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Author Topic: BFG:R Orks  (Read 5502 times)

Offline afterimagedan

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BFG:R Orks
« on: October 24, 2012, 01:19:49 AM »
Is there anyone around that is pretty familiar with the Ork fleets? I am hoping to see if people know the differences between the 2010 Ork fleet and the BFG:R PDF that is uploaded right now. Basically, I am wondering if I can take the BFG:R pdf, drop the keyword stuff, and make little tweaks. Help?  ???

Offline Talos

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2012, 01:25:16 AM »
Sure thing, I will fire you an email in like half an hour after I compile my findings.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2012, 01:30:22 AM »
Awesome. That would be very helpful. Personally, I would love to just work off of the BFG:R one because all the ships are there (from what I remember) but I don't want to miss out on stuff from the 2010 documents. Also, check out page 2 on the "Finishing BFG:R" thread for the changes to orks (tons) that were voted on.

Offline Talos

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2012, 01:52:32 AM »
Probably should have read that before sending you that email...that invalidates about one third of what I typed, but I do have one thing to mention: I'm not sure why people voted to give the escorts the option of increasing their turrets by 1 for +5 points, because faq 2010 already allows that. I for one don't think ork escorts should be allowed to have 3-4 turrets each, because that seems ridiculous. Unless of course the entire community missed that footnote. Also, there is no mention of it in BFG:R orks, but in faq 2010 the capitals can increase their turrets by 2 for +20pts. Good option.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 02:56:01 AM by Talos »

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2012, 02:03:33 AM »
I suspect that they wanted to make sure there was a point value on the turret increase (if it is different in the FAQ).

Also, if there is the option in the 2010 stuff that capitals ships can increase their turrets for +20pts and it wasn't voted down, it still has to be in there. Checking email now.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2012, 04:18:35 AM »
Ok... well starting off there are a few things im not too fond of from the BFG-R

Zzapp guns... :/ these offer the oppertunity to bring much needed lance type weapons to the Ork fleet while maintaining their origins but the blast marker is a silly rule on a fleet that features so few shields and they are not on the Kill Kroozer.

The Kill Kroozer. There needs to be a reason to field this instead of the Terror and its something that has been missing from day one. The price is attractive but the Terror isnt that far off, adding a lance type option to the ship would go a long way towards acheiving that goal.

Soopa Engines. Great in concept but its got poor execution. A simple 5pt (escort) or 25pt (Kroozer+) option would be much better. The weapons idea could work but it must be made standard through out the different ships.

Warlords: Great options here the Freeboota and Mek options add decent options Warboss must maintain the doubled boarding value! the +2 option from Ork Clans is crap.

Warlord upgrades: Some of these should be standard options for ships, there are a few options from the Ork Clans that should be added in.

Ok Ork Clans PDF

Escort Squadrons: Return the ability to take "Lotz" skwadrons exceeding 6, a max of 10 min 12 would be ideal. Retain the +1 leadership for squadrons of 6+ ships. Do not retain the free ship for squadrons with leadership 5 or 6.

Clan rules: wow these are overpowered when used in conjuction with "lotz" squadrons, 10 Ravagers with looted torps for +30 points O_O is just one example. There are some posabilities for use with Warlods only but it seems like a bit of an over complication.

Grubbins: There are some good items in here and they should be looked at for addition.

More Grubbin: More good items, Assault Carrier, Klaws, and Shock Lance are all fun fluffy options.


Certain Items should be a generic option for ships such as Extra Turrets, Extra Powerfields, Ram prow.

Soopa Engines should either be a purchased item or standardized as an upgrade in exchange for weapons.

Kill Kroozer: Should have the option to take a lance type weapons such as the Zzapp.

Terror: Should have 2 turrets standard as per the Kill Kroozer.

Grunt: add the option to add Klaws for +5 pts each from Ork Clans.

Rok: Soopa Engines make no sense on this ship, Launch bays are iffy, Zzapp maybe??

Something needs to be done with Heavy Gunz, its disgusting that these are the go to for replacement.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Talos

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2012, 04:28:54 AM »
I agree that the zzapp guns are really damaging to ships that have, on average, 1 shield. The problem in my opinion is just that the terror ships packs only marginally less direct firepower than the kill kroozer. I think battery shrinkage is appropriate for ork flavor, but you are correct in that it shoul have a standardized option. In ork klans presumably you mean't maximum of ten minimum of two, or did you mean minimum of twelve per fleet rather than sqwadron? I disagree a little when it comes to being overpowered, however; orks are hardly the strongest race in faq 2010, and although I think they are more playable than most people give them credit for they are still one of the weakest races. A slow point blank race is fine for their fluff, but in space this is a weak tactic. Heavy gunz remind me a lot of bio-plasma, and I think maybe they should have a similar option to increase their utility.

Although I cannot recall if this is an official change or simply a plaxorism, I have read about bio-plasma being able to shoot up to 30cm, but then requiring a 6 to hit. Can someone confirm/deny this for me? We could give the heavy gunz a simliar drawback, because they obviously are barely usable as is.

Consider this possibility: heavy gunz can fire up to 30cm, but if they fire above 15cm they suffer a right column shift to represent the reduced accuracy of the weapon even at only average ranges.

What do you think?

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2012, 04:36:57 AM »
Sorry in reguards to escort squadron size I was refering to the maximum squadron size. They should be able to be taken in squadrons of 2-10 minimum and peferably 2-12 like Nids.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2012, 04:58:55 PM »
If anyone is interesting in seeing the Ork PDF as it's being worked on, here's the link...

++BFG:R Ork Fleets++

It's in awful shape right now.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2012, 07:09:02 PM »
Anyone know what this means?

From list of confirmed changes...
"Torpedo Bombers/Minelayers: use old cost upgrades (based on averages rather than max)"

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2012, 07:20:04 PM »
Ya. In Armada the ships with random launch bays paid 30 pts for torp bombers (based off the average roll) instead of what the FAQ has which is like 40 and 80 for the gorbags (based off the maximum).
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2012, 07:25:47 PM »
Hmm, that's interesting. So, what should the numbers be and which ships should be able to get the upgrades?

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2012, 07:36:45 PM »
I dont know if mines would be a fluffy option for them :/. All their ships should be able to take torp bombas, cost= to the fixed value +2 for each D3.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2012, 09:15:37 PM »
Anybody think we should keep the Deadnot from BFG:R?  I think something in that point level that is not a hulk would be nice.

Offline Talos

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Re: BFG:R Orks
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2012, 09:18:42 PM »
I don't know about that, but I would heavily recommend keeping the dreadnot from BFG:R. (giggles maniacally)

But yes, yes we should. Not every big Ork fleet should have to have the hulk as its centerpiece, although it certainly excels in that role.