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Author Topic: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)  (Read 9610 times)

Offline Seahawk

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Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« on: April 24, 2012, 07:16:02 PM »
Ahh, all is said and done and a champion has been crowned for 2012.

All told there were 10 players, including a ringer: 3 Imperial Navy, 3 Chaos, 1 Orks, 1 Craftworld Eldar, 1 Tyranids, and 1 Space Marine (me!). 7 of the 16 didn't show up, which was rude. Oh well!

There were three scenarios: Fleet Engagement, Secure the Artifacts (original), and Deny the the Spoils (original).

Additionally, there were five sub-mission cards, of which you would could choose up to two to complete each game, with no repeats: Head of the Snake, Attrition, Breakthrough, Commerce Raiders, and Preservation of Fleet Strength.

Lastly, you get a bonus point each round for successfully navigating the Warp Rift.

Now, as you read the following summaries of each game, keep in mind that I played two short games the weekend before this, but otherwise haven't played for two years. That's a long time without one of my favorite games evar! Just wish more people around here played  :-\.

My fleet, the Ultramarines, Space Marine Dominion Fleet list from the 2010 Compendium (gooo, fluffy list!):
Seditio Opprimere - Master of the Fleet, 1 Reroll
3 Strike Cruisers - extra shield (squadroned)
3 Strike Cruisers - extra shield, extra bombardment cannon (squadroned)
6 Transports
2 Escort Carriers

Game 1 vs The Ringer
Emperor - Ld9 fleet commander, 1 or 2 rerolls
2 Gothics
1 Lunars
2 Dauntless's
5 Swords
5 Cobras

I chose Wedge and he chose Cross, so we set up like the lanes of traffic. I had the battle barge in the middle, with the carrier cruisers to my right and bombardment cruisers to my left. The Escort carriers took up position behind them, while my transports hugged my table edge in the middle. I chose the Head of the Snake (cripple/destroy flagship) and Attrition (destroy enemy fleet) as my sub missions. He set up the Emperor and a squadroned Gothic and Lunar, as well as the Swords on my right, a squadron of two Cobras and the other Gothic in the middle, and the transports and other 3 Cobras on the left. My leadership rolls were meh, with the cruiser squadrons at a 9 and both transport squadrons at 6. There was plenty of terrain scattered about, so this was going to be interesting.

The first couple turns saw us close the gap. The Cobras on the left went to navigate the warp rift...and never returned. Oops. In the middle, the Gothic cruised straight on down toward me, impacting on shields when I let it have the range. The major action was on the right. By the end of the second turn, I had hulked the Gothic, destroyed most of the Swords, and sent the Lunar into a panicked bracing. A Cobra had also been made into space junk.

The next couple turns saw a concerted boarding action of the three bombardment cruisers against the Emperor...I failed by 1, d'oh! Some more maneuvering and battle saw the other Gothic start to take some hits, and amusingly the last Cobra was destroyed by the combined effort of my transports! He had tried to sink some with some torps, but combined turrets took them all out before they could hurt me.

In the last couple turns, the bombardment cruisers used the planet to quickly swing back around toward the Emperor, who very rudely boarded one of my escort carriers that got in the way. Needless to say it went return, after having dealt a lot of damage in a couple rounds of shooting, the bombardment cruisers again moved in to board and this time were very successful, destroying the ship. Elsewhere, the rest of my fleet mopped up remaining ships, leaving me with two hulks to claim.

He managed to deal out 6 points of damage total to my ships, but only crippled a single SC. He did take out an escort carrier for points, though.

Result: 1680 VP to 70 VP - Massacre! I also fully achieved my sub missions, acquiring a total of 23 battle points. It's not that he didn't try either, he really did. It just didn't work well for him  ;D


Game 2 vs the Plaguefleet of Morbus Cyst
Desolator - Warmaster (8), Mark of Nurgle, 1 Reroll
Repulsive - Chaos Lord (8), Mark of Nurgle, 1 Reroll
2 Murders (squadroned with Repulsive)
2 Devastations (squadroned)
3 Transports
2 Armed Transports
Heavy Transport

This scenario, called Secure the Artifacts, required you to get your transports within the 20cm gravity well of the planet in the center of the table. Then, if they stayed there until the next friendly movement phase, they landed. For each transport more than your opponent that you land, you get an extra 100 VP. Transports also started the game off the table, moving on during their 2nd turn. I deployed the battle barge in the middle angled toward the right, while the bombardment cruisers were again on my right and the carrier cruisers on the left. He set up his Devastations on the far right and everything else in the middle. For this game I chose Commerce Raiders (destroy transports) and Preservation of Fleet Strength (keep own ships uncrippled).

The first couple turns started off right. The battle barge went AAF to get in close quickly for the following turns, while the other ships cruised forward, with the carrier cruisers swinging left around the planet. On the second turn, a Devastation imploded and the other took only critical hits from the thunderhawks. After that I had air superiority and thunderhawks were sent on non-stop sorties to various targets, dishing out critical hits left and right, especially because he barely shot down any with turrets. Actually, this was a theme throughout the game. I was causing hits and criticals left and right, while he was barely doing much and it made me feel bad, but thems the dice I guess. Still, he did more damage than the ringer, so that's something!

The next couple of turns had me closing in and wrecking more face. He made a ton of brace saves though, minimizing what I could do. My transports came on and rocketed toward the planet, going AAF and being able to get there by the 3rd turn. His fleet swung around the planet and was able to destroy three of them, unfortunately. Still, the other three landed, netting me potential points. My thunderhawks basically destroyed all but his heavy transport stayed intact. I chased, shot, and basically crammed my fleet into the smallest space possible, just like he did. All of that table, and we were playing in eight square inches of it, haha. Except, of course, for the battle barge chasing the devastation around the table, eventually crippling it. Such close quarters led to devastation, as an exploding Murder took the last hit off a strike cruiser, setting it as a blazing hulk. That's okay!

By the end of the game, all but one of my strike cruisers had taken only two damage and the battle barge only one. That was just like an "arg!" moment for him, to have nearly all of my ships only one point away from being crippled and thus worth points.

Result: 782 VP to 220 VP - Minor Victory. I achieved my objectives handily, netting me another 16 battle points. At least I was his only loss that day; he must have made up for the very poor rolling in the next game ;).

Opening turns - Imploded Devastation is evident.

Hiding behind the planet, eek!


Pincer move.!

Clustered up.

They have reinforcements!

I'm a dice.

Hugs all 'round!

Game 3 vs Craftworld Eldar
Flame of Asuryan - Prince Yriel, Farseer
Dragonship - Farseer, Prow Weapons Battery, Keel Launch Bays
Wraithship - Prow Pulsar Lance, Keel Launch Bay
Wraithship - Prow Pulsar Lance, Keel Launch Bay
Wraithship - Prow Pulsar Lance, Keel Launch Bay
3 Shadowhunters - Prow Weapons Battery
3 Shadowhunters - Prow Shadow Lance
6 Transports

This scenario was a bog standard line up and die, with the added bonus of +100 VP for each transport more than your opponent that you destroy. Naturally I pull Eldar, a race that Space Marines struggle against. Not only that, but this monkey didn't bring his rules...sigh...

In the pictures you'll see following, the middle of the table had a warp rift and an asteroid field; since the sun was to my back, I knew these were going to be important for my survival. Thus, I deployed all ships to face it, make for the gap and do my best.

This report will be a bit shorter because there wasn't as much action as the others; he did his best to flit around and deny me VP. Early on, my guns and thunderhawks tore into his flagship, crippling it and causing plenty of criticals. This gave him the following dilemma: limp around and eventually get destroyed, or fly into the warp rift and get destroyed (or get a battle point!). He chose the latter, rolling a mean 9 on those three dice, keeping the darn ship alive and spitting it out 60cm to the rear of my armada and basically far away from everything else. It then disengaged...oh well.

That was basically it. A couple escorts went poof and I lost two strike cruisers, but I did blow away all of his transports and only lost two in return, netting me a cool +400.

Result: 549 VP to 320 VP - Minor Victory. I very much didn't achieve my sub mission (get my transports across the table and off his board edge; it was mathematically impossible). 11 more battle points, to cap off my total at a hefty 50 (the 2nd highest was 41).

We make for the gap!


Eldar, scattering like cockroaches.

I go...THIS FAR!!!

Get back here!

His transports went poof.

End game.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 05:13:17 PM by Seahawk »

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2012, 08:25:38 PM »
Well done man! I particularly thought your second game was awesome, especially the closer range stuff around the planet. I have tons of video footage I will be editing soon. I will let you know where you can see it when it's done.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2012, 09:12:39 PM »
Sweet deal. I'll certainly be entertained by it, at the very least ;).

Offline horizon

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2012, 09:19:28 PM »

wtf did the Eldar player do though to squander his flagship vs your ordnance. He had enough at his disposal. Plus hf saves (official rules, right?)

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2012, 10:16:48 PM »
The sun was at my back, as said. So he ducked in to loose shots and bombers, then the escape path wasn't so good. Four of my SC were able to fire on it, getting a couple crits, including the most important one: holo-fields go poof. Then the hordes of Thunderhawks swept in and neutered it (couldn't make over 45 turns without damage, -1, Ld, couldn't turn past 90, two on engines or something...).

The best part is that my thunderhawks are resilient and his bombers aren't (it's only fighters). I was taking down his AC all over the place and he fluffed a couple reload rolls one turn.

Offline BaronIveagh

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2012, 11:09:26 PM »
Do you mind if I repost this to Dark Reign's new BFG forum?  Fresh news is the best news.
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Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2012, 11:10:18 PM »
Go ahead.

Offline BaronIveagh

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2012, 04:05:06 AM »
The sun was at my back, as said. So he ducked in to loose shots and bombers, then the escape path wasn't so good. Four of my SC were able to fire on it, getting a couple crits, including the most important one: holo-fields go poof. Then the hordes of Thunderhawks swept in and neutered it (couldn't make over 45 turns without damage, -1, Ld, couldn't turn past 90, two on engines or something...).

The best part is that my thunderhawks are resilient and his bombers aren't (it's only fighters). I was taking down his AC all over the place and he fluffed a couple reload rolls one turn.
That's why he should use fighters in these cases. ;)
Good job, though.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2012, 05:51:25 AM »

Horizon, you said this:

Red, IN = the Vaaish Imperial fleet build aside of the Endurance. Vaaish uses Dauntless. Interesting to see how this one will fare.

Green, IN = almost classic build.

Orks are gimmickish. Meh on the fleet build style.

CWE: allround, would've had a cruiser instead of escorts

Ultramarines = curious again

Chaos green, red&silver : what is this Murder love? Carnages needed.

Seriously missing a competitve Corsair Eldar and Tau list.
I'm curious...could you expand your thoughts on all of these? You know more than I do about what constitutes a fleet, so hearing more experienced thoughts about each fleet would be very interesting.

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2012, 07:02:23 AM »
Well, my gripe with the Ork list was that I found it non-fluffy. The Hulk should be either accompinied by a lot of Roks or dozens of escorts and a few kroozers. The new Ork rules from compendium 2010 are a good escort boost. Honest. Good for fluff fleets.

Imperial Navy, classical is just one cruiser from the Gothic List (Gothic, Lunar, Dominator, etc). A good more effective fleet would be: Emperor, 2x Gothic, 2x Dominator (+ Swords). Or else Gothic+Dominator + 2xLunar (squadroned).

A good steamroller for the IN is the core of Retribution + 2 dictators. Dictators are really really good. But in an fleet with an Emperor less needed; on the other hand the official Retribution is a poor choice in my opinion.

Vaaish his build Emperor+2Vengeance as a core is a good example on how to add strengths of several ships and deny the same weakness (prow). A great tandem. His choice for 2 Lunars (NC) is a personal one. Not bad in my opinion. The Dauntless (torps) are a great troubleshooter with good anti-big ship punch.
The fleet was a result from this (great!) thread:

For Ultramarines I was just curious on how your build + new marine rules would hold up. The result is known. haha ;)

Chaos, as said. You go all fish or all bird... ahem.
For Chaos you go all broadsid-ish or prow on or focus focus.

Desolator + 2 Acheron + 2 Carnage + 2 Devestation is a great example of a broadside fleet.
A fleet with Hades + 3 murders + Styx + 2 Devestations is a great example of a prow on fleet. with high AC asset.
A fleet with a Slaughter core is rawrzr if applied well.
Daemonships are poo. Taking them to a tournament...

Craftworld Eldar, now that I look back I see launch bays only. Now this is troublesome. As with so many bays (4+4+2+2+2) he had so many resilient fighters to deny your T-Hawks initially... weird.
But I love Eldar torps on wraithships. With the re-roll sixes will show up. Their lances are good.
Fluffwise Shadowhunters only scout ahead and are the last line of defence for a Craftworld. So a fleet operating away from its home world would see no escorts at all. hence I would've added another Wraithship. Plus vampires. And an aspect warrior on the DS.

Curious, how would you handle the Tau Armada winner from previous years (3 Explorers, 2 Heroes, 9 Orcas, 3 Defenders)?

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2012, 03:56:14 PM »
Depends on the loadouts of the Tau ships. Were the Explorers Mk XXIII or Mk XXIV? Were the Heroes Standard or Tolku?

It also depends on deployment. I'd probably stick to my tried and true tactics of generally staying together for fleet support (ie, within 30cm).

Lastly it depends on terrain. There are 3 asteroid fields, 3 gas clouds, a warp rift, and a large/small planet on each table. I'd use those to my advantage as best as I can.

As for actual combat, I'd send everything I got at the Explorers. Until I deny him his air superiority and/or cripple them, my Thunderhawks will generally stay on CAP like they did in my third game against the Eldar. I'm not terribly worried about Bombers hitting my ships; they were only effective once during that Eldar game; otherwise they pattered off harmlessly. Most likely though I'd come across the Orcas and Heroes first; their lances would hurt, but they're thankfully no better ranged than my guns. I'd send the Thunderhawks after the Orcas since that would be the most efficient way to kill them, then turn my guns on the Heroes. Provided I carry on through with at least half of my cruisers and most of the barge, they'd plow on into the Explorers and smack their lack of shields around.

Of course, approaching a Tau fleet head on doesn't really sound like a good idea, what with nearly everything being able to point straight ahead. I might try to swing in from a flank, or generally present my own until I get within gun range. *shrug* The last time I played Tau was 4 year ago at the last Adepticon BFG tournament I attended, but he had FW Tau and the scenario made me lose all my AC from turn 1 and could never reload them.

As to those fleets...

Orks - Ah. Wouldn't know, but good to know! He has won Best Painted every year since I last played in the tournament (and I won it then), and I might see why. He had his fleet, but also he had like a small bridge diorama that had Orks playing guitars on it. I wonder if he's done something similar for all the other years, as that is kinda rude since there shouldn't be anything else looked at but the fleet (which was painted by somebody else, for that matter).

IN - Also good to know.

SM - Would one say that I was using the 2010 to it's fullest capacity? Most people said my fleet was brutal to face, and the other players scoffed when they heard Table 1 was SM and Eldar; at which point someone said "Hey, they are legitimate fleets!" I'm not sure whether the generally held view is that SM are still suck or if they are top of the line now, or even Eldar/Necron level or something.

Eldar - I would have preferred to see the Torpedoes over the lances; those lances are rough on me ships! Torpedoes at least would still be hitting on 6's, and even rerolled I'd hedge better odds of survival against them. He never launched fighters; I kept mine on CAP to destroy bombers on the way in, and only when the holo-fields finally went out was the time I sent them after his ships.

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2012, 03:49:54 AM »
The Chaos player explained his Daemonship thoughts to me. He had it mark of slaanesh and warped it in near the enemy bulk to mess up their leadership. It worked a few times.

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2012, 05:37:58 AM »
I hear that Daemonship + Mark of Slaanesh thing bandied about relatively often, but I've always been skeptical when looking at it on paper. You spend that many points to waste a whole ship on leadership hijinks? Nah.

Hey Seahawk, I had wanted to get in a game against you at the tourney, like you said, Tyranids and SM (especially Ultramarines!) are a classic match up. Reading this thread makes me want to play you even more, it's interesting to see an after-action report from another close-range fleet. We should get a matchup in sometime!

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2012, 07:57:04 AM »
Eldar - I would have preferred to see the Torpedoes over the lances; those lances are rough on me ships! Torpedoes at least would still be hitting on 6's, and even rerolled I'd hedge better odds of survival against them. He never launched fighters; I kept mine on CAP to destroy bombers on the way in, and only when the holo-fields finally went out was the time I sent them after his ships.
Oh dear. He should've added fighters to his bomber waves. His resilient fighters would be ideal to thwart your cap ac.

Torps + Lances on one ship ;),

Torps would be handy for synergy: bombers+ torps in one turn is turret problems.
Plus if he had vampires he would not have to roll a 6+, but 3+ (2+ with aspect warriors) to hurt you.