Beautiful work,
Looks like I might have 3 new warmaster converts. They even bought 10mm armies at Salute.
I bought a "Kingdoms of Ind" army for which I'll write my own list. I just need a Kali-type demon model that will fit in. So that's just 5,000 points of Chaos, 4,000 each of Elves, Dwarfs and O&G, 2,500 points of Empire, 1,500 of Kislev, 2,000 of Albion and Undead and...NOW...a Kingdoms of Ind to do. All that while shoehorning in Oldhammer and Kings of War.
Experience tells me not to look at the Polarfox site anymore. Undead and Bret heroes you say? HERE'S MY CREDIT CARD!!!
Good times.