I've been doing test runs for some time now with this fleet:
4 cruisers
1 light cruiser
...with the rules written a few posts earlier by me. Basically, secondary commander allows you to alter a result to your choice, and a 6 allows you to alter a result to your choice.
Archmagos purchased (come with additional gift of choice to the battleship)
Secondary magos (alter a result)
For example:
roll leaderships, 1,2,3,3,5,6. (rolled for both commanders because of possible bridge smashed results).
Roll for gifts: 1,1,2,3,4,6. Secondary magos and ld roll of a 6 allows you to alter two of them, so (assuming many will want AWR), change the 2 and 3 to 6s. So in this case, and statistically average, you can achieve 4 AWRs (if you want).
It may be interesting to instead have the secondary magos allow you to increase or decrease a gift roll by 1.