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Author Topic: Adepticon fleet list  (Read 6644 times)

Offline Seahawk

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Adepticon fleet list
« on: April 09, 2012, 06:24:08 PM »
So here's what I'm thinking of taking to Adepticon in a couple weeks:

[500] Seditio Opprimere - Master of the Fleet
[480] 3 Strike Cruisers - all extra shield
[480] 3 Strike Cruisers - all extra shield, all extra bombardment cannon
[40] Hunter Destroyer

Transport auxiliary:
[120] 2 Escort Carriers
  • 5 Transports

I decided against the double barge list, simply because it'd be a little too off balance for me to work with. This list gives me decent flexibility and ridiculous firepower. The destroyer is in simply because I had 40 points and nothing to spend it on, other than a reroll. It won't do much most games, other than fly into the warp rift for the extra battle points (a feature of the Adepticon tournament). I figure its high speed will keep it out of trouble. The Strike Cruisers and transports will be squadroned exactly as they are shown to give more purpose to each.

Of course, I'm waiting for everything but four of the strike cruisers and the destroyer to come in the mail...yea, someone delayed his model acquisition. I'm sure I can paint it all up in time! Plus I'm finally caving in and replacing the basing for my thunderhawks, stupid rules grumble grumble. Guess I can do that while I wait.

Any suggestions?

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2012, 10:42:09 PM »
I like the list, it's somewhat brutal, but I would take a re-roll. SMs have high leadership but they will inevitably fail a check, and those escort carriers only have Ld 6. A re-roll will be necessary methinks. I would go so far as to drop a shield off one of the SCs as well as dropping the Hunter. This will give you enough pts for 2 re-rolls. However, I note that your fleet total comes to 1620 pts. Those escort carriers being paid for out of a putative planetary defences budget?

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2012, 11:37:23 PM »
Deficit spending.

Offline lordgoober

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2012, 12:06:02 AM »
transport auxiliary should be 2 escort carriers + 6 transports.  IIRC Escort Carriers have no Transport Capacity.

Attn: Sigoroth. 

Adepticon rules this year have 1500 point fleet + transport Flotilla.

Transport Flotilla = equivalent of 6 regular transports.  You have 120 points that you can only spend on transport upgrades.  If players want to spend regular fleet points on the flotilla they can.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2012, 12:12:42 AM »
Yes, the Transport section allows for an extra 120 points of Transport "upgrades" that are in addition to the fleet total.

I thought Transports could get up to Ld 9 like normal? Minus 1 for being a Transport, minus 1 for reloading, max 7? I mostly just figured I'd do the reloading on them last each turn if necessary

Still, I did consider the Leadership reroll, but I wasn't sure if it would apply to transports or only the war fleet. It would be useful for the fleet as a whole still...I can swing either way, it's really down to whether I want to risk a more pricey cruiser/squadron to the rift.

That is, if I even want to bother with it. I suppose losing one Secondary objective just doesn't compare to possibly losing the game on a bad Leadership test.

Okay, so I scrap the Hunter for the reroll. I'm hesitant to drop a shield, as the last time I went I usually only used a single reroll, whereas the shield I'd probably use every turn. Or not, if I keep my formation right. Hmmm, decisions...

Say I did drop a shield. From which group of cruisers? The carriers or the gunships? I'm thinking the former.

@goob - Oh, okay, I didn't know how that was working. How about then for victory conditions? Say landing on the planet or whatever conditions apply? Basically, I'm paying 120 points to add two extra escorts above all normal fleet limitations?

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2012, 04:02:45 PM »
The more I think about it, I'll definitely drop the hunter for the reroll.

[525] Seditio Opprimere - Master of the Fleet, 1 reroll
[480] 3 Strike Cruisers - all extra shield
[480] 3 Strike Cruisers - all extra shield, all extra bombardment cannon

Transport auxiliary:
[120] 2 Escort Carriers
  • 6 Transports

That puts me at 1485, and that's fine. I didn't want to add more to the SO, simply because it's already so many victory points merely for getting crippled...525 now...something I really want to avoid. One the one hand a regular barge would have slightly less defense, but would give up 75% less VP when crippled, which is a bloody huge difference. On the other...I'd have only the 3rd SO in existence, according to the internets. Can only find two others out there, and amusingly pics of my fleet come up, despite not having built one yet. A brutal fleet? If you say so...I haven't played in almost two years so will definitely be a little rusty. Hopefully not dreadfully so!

My plan with the transports is to clump up the regular ones so that they all can mass turrets if the enemy is massed AC, or spread them out if the opposite. I'll probably have the Escort Carriers trundle along with the main fleet if facing guns, or protecting the transports if it's AC strong. Seems like a good plan.

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2012, 04:41:59 AM »
The more I think about it, I'll definitely drop the hunter for the reroll.

[525] Seditio Opprimere - Master of the Fleet, 1 reroll
[480] 3 Strike Cruisers - all extra shield
[480] 3 Strike Cruisers - all extra shield, all extra bombardment cannon

Transport auxiliary:
[120] 2 Escort Carriers
  • 6 Transports

That puts me at 1485, and that's fine. I didn't want to add more to the SO, simply because it's already so many victory points merely for getting crippled...525 now...something I really want to avoid. One the one hand a regular barge would have slightly less defense, but would give up 75% less VP when crippled, which is a bloody huge difference. On the other...I'd have only the 3rd SO in existence, according to the internets. Can only find two others out there, and amusingly pics of my fleet come up, despite not having built one yet. A brutal fleet? If you say so...I haven't played in almost two years so will definitely be a little rusty. Hopefully not dreadfully so!

Yes, that's a lot of VPs, but it's only 35 pts more than what a normal Battlebarge would give up because a normal BB would still have the MoF aboard. And yes, if you were going to drop a shield for the extra re-roll, I'd recommend from one of the carriers.

The fleet is brutal in the sense that it is fairly streamlined, 1 barge, 6 SCs and in that it maximises shootiness. Having the SO and 3 gun cruisers can certainly put a dent in your opponents fleet.

My plan with the transports is to clump up the regular ones so that they all can mass turrets if the enemy is massed AC, or spread them out if the opposite. I'll probably have the Escort Carriers trundle along with the main fleet if facing guns, or protecting the transports if it's AC strong. Seems like a good plan.

You must keep your carrier SCs with the rest of the fleet. If your transports are lagging behind and separating it's fine to protect them with AC from your main fleet, but those carrier SCs aren't just carriers. They're gunships too. You have to use every bit of a SM ship to be able to compete with other fleets. You can't afford to sacrifice 12WB broadsides and 9BC just to protect those transports. You don't want to split your fleet if you can at all avoid it. This means you'll be wanting to keep your transports as close to the main fleet as possible, or at least block the approach to those transports. If you have to split your fleet then try to make sure both your SC wings are able to converge on your SO.

Obviously you should do whatever is necessary according to the dictates of the scenario, but SMs haven't got great range at the best of times, and with the SO this factor is highlighted. Your main strategy will, typically, rely upon getting the SO into range and timing your SC strikes to coincide with it. Many times I've seen SCs streak ahead of their barge and get annihilated piecemeal.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2012, 03:52:19 PM »
Yes, that's a lot of VPs, but it's only 35 pts more than what a normal Battlebarge would give up because a normal BB would still have the MoF aboard.
Well, no, when a Battle Barge and MotF get crippled, it's only 119 VP...when the SO and MotF are crippled, it's 500 vp, and destroyed nets the opponent 425/750. Those point differences (381/325) are huge! On the other hand, once it's crippled I can more afford to send it to its doom than a regular barge because there is less to lose.

With further reading, I see it's still only worth 25% though if I disengage it, even when crippled. This seems like a loop hole that I can fully take advantage of, so some answer there would be good before the event.

As for my carriers, I said Escort Carriers, not Strike Cruisers :P. All of the Strike Cruisers (the battle fleet) will be in close proximity of each other and the barge. I said the Escort Carriers from the transport aux. will either join them or hang back with the other transports, depending on the situation.

Should I squadron the cruisers as I've listed them, or have them all together? That was really my last bit I wasn't sure about.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2012, 09:34:19 PM »
Well you have a max of 4 cruisers to a squadron so the 2 groups of 3 strike cruisers would probably be best. As for the points for disengaging I think that if your already crippled then the higher value would be what you calculate vp with. The SO is going to be taking the brunt of any attacks due to this I imagine so careful management of it will be a key for you.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2012, 10:13:19 PM »
It's max 6 per squadron...unless the BFG:R made it 4 mere hours ago?  ???

Still, I most likely plan on 3 and 3, just to keep the two groups distinct and easy with special orders. Should I have them flanking the SO, or one group in front and one in back, or a mix of that? Say, one group (probably BC group) just off the starboard prow of the SO, while the second group hovers at the port aft wingman area.

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2012, 12:40:07 AM »
It's max 6 per squadron...unless the BFG:R made it 4 mere hours ago?  ???

It has always been a maximum of 4 cruisers in a squadron. For battleships the maximum is 3.

Still, I most likely plan on 3 and 3, just to keep the two groups distinct and easy with special orders. Should I have them flanking the SO, or one group in front and one in back, or a mix of that? Say, one group (probably BC group) just off the starboard prow of the SO, while the second group hovers at the port aft wingman area.

Run them both behind the SO until you're ready to pounce. Let the enemy waste their long range fire on the 4 shields of the SO. When the SO gets into range you can move your SCs up and strike with your entire fleet. Putting the SCs closer to the enemy will also make them take a Ld test to continue shooting at the SO.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2012, 02:44:06 AM » took me some time to find that rule. Funny how it's contradicted by GW's squadron tactics articles. Well, at least I've never used more than four cruisers in a squadron.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2012, 05:22:41 AM »
Had a couple test games The SO got her first kill: a Repulsive grand cruiser...with a single volley...and the Repulsive was at full health and shields. ZOIKS!

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2012, 03:26:54 PM »
Braced or no? Either way that's impressive, bombardment cannons are killer!
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon fleet list
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2012, 06:19:40 PM »
Braced. Took all 13 hits, saved half (5) then took a Bulkhead Collapse and another 6 hits :D