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Author Topic: Also starting with BFG  (Read 3525 times)

Offline harec

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Also starting with BFG
« on: May 07, 2012, 12:25:30 PM »
Just like mr grey I am also starting with BFG.

As some of you may know I will start with tyranids(I will try to post new photos of new ships and also aborts :-\)

I am thinking in making a fleet as more balance  as posible in order to learn.

This is what I have tought.

1st hiveships(ld9+1reroll) 270
+piroacid baterry 30
+massiveclaws and feeder tentacle 15
+3launch bays 60

1st scort scuadron 105
3 scort drones with piro-acids
3cort drones with bio plasma

2nd hiveships(ld8) 200
+piroacid baterry 30
+massiveclaws and feeder tentacle 15
+3launch bays 60

2nd scort scuadron 105
3 scort drones with piro-acids
3cort drones with bio plasma

1st flank scuadron
3 vanguard drone with feeder tentacles
3 krakens with massive claws

2st flank scuadron
3 vanguard drone with feeder tentacles
3 krakens with massive claws

massive claws and feeder tentacles
2 piroacid bateries

I am not sure if it is a well structured fleet or not, the idea is to form 2 main big groups with a hiveships scorted by 6 drones and 2 faster groups prepared to atack the 2 flanks
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Also starting with BFG
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2012, 07:13:31 PM »
I think you are getting there. Personally, I would drop the close combat stuff on the hives for more pyroacid making it 2 pyroacids and the rest launchbays. They are quite slow and the 45cm batteries really help.

Also, mixing the pyroacid batteries with the bioplasma batteries may not be the best because of the difference in range. I would have all your escorts with pyroacid because of their lack of speed.

The flank squads look pretty good. Have the Kraken in front of the vanguard to help protect them with their durability. Also, consider trying out one of the cruisers with all boarding torpedoes. It's pretty nasty.

Another option, I like squads of kraken with all bioplasma (now provided for in faq2010). HUGE damage when you can get close.  Hope that helps!

Offline Mycen

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Re: Also starting with BFG
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2012, 12:14:07 AM »
I personally think Ld9 on hiveships is not normally worth the points. If you fail a synaptic control roll with one hiveship you can simply use the other until it also fails, and most of the time you won't need to bother overriding instinctive behavior anyway, so those points are often more valuable elsewhere. If you know you're going to be playing most games without planets and are worried about it, I would certainly consider Ld9, because being restricted to half speed straight ahead can be a game-breaker. Otherwise I wouldn't bother.

I also think that if you're going to have cruisers with claws on the prow, they should have claws on the thorax as well. Grappling is really awesome, and you're much more likely to do so with two sets of claws, since any two can grapple.

I'm also not a big fan of mixing Kraken and Vanguards. One of the strengths of Kraken is that their maneuverability is never hindered by having to go on Brace For Impact, but including Vanguards within the squadron negates this advantage.

Otherwise, I agree with everything afterimagedan said. If you do want to put claws and tentacles on your hiveships (nothing wrong with that! 8)) I would suggest looking at some of the refits. Trying to shove a battleship down someone's throat typically requires a faster, tougher battleship than the standard profile, and the refits are the means to that end. I would also suggest replacing the pyro-acid, and maybe a launch bay or two, with bio-plasma. You're going to be trying to get close anyway, and that way you won't feel like a chump if you just miss an enemy ship - you can still shoot them.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Also starting with BFG
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2012, 01:44:08 AM »
I say ld9 every time, every game. I forgot to mention refits. Make sure you get permission from your game group to use them. Many people play with them off limits.

Offline harec

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Re: Also starting with BFG
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2012, 09:17:20 PM »
so at the end ld8 or 9? :o

thank you all for your coments I will consider them in mi firts plays.
I think one of the main problems I have with brace for impact is that I always forgot it,that is why I didnt tought in that disadvantage :o.

I the case of refits I do not really see the point of using them, I think the best tyranids ships are scorts because of their cost and weapons(close combat weapons are awesome :D), and you also need the permision of the game group wich means in some cases I cannot use them, I prefer to learn the hard way.
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Also starting with BFG
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2012, 02:13:03 AM »
I approach refits the same way.

I would personally take the leadership upgrade to 9 pretty much every time. I may consider going without it only in small games. Though, I am going to try my next games with ld 8 and 2 hive ships and getting a reroll or two and trying it that way.

Offline Lord Duggie The Mad

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Re: Also starting with BFG
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2012, 06:23:32 AM »
I'm also starting out with Tyranids and although I have yet to try it out one idea that I've been toying with is to kit out one hiveship comletely with torpedoes and attack craft, and the other entirely with bio-plasma.  Not particularly sporting perhaps but the though of slipping within 15cm and having upwards of a dozen shield ignoring lances does inspire some manical cackling. 
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Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Also starting with BFG
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2012, 01:55:18 PM »
I have seen that attempted and it doesn't really work  that well. I suppose you should try it a few times before making one. I prefer both hive ships with pyroacid and launch bays. Next game I play with Tyranids, I may see if I can get the bioplasma hive ship to serve me well.

Offline Mycen

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Re: Also starting with BFG
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2012, 03:30:18 PM »
I'm also starting out with Tyranids and although I have yet to try it out one idea that I've been toying with is to kit out one hiveship comletely with torpedoes and attack craft, and the other entirely with bio-plasma.  Not particularly sporting perhaps but the though of slipping within 15cm and having upwards of a dozen shield ignoring lances does inspire some manical cackling.

This is a typical hiveship configuration for me, it's fun to field and plenty workable.

Afterimagedan is correct - the all bio-plasma hiveship does not work as well as it used to with refits, as your hiveships will now have absolutely minimal maneuverability, and be relatively fragile upon approach. However, it actually can work quite well, especially against any opposing fleet that also contains battleships. As long as you deploy correctly, enemy battleships do not have the maneuverability to avoid your bio-plasma ship, and and they have no choice but to brace or disengage when the two ships close - no ship can withstand that firepower, and going AAF past it is not a viable option when that means slamming into a cloud of escort drones. Against fleets without battleships it also can work well as a linebreaking ship and a fire magnet, no one wants to close with something that nasty, and since it pretty much just charges in like an angry bear, it draws plenty of fire away from your other ships.

I would suggest putting one set of port/starboard launch bays on your all plasma hiveship though. The two points of bio-plasma strength are not that significant a loss of firepower, but being forced to move half speed straight ahead can be devastating for a ship of this type, and having launch bays protects against this. Having the two fighters for defense can also be quite valuable.

The all-ordnance hiveship is nice because it can just hang back and provide support. There are a few things to be aware of, however. An all-ordnance hiveship is rather more vulnerable than it seems at first. If you brace with it, the next turn will be a complete waste, but if you don't and it gets crippled the ship will be permanently useless. So if it comes under fire you'll have some tough choices. This also makes it very vulnerable to nova cannons.

Also, if you're fielding an otherwise aggressive fleet (which you will be, since you're using an all bio-plasma hiveship too) you can't hang back too far with your ordnance hive, otherwise you will be wasting its synaptic control capabilities. Furthermore, if you're going to do all ordnance you really should have at least one or two other cruisers in the fleet with torpedoes. If you don't, your hiveship's torpedo salvo will be the only one in your whole fleet, and all too easy for you opponent to counter. I like to pair my all-ordnance hives with a twin torpedo cruiser as an escort of sorts. A torpedo salvo is ideal on Tyranid cruisers anyway, since it allows them to be relatively autonomous, so if you're making attack cruisers (or at least, the closest we can come to attack cruisers now ::))  try them with a torpedo salvo.

I the case of refits I do not really see the point of using them, I think the best tyranids ships are scorts because of their cost and weapons(close combat weapons are awesome :D), and you also need the permision of the game group wich means in some cases I cannot use them, I prefer to learn the hard way.

The point of using them is for cruisers. Imagine how IN players would feel if every cruiser option they had except for the Endeavor, Endurance, and Defiant was removed because Emperor-class battleships were too good. This is essentially what happened for Tyranid players with the refit ruling. The reason Tyranid cruisers aren't that good is because we're now stuck with short-ranged weapons on slow, fragile ships. Although six-shield, fourteen hit hiveships were pretty ridiculous, the lack of thought put into fixing that problem was equally ridiculous. But it is what it is, and I agree that unless you want ordnance, it's better to just use escorts now.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 07:57:39 PM by Mycen »

Offline Lord Duggie The Mad

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Re: Also starting with BFG
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2012, 07:17:32 AM »
Another thought that strikes me is the use of two sets of massive claws on a tyranid cruiser.  Probability-wise one should expect to produce two 4+ rolls.  To wit, ram-bite-board-bite - all of which ignoring shields...  Not the most efficient use of crusiers perhaps and does rely on careful positioning but I can think of little else quite as fear-inspiring from a 100-point-ish ship.

All together now - Muahahahaaa!
"Orders, sir?"
"Blast 'em to bits!  Do I have to think of everything?!"