Great, should we talk about Gifts?
Here's what they are currently:
Mechanicus Gift Table
15pts Emergency Energy Reserves: When crippled,the ship only reduces turrets, shielding and weapons by 25% rather than 50%. The vessel still counts as crippled in every other respect.
15 pts Advanced Engines: The ship gains +5cm speed, as well as +1D6 when on All Ahead Full special orders.
15 pts Repulsor Shielding: Ignore all negative effects of having a blast marker or gas clouds in contact with the ship's base as it applies to leadership, movement and repairing critical damage. This effect goes away if the ship suffers “Shields Collapsed†critical damage.
10 pts Fleet Defense Turrets: Up to two turrets on the ship are exchanged for fleet defense turrets capable of protecting itself or any one other vessel within 15cm each ordnance phase, adding+2 to the turret strength of the ship it is defending (this does not alter bomber attack rolls when used to defend another vessel). These otherwise work exactly as normal turrets do in all other respects.
10 pts Gyro-stabilized Targeting Matrix: Ship weapons are reduced to 75% instead of 50%when on All Ahead Full, Come To New Heading or Burn Retros special orders. Nova Cannons still may not fire.
30 pts Augmented Weapon Relays: Weapon batteries shift left on the gunnery table before all other modifiers are applied. Lance hits count as double on rolls of a 6.
15 pts Extra Magazine: The ship rolls 3D6 and removes 1 die before comparing the result to their leadership when using Reload Ordnance.
Augmented Weapon Relay is great, but 30pts great? Take a Retribution for example. 18wb and 3 lances. The Ret, through this, is basically, according to the weapon charts, and when the Ret gets to shoot 1 side and its lances, it would have around 20pt-25pts bonus in firepower. And, thats a Retribution, a battleship focused entirely on guns (well, torps too...) and so anything smaller, like a Lunar, will get less effect from it. The Ret can get a higher bonus but only if it can fire all its weapons.
The Lunar will get about a 15pt boost firing one side if it has this upgrade, double that if it gets to fire both. I think we should price of AWR it at closer to 20pts.