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Author Topic: Teach Me Imperium  (Read 13460 times)

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #45 on: September 16, 2012, 03:24:55 AM »
This is an interesting conversation. The part I most want to hear more about from an experienced player is this: what are the qualities of the different Imperial Navy fleet lists?

Offline Talos

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #46 on: September 20, 2012, 07:09:03 PM »
Well still a relatively inexperienced player, I can offer some insight:

The bakka list from faq 2010 offers almost no attack craft, but compensates with high turret rating capitals and strong direct fire battleships and battlecruisers. They have a few unique escorts that are actually quite good, both as gunboats and torpedo destroyers. It also has easy access to AdMech vessels, which if grabbed with fleet defence turrets can really help with the lack of AC.

The armageddon list from armada gives the additional bonus of easily accessible battlecruiser, albeit only two varieties available. It has a large variety of vessels, and due to the lack of fast ships tends to be slower and more defense oriented. This can be mitgated by taking advantage of the fact that you can also include space marines with very little restriction, making this a very strong list.
The obscuras bastion list from armada grants easy access to grand cruisers, along with all-around access to a good selection of other cruisers, making it a good line fleet due to double grand cruiser core. The reserve fleet is somewhat more limited in selection but adds several chaos ships to the list, along with some minor disadvantages when you pick them.

The gothic list restricts you to the core vessels, but that's it. It also allows you to run dominator's and dictators in the same fleet, which for some reason is not allowed in the other lists.

The BFG:R lists include a almost direct port of the obscuras and armageddon lists, but introduces a warden list. This list is supposed to represent a self-sufficent mobile patrol fleet on the galactic border, and thus features lots of light cruiser, backed up by ordnance cruisers and escorts, with battleships and grand cruisers rarely seen.
More mobile and ordnance-erific than typical IN, but generally weaker in direct fire, with distinct lack of nova cannons.

Truly veteran players can probably shoot these generalizations down, but these are accurate as far as I know.

Offline Zarathustra Sucuine

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #47 on: September 22, 2012, 10:42:14 AM »
Hi, I have been painting BFG vessels for a couple of years, I have only had a couple of small games (500/600pts) against an eldar playing friend. People at my unig aming club are now getting interested in playing gothic again, so I am finishing the painting of my ships, but this has made me realize I am not sure which fleet list to use.
The models I have are:
1 Retribution class Battleship
1 Apocalypse class Battleship
1 Exorcist class Grand cruiser
2/3 Lunar class cruisers
2/3 Gothic class cruisers
4/5 Dominator/Tyrant/Overlord cruisers/battlecruisers (The gun boat ones)
1/2 Carrier cruiser/Mars battlecruiser
1 Cruiser where I stuck 4 launch bays on, never undercoated (I was 14, had ordered the cruiser pack and thought it looked cool, I'm thinking of trying to cut out the forward two and replace them with spare gun batteries).
2 Lance armed Dauntless
1 Space marine strike cruiser
6/9 Swords
6 Firestorms
6 Falcions
So which Battlefleet would it be best for me to use? I am also thining of ordering another Exorcist/Avenger/vengence and another blister lance Dauntless and a cobra blister when my student loan comes in. (Might order them over a couple of months, but am worired GW will stop/failcast/raise the prices.).
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 10:54:41 AM by Zarathustra Sucuine »

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #48 on: January 13, 2013, 01:51:53 AM »
Well, it's been a while, but I picked up some more ships at a flea market, and given what I now have and can build, here's what I want to run:

 1k Points
ʉۢ Fleet Admiral (Ld 9, +1 Reroll)
ʉۢ Emperor-Class Battleship w/Shark Assault Boats
ʉۢ Tyrant-Class Cruiser w/Extra Range, Ram
ʉۢ Gothic-Class Cruiser w/Ram
ʉۢ 3 Firestorm-Class Frigates

The idea is that the Emperor can swing wide and attempt to set up long-range broadsides, backed up by the Tyrant, whose weapons have similarly long range. The Gothic can play a little closer to the enemy, backed up by the Firestorms, who have the capacity to contribute with their own lances. Fortunately, since lances don't diminish with range, I can afford to play them at the far end of their range, which would benefit the Imperial playstyle in general.

What do you think?

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #49 on: January 13, 2013, 05:31:58 AM »
This is a much different to IN than I take. I think you can make it work but I would consider swapping the firestorms for swords at that amount. Hold your torps until you can point blank shot them.

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #50 on: January 13, 2013, 06:24:05 AM »
I'll be level with you: at this point, I own three Swords, three Firestorms, and an Emperor. I have a Tyrant, but it's being stripped and I wouldn't mind pulling it apart if I had to. I have another half-built cruiser (it was probably destined to become a Gothic, judging by the bits that are attached) and a third with no weapons at all, but it's missing its bridge and I can't use it unless I can get my hands on the bit. I'm trying to make the decisions about how to assemble my two (maybe three) cruisers.

What two cruisers would you add to a collection that already included an Emperor, three Swords, and three Firestorms?

Offline horizon

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #51 on: January 13, 2013, 06:57:53 AM »
Swords are indeed preferred.

Your list is quite classical.
The best partner for the Gothic is the Dominator.

You could do this:

or, a bit more variety:


Offline ElectricPaladin

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #52 on: January 13, 2013, 07:03:12 AM »
Swords are indeed preferred.

Your list is quite classical.
The best partner for the Gothic is the Dominator.

You could do this:

or, a bit more variety:


With a gothic hanging out with the dominator, and the escorts also hanging out with them (similar range), shouldn't I add a battlecruiser with 45 to 60 range weapons to hang out with the Emperor? Something like a Mars or Overlord? Or one of the Grand Cruisers?

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #53 on: January 13, 2013, 04:10:16 PM »
Anyway, I just realized that this list was illegal. How about this instead:

ʉۢ Admiral, Ld 8, +1 Reroll
ʉۢ Mars-Class Battlecruiser, Ram & Targeting Matrix
ʉۢ Dominator-Class Cruiser, Ram
ʉۢ Gothic-Class Cruiser, Ram
ʉۢ 3 Firestorm Frigates
ʉۢ 3 Sword Class Frigates

This list is balls-out, shoot the enemy to death. Everything wants to get within 45 and 30 away, though I've got some 60 lances and two nova cannons to play with while they close. The firestorms escort the gothic and the swords escort the dominator.

I'm a little worried about the lack of long-range weaponry, but anything I can get this fleet to within 30 of is going to die messily.

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #54 on: January 13, 2013, 04:59:36 PM »
The other question I forgot to ask would be: "how well would this list work at 1500 if I wanted to expand it with an Emperor-Class battleship?" I think it would work, but I'd like confirmation.

Offline Koshi

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #55 on: January 13, 2013, 07:46:41 PM »
Well, with a Emperor as an upgrade, the list works.

Also now. Dominator could got no ram bow due to his nova cannon. The targeting matrix for the Mars is IMO overpriced for those S6 WBs. Firestorm is not a very good escort but can function. But I'd take Cobras instead.

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #56 on: January 13, 2013, 09:02:45 PM »
Well, with a Emperor as an upgrade, the list works.

Also now. Dominator could got no ram bow due to his nova cannon. The targeting matrix for the Mars is IMO overpriced for those S6 WBs. Firestorm is not a very good escort but can function. But I'd take Cobras instead.

Well, the list is at 995, and I can't figure out what else to spend those 15 points on, so the targeting matrix is really just icing on the cake. It lets the Mars hang back a little more and provide support for the Emperor in the 1500 version of the list, I guess. Even in the 1k version, it'll let the Mars operate at the extreme of its range, which might help it win an exchange of fire against the right target.

Does having a nova cannon mean you haven't got a ram (and thus can't take a power ram)? I believe you, but I can't find that written...

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #57 on: January 14, 2013, 05:34:10 PM »
Also, another question. In the rules for 1k tournaments, they restrict you to only one nova cannon. This list has two. Will that be problematic, or seen as cheesy? If a tournament happens, will it be likely to use these rules? I could go with an Exircist and get more or less the same effect...

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #58 on: January 14, 2013, 05:59:30 PM »
Um... can you make an exorcist with the avenger kit?

Offline ElectricPaladin

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Re: Teach Me Imperium
« Reply #59 on: January 15, 2013, 04:54:59 AM »
Victory is mine!

Games Workshop has decided to send me the missing bridge bit. I am now ready to hit the void with 1500 points of the Imperial Navy. As soon as my orders arrive, I will also have 1k of Chaos, but there's another thread for that.

Also, in conversation with some local veterans, I have decided that bringing two nova cannons is kind of TFG, so I'll be building a slightly different list at 1.5k:

Admiral, Ld9, 3 Additional Re-Rolls

ʉۢ Emperor-Class Battleship "Guardian Star" w/Shark Assault Boats

ʉۢ Overlord-Class Battlecruiser "Epsilon Eridani" w/Power Ram, Extra Turrets

ʉۢ Dominator-Class Cruiser "Hammer of the Martyrs"
ʉۢ Gothic-Class Cruiser "St. Galileo the Percipient" w/Power Ram

ʉۢ 3 Firestorm-Class Frigates "Angels of Fusion"
ʉۢ 3 Sword-Class Frigates "Messengers of Wrath"

At the moment, this list is 30 points shy, but I'm don't have any models to close the gap. Maybe at some point in the future I can add a lone cobra destroyer, or drop some of the rerolls and add a third squadron of escorts or a light cruiser. I dunno. With so few upgrades, it seems like BFG is the kind of game where lists sometimes come in at odd numbers, and there's not a lot one can do about it.