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Author Topic: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles  (Read 5326 times)

Offline Vermis

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[WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« on: May 18, 2012, 02:59:54 PM »
In November I'm putting on a game of Warmaster for Omagh Wargames Club. (now recruiting!) The problems are, it'll be my first game of Warmaster too, and I need two 2K armies for it! This plog will be a record of whether I make it or not.

So. I already have a small lead pile of high elves from the depths of time.  Dave's plog here was a big inspiration to revisit them.  High elves also gave me the idea for the simple scenario in the title of this plog, though it isn't much more fleshed out than that. If I press some BoFA wood elves and eagles into service that'll be comfortably over 2K points. Great. I just need to paint them all, now.
The attached pic shows what I already have ready to paint, or partially painted. One unit each of Phoenix Guard (counts as spearmen in the rules, probably give 'em a magic item); archers; BoFA archers; Shining Helms; Reaver Knights; chariots; and two characters. Better pics when I concentrate on each unit.

All pics hosted at

The first thing to do is think about the colour scheme for this revamp. The part-painted minis are pretty standard high elves - blue and white. The new scheme won't be much different, but with a warmer blue and duller gold. A bit more regal and cold, maybe. Hopefully it'll just involve a touch-up on what little I've done.  Here's a test swatch.

- Warm blue. Coat D'arms royal blue worked up with Miniature Paints indigo. The latter's maybe a little more purple in RL, but I think it looks fine. Light enough, too?
- The warm blue has some accent colour tests orbiting around it. With 'yellow' as the other main colour, I plugged them into a colour wheel and got orange-red for a triad. O-R and blue-green for a tetrad. Not much difference in the oranges, so I'll go for the easier one. I won't use too much turquoise, but the cooler, bluer one looks better to me.
- White. Straightforward - astronomicon grey, CDA elven grey, and white. Probably wash it with blue-grey. (I picked up a pot of celestra grey in the unlikely event I run out of astro. Bit cooler, but that won't matter when it's all layered up.)
- The 'yellow' - pale wood colour. Base of zandri dust, with MP sand (on the left), bleached bone and MP cream. I think I prefer the extra hint of colour with the sand.
- Silver. CDA enchanted silver (= mithril). Best to keep it as clean as possible - no dousing in dip or devlan mud! Black ink for lining, maybe a wee bit of blue ink for depth.
- Gold. The lighter metallic here is MP old gold. I like the colour, but it does need a bit of help not to look like slightly dingy silver. That's where VMC bronze - the darker one - comes in. Also, black rather than brown ink, yes?
- Cool blue. Just for comparison with the warm blue, as a possible accent. Turquoise beats it.

The wood elves will be in different colours, but again nothing too divergent from the GW studio's take.  I posted these here ages ago, but here they are again.

A lot of washes and thin highlights went into those cloaks, and I couldn't remember how to do it again, even if I wanted to. I'll be keeping things a lot more simple, but hopefully still looking good.

One other thing is that I have no dragons for this army. Didn't buy any. If anyone knows me from other forums, you'll know I'm extraordinarily fussy about the design and quality of dragon minis and other monsters. Very stubborn and hard to please. There's only a handful that I really like, few of them from GW, and none in 10mm. But I'm also a bit fond of pushing putty, so I might put my money where my mouth is and sculpt a 10mm dragon somewhere down the line.  I could try for a griffon too, before or after the November game.

And now the big question.  Who are they defending against?  What will the second army be? I also have just over 600 points of lizardmen in blisters; but it's going to cost a pretty penny in a short time frame to bump them up to 2K, directly from GW. I think I could get a full 2K army of something else, for much less on ebay.
I bought a few empire units there a couple of months ago, but they never turned up. That soured me a little; and thinking about it, I'd have to agonise over which province to paint and force myself to pick out bright colours on quartered uniforms and blah blah blah. I don't have the time to go obsessive on two armies. I could try chaos or undead instead, which would suit a quick 'n' dirty paintjob. But the theme I've chosen calls out for one army in particular, and after seeing Jo's topic about dipping, I'll most likely go for greenskins.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 08:50:14 PM by Vermis »

Offline Stormwind

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2012, 03:32:09 PM »
Oh wow!  Lovely to see some more Helves about, and inspiring to my frustrated brain cells.   Even trying to get a decent black undercoat on these is proving an immense pain!

Love to see you experimenting on a test piece there, good stuff!  I, too, am planning cool blue elves.
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Offline Dave

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2012, 03:49:25 PM »
Two 2ks in 6 months? I could never do that. :P Keep them coming.

Also, when basing your WM HE Archers make sure that the majority of the model is over the base. Don't go by the actual strip the models are on as that'll put one pair's bow too far out making it hard to line things up nicely. Cut the strips as needed and align the models themselves.

Offline Vermis

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2012, 08:31:51 PM »
Thanks all!

Two 2ks in 6 months? I could never do that. :P

When I saw you'd just finished your own 2K in... almost a year?... I thought "I haven't a hope".  But I will try to keep things as simple as possible, and the orcs & goblins are destined for dip. (or CDA super shader)  And I have the luxury of looking back in three months, and skewing the points for the game down to 1,500 or even 1K per side!

Also, when basing your WM HE Archers make sure that the majority of the model is over the base.

Great tip, thanks.  :)

Also, I forgot to stick in the 'commentary' on the test swatch.  I waffle on a bit (even more so), but if you like that sort of thing it's up there to see.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 08:53:23 PM by Vermis »

Offline Stormwind

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2012, 11:02:38 PM »
What colours are the bases going to be?
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Offline Vermis

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2012, 11:22:50 PM »
Green for HE, brown for WE and orcs.  But don't let the chariot horses fool you: for one highly illogical reason or another, I'm going to stick everything on Renedra bases.  20x40 for most things, obviously, and 25mm round for single/small character models.  I was going to use their 40x40 squares for larger character models, but I went to the webstore a few days ago and they've just released 40mm round bases.  That makes me happy in a way that only an OCD nerd can feel.

Offline Stormwind

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2012, 12:09:45 PM »
Yeah, it's tempting to make larger more impressive things for your generals and heroes - I've already got a little diorama planned for a 25mm round base for my Helves based on the story in the Warmaster rulebook of an archer sending intelligence tied to an arrow... Got my hero on horseback looking down to the character model of someone reading from a scroll - then clipped an archer base in half so there's someone sending an order back the same way!
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Offline jchaos79

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2012, 02:16:51 PM »
Looking forward to see some shots!

Offline Jo

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2012, 05:46:32 PM »
Good luck with your painting challenge!

If you want to paint 2000 points then you will have to paint more than 20 units per army or 5 units per week. I would never be able to paint that much but that is more related to family life and a busy job I suppose.

Purely from that point of view I would focus the O&G army around trolls, giants and orc warriors/black orcs. These give you a lot of points for little painting time :)

Stay away from goblins, they are good for boosting a break value, not for boosting painting morale.

Again good luck,


Offline Vermis

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2012, 06:12:47 PM »
If you want to paint 2000 points then you will have to paint more than 20 units per army or 5 units per week.


I might skew it back to fewer points.

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2012, 07:04:48 PM »
I challenged myself at painting 1800 pts of O&G, painting an O&G village (pretty impressive scenery piece) and assembling and painting 2 metres of rock face in about 2 months. I am slightly behind schedule at this point - mostly due to the fact that I haven't had time to pick up a brush the last few weeks.

Having a good overview of the amount that you still have to finish and the 'ideal painting pace' helps to keep me on track (or at least notice that I'm 2 weeks behind schedule at this stage). I suggest you do the same, it helps with the focus.

Which reminds me: kids are in bed, wife just left home - gotta catch up on my schedule  ;D

Offline Vermis

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2012, 03:23:26 PM »
A wee bit of reorganisation:

One - I'll make it 1,000pts a side.  This might be a bit too little for WM (I dunno) and the dragon'll be delayed, but I hope it's justified by being quicker to build and easier on us WM noobs, and also because...

Two - I've just been loaned a 1K Skaven army. :)  It's half-painted, but I'm happy to retouch bits and finish it off, and the owner's happy if I stick with the basecoat-devlan mud method he was using. (Which doesn't look too bad on skaven)  It's a fair bit of weight off my shoulders.

I guess the next big decision is whether or not I rename this plog 'Island of Blood'.

And I'll try to have some progress pics next time.

Offline Dave

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2012, 03:25:58 PM »
In some GW painting book they used Dwarf flesh on Skaven followed by a Devlan Mudd wash. It looked pretty good I thought.

Offline Stormwind

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2012, 05:41:13 PM »
My 2 games so far have only been 1500 points --- Chaos vs. Kislev and Chaos vs. Khemri Undead.  Both were wonderful and took a couple of hours - smaller games are what are more likely to get you hooked. =D
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Offline jchaos79

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Re: [WM] Defenders of the Shifting Isles
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2012, 06:29:20 PM »
IMHO to start playing and learning the rules is better 1000 pts per army, and have some games.

Even you can start with 500 painted per side to jump into the game as quick as possible. Just one hero a little cavalry and some infantry and some furius 3 rounds of games. The black or shadow points of charges, retreats and other doubts arise with this test. Then you can move on to 1500 or 2000 pts, to enjoy a great battle experience with confortable experience with the rules.