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Author Topic: Starting Eldar  (Read 4594 times)

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Starting Eldar
« on: January 24, 2013, 04:41:17 PM »
As I start Eldar in 40k, I have to wonder about starting Eldar in BFG, too. Damn you completist attitudes! Damn you BFG for being so inexpensive to start!

Anyway, what do I need to know about Eldar to start them?

Offline harec

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Re: Starting Eldar
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2013, 05:25:25 PM »
It depends, you can play with craftworld or corsairs, and unfortunately there is a huge difference between them if you are playing with the old rules.
Also is really important to know that old rules are by far the most boring rules ever, I still haven't played with the new ones but the old ones...I started with eldars 4 years ago and I quit for this game, even If for me is the best of GW.
with the old rules:
- If there are celestial phenomena enough you will provably win just play hide an seek and don't think, if not you will lose.
- If the enemy have batteries you can say goodbye to all of your  not hiding ships, if not you will be like an indestructible dreadnought without any need to even think just kill kill kill.
I used to play craftworld and I found at the end that you had too lack of variety in either ships and tactics.
I highly recommend you the MMS rules It seems that specialist games community tried to fix that and more, making the eldar ships more attractive, more in the game rules (the don't need their own rulebook  now XD), with some new attractive ships. If I am honest I haven't test them but they look quite more reasonable and attractive.  ::)
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Starting Eldar
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 05:48:30 PM »
Well, it's gonna be Craftworld Eldar, because that's my 40k army. (Craftworld Il-Kaithe). How are they boring? They still have more variety than Space Marines!

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Starting Eldar
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 06:45:41 PM »
Update: got a starter list. Comments welcome.


ʉۢ Dragonship (launch bays) w/Aspect Warriors, Vampires, & Farseer
ʉۢ Dragonship (launch bays) w/Aspect Warriors & Vampires

ʉۢ Wraithship (torpedos) w/Farseer
ʉۢ Wraithship (torpedos) w/ Farseer
ʉۢ Wraithship (launch bays)

ʉۢ 3 Shadow Hunters
ʉۢ 3 Shadow Hunters

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Starting Eldar
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 07:06:47 PM »
Or, alternately, only two torpedo wraithships, farseers, aspect warriors, vampires, and torpedo bombers on both, and two squads of four shadow hunters. And a reroll on the Flame of Il-Kaithe leader. Cheaper to buy!

Offline horizon

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Re: Starting Eldar
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2013, 07:43:13 PM »
Craftworld Eldar are great, I love their designs. Corsairs are cool to though.

About variety: they have a lot:
4 cruisers, 4 battle cruisers, 2 escorts, 1 grand cruiser (flame).

Original Eldar rules are crap, yes. I prefer MMS, but that is a given.  ::)

About  your fleet: don't forget your gunnery weapon options!

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Re: Starting Eldar
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2013, 01:01:30 AM »
About  your fleet: don't forget your gunnery weapon options!

Now, I was under the impression that Eldar Lances were where it's at. Wound on a 4+, reroll successful wounds to a max of three... That's some killy, right there. Additionally, lances don't suffer from shooting at the extreme of their range, which is good when you're that fragile. I wouldn't scrimp on the weapons, either, but I figured that when your lances are that good, putting as many lances as possible into the fleet was the best way to go.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Starting Eldar
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2013, 02:29:29 AM »
Lances are nice, but like everyone else you dont get many for the cost. Eldar Weps are really good too and theyre fairly reasonable. Dont forget the torps either O_o now theres some real potential for killy!
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline horizon

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Re: Starting Eldar
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2013, 06:01:20 AM »
Pulsar Lances are good but Weapon Batteries are good as well. You will need both to win.
Weapon batteries on dragonships and Pulsars on Wraithships.

This because batteries should be amassed from one point as much as possible.

Eldar torpedoes are perhaps one of the most devestating weapons available.

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Re: Starting Eldar
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2013, 06:31:18 AM »
So, what about this list?

ʉۢ Flame of Il-Kaithe w/1 Re-Roll

ʉۢ Dragonship (Weapons and Launch Bays) (Flagship) w/Aspect Warriors, Farseer, Torpedo Bombers, and Vampires
ʉۢ Dragonship (Weapons and Launch Bays) w/Aspect Warriors, Farseer, Torpedo Bombers, and Vampires

ʉۢ Wraithship (Lances and Torpedos) w/Farseer
ʉۢ Wraithship (Lances and Torpedos) w/Farseer

ʉۢ 4 Shadow Hunters (Lances)
ʉۢ 4 Shadow Hunters (Lances)

I've got re-rolls coming out my butt. I've got lots of weapons, lots of lances, and even more torpedos (since I can use the launch bays on the dragonships to launch torpedo bombers, who can turn into Eldar torpedos). I can do hit-and-run attacks like a space marine, and I don't fold in boarding actions.

I can build this for about $120, assuming I fail to find deals on eBay.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 06:38:12 AM by ElectricPaladin »

Offline horizon

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Re: Starting Eldar
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2013, 07:51:54 AM »
Are you going by official rules now? If so I recommend the weapon battery variant of the shadowhunters (more dice in the end).
Plus dropping one squad and getting a third Wraithship.

Personally I don't see the benefit of torpedo bombers.

Otherwise I like thy fleet. Obvious. :)

Offline Khar

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Re: Starting Eldar
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2013, 11:11:50 AM »
Just make sure there's plenty of asteroids, if you play with old rules. It's nearly impossible for eldar to lose a battle on asteroid heavy field.

On the oter hand, if there are no asteroids and enemy has multiple battery cruisers like, for instance, tyrant, you have in all likeness already lost. Old rules tend to be a bit binary in this regard.

Other than that, your fleet is solid, but I'd drop torpedo bombers - eldar bombers are powerful enough as it is.
Also, battery shadowhunters, not lances. In the old rules they have standard non-eldar lances, remember. Not much power in those.

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Re: Starting Eldar
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2013, 04:41:41 PM »
I'm using the 2010 rules at the moment. I use all fleet lists released to date - including the 2010 compendiums - and the 2010 FAQ. I may switch over to BFG:R, but only when it's done (which looks like it will be soon?). I feel like my knowledge of the rules is insufficient to contribute meaningfully at the moment.

So, you'd recommend starting with this:

ʉۢ Flame of Il-Kaithe w/1 Re-Roll

ʉۢ Dragonship (Weapons/Launch Bays) (Flagship) w/Aspect Warriors, Farseer, Vampires
ʉۢ Dragonship (Weapons/Launch Bays) w/Aspect Warriors, Farseer, Vampires

ʉۢ Wraithship (Lances/Torpedos) w/Farseer
ʉۢ Wraithship (Lances/Torpedos) w/Farseer
ʉۢ Wraithship (Lances/Torpedos) w/Farseer

ʉۢ 4 Shadow Hunters (Weapons)

Yeah... my dragonships and shadow hunters can produce a lot of conventional firepower, and then my wraithships can finish the job of with lances and keep the field flooded with torpedos. I definitely see a pincer-like arrangement for this fleet, with the dragonships and shadow hunters on one side and the wraithships on the other.

Offline horizon

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Re: Starting Eldar
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2013, 06:38:02 PM »
Eldar MMS  is independent of bfg:r, here is a direct link:

On your list:
Starting with the official rules and faq/compendium 2010 is good. Your fleet is good.

Offline Talos

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Re: Starting Eldar
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2013, 08:34:15 PM »
Don't know much about eldar strategy in general, but I will say this; due to their maneuverability, special movement rules and firing arcs, eldar torpedoes are best suited in a flyby shotgun style. They may have small volley sizes but don't let that fool you; a 4str eldar torpedo volley is going to average damage far exceeding a str 6 imperial torpedo salvo, and actually is closer in power to a str 9 imperial volley like that of the retribution.

Of course, small quantities of small yield torpedoes mean the torpedoes are much less effective at area denial, but their lethality makes this less relevant.