paint.  They sure are small………….  Again we will see when we get there.

I really like the tubing.  I’m using it on all of my ships.  Are they fuel lines, exhaust lines, who knows they are Orks.  I can’t tell you why they work or even exactly what they are Da Boss says “Juz put dem there!” I bought the tool to make the tubes from Masq-Mini and while a bit expensive I’ve gotten a ton of use out of it.  I attempted to build a chamber where the bumper rails could slide threw.  I figure it is some kind of giant break house.  I see thousands of Orks pulling ropes and chains, and countless grot oilers on the springs to stop the slide of the bumper rail.  Or perhaps to re-engage it!  I liked the concept, but since I took this picture I’ve cut off the roof as it did not quit feel right. Perhaps a bit wide for Da Bosses liking.  I’m not sure but the overall effect is just not working for me. I’ve added another raiser that will sit on top of the roof (of the break house)and will house a small gun deck.  It is in the build process and I think I’m going to like it. I’ll have pictures for you in the next update.  I know the Brute Rams only have a turret rating of 1, and I think I seen in a newer rule set a turret rating of 2?  When I first started building I was doing 1 gun, but then I figured they needed more guns and it didn’t matter how many I put on them.  I’d just play them as the rules dictate.  I like them better with lots of guns.  Just wait until you see my Kroozers!    I need to add more scrap plates to the nose of the ship as it feels a bit weedy( I just have to be careful as I don’t want my Brutes to get to big).  It seems like me ships are getting bigger the longer I stay on this project.  I started on the upper deck and I think I’m liking it.  Although on the other hand I’ve used that same submarine type tower on a few ships in “Da Pak.” I need to add more scrap plates to the nose of the ship as it feels a bit weedy.   Again sorry there is lots of reading but I’m just kind of thinking out loud and looking for opinions and perspectives.  Ok my real agenda is to get Orks in your head so when you get back to Orks in BFG:R you’ll do our boys some extra justice!  Ok I’m out of here, thanks again for reading!

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2013, 09:33:22 PM »
I’ve been real busy with work of late so there has not been much time (or energy) to play with me toys.  The good news is I have made a bit of forward progress.  “Da Mugga” I think is looking better.  I really like the new break house, with turret housing above.  The Boss says “we’ve even got room to add another gun on top of the turret house!”  I’m thinking a big shoota will end up living there.  As I look at the top deck of “Da Mugga” I’m liking the bridge piece.  Now I’m trying to figure out what else I want to add.  I’ve got a lot of room, but you know there is something about the empty space that appeals to my eye.  I’m not real sure where I’m going with the top deck as of yet.  So as usual when in doubt move to another ship!

I love the smashing gob on this puppy,  It just says I gonna smack ya!

So I’ve got one ship left that needed some love and since I was a little stuck on “Da Mugga” I switched ships.  This ship I'm casting for a name.  Right now I’m calling it the “ Dakka Boat” although “Da Snik Snaga” is running a close second.  I’m not sold on a name as of yet. I know she is a Blood Axe ship and she is reminding me a bit of a MarineThunder Hawk Gun Ship.  It’s me Ork version I’m thinking.  I’m working on the top deck a bit and this is very much a work in progress.  I’ve cut plastic to put in place to get a feel for the top deck layout.  Once I’m sold on the look I’ll go back and do green stuffing to add detail to the build.  This ship is also screaming belly gun, so she will get something similar to “Da Snatchas” belly gun.  Once I started working on “Da Dakka Boat” she just started building herself.  This is the good thing about building several ships at the same time.  If you get stuck you can jump ships and find new motivations.  The good news is I’m having fun and I feel like I’m getting a little better with each build.  I’m getting closer to painting and putting the final touches together.  I seen some chatter in regards to Orks in BFG:R.  Sweet, I wished I played so I could throw in me 2 cents.  I’m just building on blind faith but at the same time looking forward to playing.  Thanks for reading and any comments are more than welcomed.

Notice the housing behind Da big gun.  It is the old piece from the back of “Da Mak Snatcha”.  I’m thinking it fits pretty well there.  The tubing on top of the exhaust pipe is just there for feel.  I’m going to put tubing there but the plan is for it to be rounded off so it is coming out of the ship not just sitting there.  She is about 75% right now, the build should only get better (fingers crossed)

Here is a shot of “Da Dakka Boat” and “Da Snatcha”  I wanted to show the size comparison and well shoot they look kinda cool together me things…………….  Thanks for reading!   

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2013, 10:55:40 AM »
It's a joy to see these coming along! 

I'm a bit skeptical of a lot of scratch building projects but these are absolutely how I imagine an "orky" fleet to look, better than the original models, with a clear riff on the aesthetic the Orks used to have in the 90s in Space Marine / Epic etc.
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Offline Gun_wun

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Re: Da Squig Pak
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2013, 06:09:16 PM »
Well a bit more hammering and welding, I wish I had more to show you but time has been short.  This ship is now officially the “Dakka Boat” and will be a Blood Axe ship.  I started bulking out the front and sides and like the feel.  I’ve got some stuff to green stuff yet, and a few more grubbins to play with.  Over all I like how she is coming together.  I wanted to keep you up to speed thanks for checking it out.  Any comments or help is always welcome!


The small building by the end of the exhaust is going to get placed better.  It’s just there for size and fitting.  Once I like the fit she will get green stuffed and glued.  I’ve also got to re-think my tubing that is supposed to be coming out of the hull.  I turned over the side chambers in front of the exhaust housing.  They looked sort of like Russ tanks before ( I liked that), but I like the flow better this way.  They will get greened also.  Got some work left, but not a lot.

I tried some caution bars on the front plate.  I like the idea, but I think I’m going to need to cut them and take another shot at it.  The bars are a bit big.  I need to look threw my bits boxes for a Imperial Eagle as I think one of the scrap plates really need one.

Yet another side by side shot.  I just love the way they look together.  I can’t wait to throw down some paint!