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Author Topic: Rulebook Text  (Read 27043 times)

Offline Duke

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2013, 07:13:23 AM »
Catastrophic Jalflage table agoh!  ;D

I dunno if there's a rep system on here, but +1 to you sir! I've been scanning minutiae between the GW pdfs and the 2010FAQ, as well as the ADmech one, and this would've helped from the start! A beginner friendly solution is the right one.

Good luck,

Offline Gorlak

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2013, 07:26:41 AM »
Catastrophic Jalflage table agoh!  ;D

Its childish, but the worst is Burn Retros - Acrobat keeps seeing that as Bum Retros...  :o

I'll hopefully get some more time in tomorrow morning and will let you know where I get to.

Thank you for the kind words!


Offline BaronIveagh

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2013, 02:25:09 PM »
Why not just use hte PDFs from FAQ 2007?
non nobis domine non nobis sed nomine tua da na glorium

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Rulebook Text
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2013, 07:23:41 PM »
How's the project coming along?

Offline Gorlak

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2013, 12:29:31 PM »
My apologies for a lack of update on this. Work and other commitments have been challenging for the time needed for this... I also wanted to have a good chunk of progress done before releasing to the community, even at this early stage.

That said, progress is being made. I have three documents I am working to get converted into Word.docx format, ready to be dissected by those interested.
The three documents are:
BFG_(GW)_Basic Rules.pdf
BFGR_(Plaxor Beta v1.6).pdf

The BFGR document is done (all 30000 words of it...!) and FAQ2010 and BFG(GW) are both well on the way. I can make the BFGR document available later today if that is of use? I personally think this is the best of the documents as it ties things together quite well, particularly the use of 'Special Qualities' similar in function to USR in 40k.

Also, thank you for the prompting about this - please do keep that up if I'm being slow!  8) I will try and keep this moving forward.

Afterimagedan - do you have any thoughts at this stage on moving this process (of main rulebook development) forward?

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2013, 04:03:04 PM »
Thanks for the update! Personally, I would like to see (for my personal use) the GW rules with integrated 2010FAQ and also the Plaxor BFG:R rules. I haven't honestly looked that far in the future to see if rules discussions are something people will want to discuss when fleets are all done. Maybe that is something that someone else will have to facilitate.  ;)  I am personally highly content to use the 2010FAQ and original rules (though I think there are a couple flaws) and use the new BFG:R fleets.

Offline Neferhet

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2013, 04:10:22 PM »
That would be great! When you put that online, i'll gladly proof read it. There is such a mess with all those Rb, armada book and faq's...
Keep it going!

Offline horizon

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2013, 04:51:58 PM »
The worst thing about the plaxor bfg:r version are the special qualities.  ::)
IMO that is.

Offline Gorlak

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2013, 08:13:19 PM »
Right, the first task - getting the basic documents into word format for editing - is nearly there. I'd like to share with everyone the first three documents that I have been working on and are now completely transferred into Word format.

As mentioned before, these documents are:
1_ BFG_(GW)_Basic Rules.pdf  (just the basic rules so far, I'm moving onto the Advanced Rules now)
2_ BFG_(FAQ2010).pdf
3_ BFGR_(Plaxor Beta v1.6).pdf   (linked to for those that haven't seen it before)

And here they are as word documents:
1_ BFG (GW)_Basic Rules Text_130321 (COMPLETE).docx
2_ BFG (FAQ2010)_Text_130321 (COMPLETE).docx
3_ BFGR_(Plaxor Beta)_Rule Book Text_130316 (COMPLETE).docx

The BFGR (Plaxor Beta) document has had the most work done to it beyond the copy-and-paste of text; combining duplicate entries, simple formatting so that it is clear, etc. All this is very much a first pass though.

The next stage will be to combine FAQ2010 and GW Rulebook into a single, unified document, BFGR (Plaxor) is included as a reference and may have formed the basis of a new BFGR Rulebook (to go along with the new fleet lists being done) if the community wanted it. I suspect that the combined FAQ2010 & GW Rulebook will actually be whats desired though. This looks like it will be harder than I first thought, but still worth aiming for I think! ;) The dream of a 'BFG: Community Edition' will live on!

Let me know your thoughts on what should/shouldn't be included etc. or perhaps what issues anyone can forsee coming by merging these two documents. I am concerned that the very descriptive (i.e. long) text from FAQ2010 may make it a formidable final document, but we'll see. Any and all thoughts at this early stage would be interesting to hear!

« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 12:01:58 PM by Gorlak »

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2013, 09:08:27 PM »
I would recommend 2 documents:
1. Original rules + 2010
2. Plaxor's rules

Then, if it comes down to it, we can make that Community Edition. Either way, everyone will be able to benefit from the 2010 one.

Offline Neferhet

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2013, 09:32:04 PM »
I would recommend 2 documents:
1. Original rules + 2010
2. Plaxor's rules

Then, if it comes down to it, we can make that Community Edition. Either way, everyone will be able to benefit from the 2010 one.

I'm totally with afterimagedan.
Plus, the links above seems to be broken. Or it's just me??

Offline Gorlak

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2013, 10:08:25 PM »

Plus, the links above seems to be broken. Or it's just me??

Fixed. Apologies for that, got my code slightly wrong.


Offline Neferhet

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2013, 10:24:18 PM »
perfect. thank you

Edit: After some work on the basic rule for merging with the faq, I think that i'll be waiting for the Advanced rules. this way I can do something more complete.
keep it going man, i'll wait!  ;D
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 04:40:00 PM by Neferhet »

Offline Gorlak

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2013, 11:25:13 AM »
The Advanced Rules are very nearly there now, just one more page of Squadron rules to do and a double check to ensure everything's covered and I'll upload it. That should be today, hopefully.

I'll also update the first post to keep the most current version of the documents linked at the start of the discussion.


As promised, here are the (GW) Advanced Rules, in text only format:

BFG (GW)_Advanced Rules Text_130327 (COMPLETE).docx

I will now put these links in the first post for reference.

The next task is to integrate FAQ2010 into the relevant sections of the GW Basic & Advanced rules. This will make certain text in the Basic & Advanced rules redundant - where that happens, I will strike through that text to identify it and for ease of review. I suspect that will take some time, but I will update as I go.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 12:07:08 PM by Gorlak »

Offline Neferhet

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Re: Rulebook Text
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2013, 04:22:00 PM »
Great. I'm working on it.
Just a question: in the upcoming Rules/faq merging, are we really going to keep the old basic rules/advanced rules division?