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Author Topic: Strongest - Weakest fleet list  (Read 13048 times)

Offline Seahawk

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Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« on: April 26, 2012, 04:00:34 PM »
After discussion in the other threads, I am curious as to what the community thinks of the current strength of all the fleets (because I certainly do not know). Including all of the 2010 add-ons, how do you think they rank up? 1 for strongest, last number for weakest (I dunno how many races there are, either). You can also include different fleet builds as single entries, for instance:

4. IN - Nova cannon
5. Orks
6. Hulk/Rok Orks
7. IN - AC fleet

I have a better idea of other games and their armies and where they stack up, but no idea for BFG. Insights from those that are knowledgeable are desired!

Condensed general consensus (1 = meanest/strongest, end = nicest/weakest):

1. Tau - Explorer heavy
2. Chaos - Broadsides heavy
3. Corsair Eldar - Escorts heavy
4. Chaos - Launch bays heavy
5. Imperial Navy - Nova cannon
6. Necrons
7. Space Marines
8. Dark Eldar
9. FW Tau
10. Orks - FB heavy
11. Imperial Navy - Vaaish
12. Tyranids
13. Ad-mech

And for reference:

Adepticon Winners

2022 - Adeptus Mechanicus (Ernesto Salas)
2021 - Covid!
2020 - Covid!
2019 - Tyranids (David Waxtel)
2018 - Space Marines (me!)
2017 - Tyranids (David Waxtel)
2016 - Eldar (me!)
2015 - ?
2014 - Chaos (me!)
2013 - Space Marines (me!)
2012 - Space Marines (me!)
2011 - ? (Joe Freeland)
2010 - Dark Eldar (Mark Aksel)
2009 - FW Tau (Robert Sautbine)
2008 - FW Tau (Robert Sautbine)
2007 - Orks (Shane McRoberts)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2023, 12:42:29 PM by Seahawk »

Offline Vaaish

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2012, 06:51:15 PM »
IIRc the traditional top fleets were these:

Chaos- doubles broadside fleet
Corsair Eldar -escort fleet

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2012, 03:52:57 AM »
It hurts to see Tyranids so low but I tend to agree. I do think the "all is lost" is a big setback for them. They have a lot going for them and I have been doing well with them but all is lost deters me from doing the stuff they are designed to do. Also, what about Dark Eldar? Probably low?

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2012, 04:12:40 AM »
No idea. They won the Adepticon a couple years ago...*shrug*

I was mainly guessing with my list there, hence the question marks. I want/need more input! I don't know what's strong/weak!

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2012, 04:58:42 AM »
The thing to look at is that for the most part fleets are balanced I think your post should be more along the lines of what fleets are easiest to abuse, cheese, etc...

Tau explorer
IMP nova and to a lesser extent admech
Chaos launch
Msm hellebore (nasty little ships)
Corsair escort swarms in general

Any others? Most of the fleet builds I can think of are usually average against a solid build but the above can be difficult.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Mycen

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2012, 07:22:00 AM »
It hurts to see Tyranids so low but I tend to agree. I do think the "all is lost" is a big setback for them. They have a lot going for them and I have been doing well with them but all is lost deters me from doing the stuff they are designed to do. Also, what about Dark Eldar? Probably low?

Nah. "All is lost" gets a lot of attention, but it's really not that big of a handicap. It can only happen if you board, and a good tyranid player won't typically be boarding with his ships unless he wants to. While the IB chart does cause the ships to board on their own, Tyranid ships don't just wander within 15cm of an enemy. Your opponent is typically actively preventing that from happening, so if your ships are in that position it's likely because you really wanted them to be in that position. (People talk about luring ships off with escorts and such, but it's not realistic. The IB table is, aside from the final result, a powerful tool that allows you to use special orders for free as long as your ships are properly positioned.)

So once you've put them into a position where "All is lost" might come into play, you're as likely to find it advantageous as detrimental - I've seen opponents who were willing to ensure the destruction of a whole cruiser for the chance to damage four escorts. Whether they board or not Tyranids have good close range weapons, but what's interesting is that, as much as possible, they are armed to make boarding a reliable offense.  They waive or counter many of the penalties they'd normally face and get to roll twice as many dice. Their weapons (the ones you're interested in, anyway :))) are designed to inflict maximum damage at the point of impact, massive claws in particular having a huge damage potential. The larger Tyranid vessels are absolutely deadly if they get to board, but even small squadrons of escorts can overtake a cruiser with surprising ease. And since you can't brace boarding damage, one bad roll can have irreversible consequences. Anyway, the point is, people get jittery when facing Tyranids in boarding, and they are always willing to consider self-destructing.

In my experience people facing Tyranids self-destruct as soon as they consider there to be even a reasonable chance they could lose the boarding action. After all, why do down almost without a fight when you can take the whole enemy pack with you? But that works to your benefit because the enemy can't brace boarding action damage, but you can brace lance shots, and your escorts are really cheap and your capital ships are tough. Escorts are likely to die even to small warpdrive implosions, but they're likely to survive in reasonable numbers against the other half of results they'll face. Even if a number of them die they're not that expensive, and if even one of them survives you'll get a chance to disengage and take the bulk of the VPs with you. A braced cruiser with six hits and two shields (obviously a ship armed with claws and meant to board would be bigger and tougher, but the FAQ took care of that. ::)) is likely to survive anything other than a warpdrive implosion from a battleship or grand cruiser. Then, since it has (obviously) earned back its points (and will have about +30 to it's ld to disengage :D) it will promptly do so.

Plus, I often see people who play Tyranids so confident in self-destructing as a defense that they'll pull back with the rest of their fleet if you manage to jump on a ship. Aside from how easy it is to simply shoot it at that point, it almost assures that your victory should you choose to board will be swift and total, and people always seem to forget that self-destructing is not automatic. Nothing is more priceless than the look on someone's face when a ship fails its Ld test, gets promptly obliterated, and then their whole flank collapses.

I know my performance at the end of the last game of adepticon seems counter to what I was just talking about (I lost about half of my fleet to a self-destructing Despoiler on the last turn) but it's actually a perfect example, as I didn't have to board with any of those ships. It wasn't mandated by IB; even had I not passed all of my synaptic control rolls, I didn't have a single ship within 15cm and in the front arc, and not by chance. It also wasn't necessary to destroy the Despoiler; the tentacles and claws did enough damage to destroy it in the subsequent two ending phases far more reliably than the the boarding action would have. I just boarded because I wasn't playing super-seriously, and it was fun and cool!

If you're really trying to be successful with Tyranids just don't become preoccupied with what they're "supposed" to be doing and focus on what they're good at doing. On the other hand, if you're more concerned with theme and fluff, what's a few ships lost to explosions? 8)

I think what really prohibits Tyranids from doing well in tourneys is simply their unwieldy playing style. They are a close-range fleet that relies very heavily on setting up a good position and then inflicting maximum damage. They need at least two or three turns to get in position, and then go for the kill. Unfortunately their construction makes this very difficult. Especially now that the FAQ messed with their options (the elimination of access to refits eliminates the lowest model-count builds as viable lists) they are large model-count fleets. They either need huge numbers of escorts or immense amounts of attack craft, and spore impact rules alone make large amounts of escorts take a long time just to move. Tyranids just don't have the time in a tourney to get ideally positioned, unless the rounds are three hours long.

In fact, I would look at the changes to Tyranid rules in the FAQ as evidence that they at one point ranked toward the top of the strongest fleet list. The rules committee didn't decide to nerf them without even considering the consequences just for fun (one hopes) so there must have been backlash coming from somewhere. And the all Mega-Hive list was pretty powerful... and boring. :P

« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 07:33:11 AM by Mycen »

Offline horizon

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2012, 08:06:07 AM »
Andrew, you said Hellebore is nasty? Even with the lower cost in FAQ2010 which makes it okay I still prefer Nightshade + Hemlock.

Corsair Eldar:
Void Stalker, prince, re-roll(s)
+ Many and only Nightshades

Eldar wall of Torpedoes.... urgh

After FAQ2010 fleets pulled more together. Space Marines got the much needed boost. Ork escorts got better, etc.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2012, 08:13:52 AM »
All is lost can never be considered advantageous because it is always in the hands of the enemy. If the Tyranid player boards an enemy ship, for whatever reason, something that Tyranids are meant to do fluff wise and have benefits to it in BFG, the control of whether all is lost happens is in the enemies control.

The best that can happen is you freak someone out with relatively small amount of escorts in a boarding action and trick them into using all is lost and only losing some of your escorts that boarded. Players who are boarded by Tyranid ships will calculate the boarding statistics ahead of time and determine the chances of losing. If the opponent is going to lose the boarding action big time and the ship will be crippled or destroyed, usually because there are lots of escorts boarding him, the decision to use all is lost is that much better and you can do that much more damage on the way out. I don't see how all is lost is NOT a deterrent for a Tyranid player to many boarding actions if not all of them. Have enough ships boarding to do enough damage to the enemy? Their all is lost does that much more damage to you. Not enough ships to damage the enemy vessel or destroy it? You have that much higher chance to lose the boarding action.

Yes, you can brace the lance shots coming at you, but I don't see how this is a benefit as opposed to other fleets who don't have to worry about all is lost. Great , you can brace and lose less ships as opposed to a different faction who doesn't have to brace because apparently people would never consider detonating their own ship when defeated by Khorne Berserkers.

My problem is that Tyranids are supposed to be good at boarding and the all is lost rule deters that quite a bit. Killing that Despoiler was awesome in that last game but you are correct, it is the perfect example of what I am trying to say. Good to meet you by the way! Hopefully, we can duke it out next year.

Offline horizon

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2012, 08:22:35 AM »
. Also, what about Dark Eldar? Probably low?
Dark Eldar won Adepticon 2011.
(check out Maaksel: )

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2012, 01:08:25 PM »
Andrew, you said Hellebore is nasty? Even with the lower cost in FAQ2010 which makes it okay I still prefer nightshade+hemlock.

Sorry I ment to say mms not msm, with the addition of fighter launch bays (and mines for +5pts!) these are awesome! They have better armor and turrets than the destroyers and pack the same armament as both ships all in one package for 25 points less. The official version is less desirable tho your correct, having the same toughness really brings these down IMO due to their greatly increased individual cost.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2012, 03:22:26 PM »
So, bringing back to the over power/broken/weak/nerfed list, what should I add? Where does it stack up?

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2012, 04:49:03 PM »
By the way Horizon, the judge of the tournament (Lord Goober) was talking favorably of Eldar MMS.  I would love for him to implement that next year.

Offline Mycen

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2012, 09:03:51 PM »
Yes, you can brace the lance shots coming at you, but I don't see how this is a benefit as opposed to other fleets who don't have to worry about all is lost. Great , you can brace and lose less ships as opposed to a different faction who doesn't have to brace because apparently people would never consider detonating their own ship when defeated by Khorne Berserkers.

My problem is that Tyranids are supposed to be good at boarding and the all is lost rule deters that quite a bit. Killing that Despoiler was awesome in that last game but you are correct, it is the perfect example of what I am trying to say. Good to meet you by the way! Hopefully, we can duke it out next year.

The Tyranids are good at boarding, that's why they have all is lost! If they didn't have that constraint to worry about, not only would they would be far too good at boarding, but their fleet lists would be boring no-brainers to design and play.

You can relate Tyranids to Khorne Berserkers, but I really don't think they're comparable. For starters, even the cheapest Khornate Chaos ship is a lot more expensive than the priciest Tyranid claw cruiser. Sure the Chaos ship will have more guns than the Tyranid one, but it can't use them the turn it boards, and if it's going AAF and CTNH to get in position to board it isn't going to have many opportunities to use them at full effect before that. But despite its lower cost, when the time comes to actually board, the Tyranid ship is better. It can use its claws before boarding with good odds (a five damage point average) to damage a cruiser before the boarding action even starts, and it is almost guaranteed at least a plus two modifier to the action, for blast markers and the enemy bracing against the claws attacks. Even compared to the best boarders of other races tyranid ships are great - they're more effective and more numerous. Other races don't have to worry about their opponents self-destructing because the opponents of other races don't have to constantly worry about all of their ships being overwhelmed in boarding actions.

As far as it not making sense that a crew would self-destruct their ship against Tyranids but not some other equally horrific foe, that's sort of true. But part of the reason Tyranids have that rule and others do not is for flavor. While there might be other ships in other enemy fleets that a crew would rather self-destruct than face, there might be horrible daemons on that approaching cruiser, and there might not. How is the crew to know for sure until the time comes? The Tyranids, though, are uniformly horrific. In any and all encounters with any Tyranids, even the lowliest escort (even attack craft!) is a terror in boarding, with the ship itself trying to squeeze inside the hull and eat you. The crew doesn't just have to face a scary boarding party, it's something bizarrely alien, and it will be happening all across the fleet all battle long. They don't make the decision to self-destruct after they've been defeated, they make it before the boarding even starts, preferring to die a quick death than even risk being attacked.

A normal squadron of escorts can board with some ships and fire with others to weaken the enemy in preparation for a boarding action, but, being escorts, boarding will still be a risky proposition. A normal capital ship can hold its own in a boarding action, but can't inflict any damage before the action starts to better its odds. Tyranids are different though, they can do pre-boarding damage with the whole escort squadron and, with double boarding value, still out-board the enemy. One Tyranid capital ship can do what it normally would take two ships to do, inflict damage then board in the same turn. and they can do all of this with cheaper ships! All is lost balances out Tyranids' very powerful boarding abilites and gives them great flair at the same time, I like it!

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2012, 11:51:17 PM »
The Tyranids are good at boarding, that's why they have all is lost! If they didn't have that constraint to worry about, not only would they would be far too good at boarding, but their fleet lists would be boring no-brainers to design and play.

You could say the same thing about every fleet than. Chaos, fast and great ranged guns. Boring no-brainer to play. I am trying to make the point that all is lost can make Tyranids not good at boarding. They may have some awesome advantages and bonuses but you can lose a bunch of stuff in the process.

You can relate Tyranids to Khorne Berserkers, but I really don't think they're comparable. For starters, even the cheapest Khornate Chaos ship is a lot more expensive than the priciest Tyranid claw cruiser.
This is sort of a non-argument because yes, the claw cruiser is way less points, but would get owned if it tried to board a Chaos cruiser, and that would only happen in the small chance it made it through all that shooting.

Sure the Chaos ship will have more guns than the Tyranid one, but it can't use them the turn it boards, and if it's going AAF and CTNH to get in position to board it isn't going to have many opportunities to use them at full effect before that. But despite its lower cost, when the time comes to actually board, the Tyranid ship is better.

It can use its claws before boarding with good odds (a five damage point average) to damage a cruiser before the boarding action even starts

...and it is almost guaranteed at least a plus two modifier to the action, for blast markers and the enemy bracing against the claws attacks. Even compared to the best boarders of other races tyranid ships are great - they're more effective and more numerous.

I don't agree, actually.

Other races don't have to worry about their opponents self-destructing because the opponents of other races don't have to constantly worry about all of their ships being overwhelmed in boarding actions.

I don't know that we are going to agree on this.

As far as it not making sense that a crew would self-destruct their ship against Tyranids but not some other equally horrific foe, that's sort of true. But part of the reason Tyranids have that rule and others do not is for flavor. While there might be other ships in other enemy fleets that a crew would rather self-destruct than face, there might be horrible daemons on that approaching cruiser, and there might not. How is the crew to know for sure until the time comes? The Tyranids, though, are uniformly horrific. In any and all encounters with any Tyranids, even the lowliest escort (even attack craft!) is a terror in boarding, with the ship itself trying to squeeze inside the hull and eat you. The crew doesn't just have to face a scary boarding party, it's something bizarrely alien, and it will be happening all across the fleet all battle long.

Couldn't disagree more. Necrons, Berserkers, Dark Eldar, Orks, all mega brutal to get captured by.

They don't make the decision to self-destruct after they've been defeated, they make it before the boarding even starts, preferring to die a quick death than even risk being attacked.

Totally disagree. Space Marines getting boarded by Tyranids would just self-destruct before the Tyranids even started to board? I don't think this is true of any race. There is a whole game based around close quarters combat and every race fights against Tyranids.

A normal squadron of escorts can board with some ships and fire with others to weaken the enemy in preparation for a boarding action, but, being escorts, boarding will still be a risky proposition. A normal capital ship can hold its own in a boarding action, but can't inflict any damage before the action starts to better its odds. Tyranids are different though, they can do pre-boarding damage with the whole escort squadron and, with double boarding value, still out-board the enemy. One Tyranid capital ship can do what it normally would take two ships to do, inflict damage then board in the same turn. and they can do all of this with cheaper ships! All is lost balances out Tyranids' very powerful boarding abilites and gives them great flair at the same time, I like it!

Other races can do pre-boarding damage through shooting. Strike cruiser, gets within 30cm, blasts the hell out of something, then next turn boards. Tyranid ships who have close combat weapons don't get that first turn shooting. I like the flair, to some degree, but I would like to see some changes made. Agree to disagree!

Offline Phthisis

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Re: Strongest - Weakest fleet list
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2012, 12:42:35 AM »
I'm with Dan.  Tyranids should be really good at boarding, but the boarding rules are complete rubbish so even with all their potential advantages (which are easily aquired by other races as well) they can still whiff it hard.  And then AIL is just a kick in the nuts to boot.  It makes boarding not worth it at all.

Not only does AIL nail the boarding vessel really hard, it can also hurt nearby Nid ships not even involved with the boarding action.  And as the Nid vessel boarded during its own turn, it brings the spore clouds down (both turrets and shields!) Of any nid ship within range and leaves it a sitting duck during the enemy turn. 

Fluff aside, it's a bad mechanic.  But boarding is a bad mechanic too.  Of course the fleet that specializes in boarding is going to be the worst in this version of BFG.

As for rank, this is how I put them:
1. Necrons
2. Corsair Eldar
3. Imperial Navy
4. Orks (because of FB spam only)
5. Chaos
6. Dark Eldar
7. Tau
8. Space Marines
9. Tyranids
« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 01:02:57 AM by Phthisis »