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Author Topic: BFG:R Tyranids  (Read 21347 times)

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Tyranids
« Reply #90 on: February 05, 2013, 10:07:02 PM »
Excellent! Please let me know what you find!

Offline harec

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Re: BFG:R Tyranids
« Reply #91 on: February 06, 2013, 07:23:46 PM »
Harec, sorry it's been forever since I responded to your post.  I will look into those edits and think about some of your comments some more..

SO, there are some tweaks to the Tyranid list I would like to ask about.

Feeder Tendrils: They were a little confusing and often overpowered before.  BFG:R simplified them, kept them at an appropriate point value, and altered the number different ships have to reflect the change. Now, they just cause 1 H&R per FT when contacting an enemy ship's base.

Massive Claws: Pretty much how they used to be except that each massive claw isn't 2 attacks, but 1 instead. This allows some ships to have any amount of attacks, not just multiples of 2.

The rest are pretty much just like the BFG:R original release for Tyranids. Anyone open for proof-reading and telling me what you think about the rules/ships/lists?
Actually there are more I can send you a list os erratas this week end if you want ;) an concerning the aditional rules is up to you  ;) I personally dont like the limitation of 2 cruisers per battleship, as we will have 4 types of cruisers with diferent funtions.
Maybe we could make inmature hives with synapse as part of the first group, and or make a 2nd group of light cruisers.
Feder tentrils, for me is ok, in BFG:R I was not sure if it was a teleport attack or a portal(like necrons) witch make it a bit confusing. And I would increase the diference betwen the diferent tyes of ship.
Example. escorts 1 feder, light cruiser 1 or 2, cruiser 2, battleship 3 hulk 4 or 5. as they are no longer range attacks its ok. (If a battlship board you the lest important thin will be the fedeer tentrils  ;D)
Massive claws, do sou think they are so powerfull? I don't know you but I usually use them to anoy the oponent and to make the boarding actions softer, But as far as you can trap the objective I am fine with it, the only thing is the price of kraken predator an carnivore if you change their amount of close combat lances.

I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Tyranids
« Reply #92 on: February 09, 2013, 09:41:13 PM »
I think 0-2 is appropriate, especially when it also allows 0-3 emergent drone ships.