Righto - I thought I'd put a post here otherwise I shall go mad and not do anything. I am finally, FINALLY getting the courage to pick up a brush and try painting some models.
The sum total of GW or other models I have painted in my life can be summed up as:
A mishmash of awful attempts at painting some Epic ("Space Marine" as it was known then) age 5-7.
About 20 marines from Space Crusade and 2 of the first Rhino tanks when I was about 9.
2 "Spyrer" models for Necromunda and 5 Ratling snipers when I was 13.
And now at 26 I still feel like a kid, so please please be kind when I do do finish something and post it. x-D
I've been delayed by bad weather stopping me from spray-undercoating things but I finally got some black on some units. The problem is trying to go over every nook and cranny by hand with Chaos Black to make sure no bare metal shines through. I am seriously considering hand varnishing them when they are done as they seem so vulnerable to knocks. I am only really used to plastic, an exclusively metal system is a new experience for me.
One thing delaying me was figuring out how to paint them. I saw others using lollipop sticks to glue them on for painting, found some in my local art shop and started glueing and scraping off flash and mould lines!
I had originally intended to paint them with a beach scheme, suggesting white sands of Ulthuan and united defenders marching out to face their foe. However, fiddling with some of my colours, all I seemed able to produce was a pale fleshy colour, or something that looked like snow. I changed my mind and experimented further. I thought I'd try making the ground look like purple or blueish shale, a rocky beach but a magical pointy eared rocky tree hugger beach perhaps. =-P So I tried Adeptus Battle Grey. then a dilute Hawk Turquoise and badab black to wash - then when that dried a drybrush of space wolves grey. It's not perfect but I think it'll do, especially for my first army!
For now, some pics of the most dispiriting manual tasks of fiddling with pinning eagles and my dragon, and the joy of the first parcel of elves arriving.
Soon I will get the Vallejo Grey Pumice I need to start preparing bases - that should be a confidence building task, fingers crossed!