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Author Topic: Soul Drinker BB help.....and where can i find the Smithermans formula  (Read 2460 times)

Offline gunldesnapper

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Ok so i'm building the Soul Drinker fleet. I'm going to model the Glory which is supposed to be half again larger than the normal battlebarge. I also want to build the Mare Infurnum which is a Carrier Battlebarge. I need help with three things.
1. Stats for the Glory, keep in mind the SD's are a fleet based chapter that specializes in rapid assault fleet action.
2. Stats for a carrier Battlebarge
3. where can i find the Smitherman's formula?

Please help me oh wise masters of BFG.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Soul Drinker BB help.....and where can i find the Smithermans formula
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2012, 02:54:53 AM »

Hehe, sorry, I had to do it.  ::)

There are some good discussions on the smotherman formula online. I suggest reading those forums too and consider their alterations to it.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Soul Drinker BB help.....and where can i find the Smithermans formula
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 02:58:05 AM »
Smotherman Formula

The newest version I'm aware of, use for roughing it in only tho! make sure you playtest the points value :D.

Black Templar Fleet

A sample of another fleet based chapter that might give you some inspiration.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Soul Drinker BB help.....and where can i find the Smithermans formula
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2012, 02:58:47 AM »
lol Dan that's great
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline gunldesnapper

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Re: Soul Drinker BB help.....and where can i find the Smithermans formula
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2012, 03:25:18 AM »
I googled it about five minutes after posting. The last time I tried finding it (years ago) I had 0 luck. Probably due my misspelling it..... Anyways the Glory will be based off of the BT battle barge.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 03:54:52 AM by gunldesnapper »

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Soul Drinker BB help.....and where can i find the Smithermans formula
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2012, 05:46:34 AM »
"The battle barge Carnivore, along with the strike cruisers Heavenblade and Sanctifter's Son, were more than enough. But they were joined by more - the interceptor cruiser Animosity scattered the battlefleet's flank merely by driving forward with its lance arrays charged. The carrier-fitted battle barge Mare Infernum, meanwhile, sported so many assault boat docks that they covered it like scales - the prospect of the ship launching a boarding action was so truly ghastly that the battlefleet fell into general retreat, Tsouras be damned. With the flaming wreck of the Heavenblade in their midst and the highest-quality ships now bearing down on them, the ships of the battlefleet were in utter disarray."

"Closer was the Soul Drinkers' fleet, the size of a sector armada, formed almost entirely of lightning assault craft -some pregnant with pods and boarding torpedoes, others weighed down with lances and nova cannons. The Leuctra was hanging in the blackness beside them, and on the other side was the Carnivore still bearing the scars of the Cerberian Field."

"The rest of the fleet could be seen glittering further out. A silver diamond was the immense training platform on which novices and Marines made practice drops and dummy assaults, live ammunition and hard vacuum combining to force combat discipline into the brothers. The strike cruisers looked like a shoal of fish in the distance - amongst them would be the Gundog and the Unendingly Just, undergoing flame-cleansing by the servitor purge-teams in case Sarpedon's Marines had brought the stain of corruption back with them. Furthest away yet huge and bright, was the Glory. Immense: half as big again as a standard battle barge."

Well the Glory is described as half again as large as a battlebarge, probably very similar to the Eternal Crusader which has been refitted and expanded many times over the years.

I would go for somewhere around 14 hits (not half again the hits I know but it must be kept realistic in game terms) 20cm speed 45* turns 4 shields maybe 5 turrets. Armaments would likely be a mix of lances weapons batteries and bombardment cannon with prow launch and torpedoes. Modeled after the standard barge with the weapons area lengthened to support 3 weapons "pods" One standard Imp weapon battery and 2 Lance decks preferably with different turrets to differentiate the Bombardment cannon and Lances.


Battleship/14  20cm    45           4             6+        5

Prow Launch    20cm                2 Thunderhawks    N/A
Prow Torps      30cm                 9                              F
Dorsal Bomb    30cm                 8                           L/F/R
Port Weapons 30cm                 6                              L
Star Weapons 30cm                 6                              R
Port Lances     30cm                 2                              L
Star Lances     30cm                 2                              R
Port Bomb        30cm                4                              L
Star Bomb        30cm                4                              R 

The Mare Infernum. It sounds like an Emperor or Despoiler from the description, possibly also refitted to replace weapons emplacements with additional "assault boat docks". A special note on this would be the use of Assault Boats instead of Thunderhawks specifically.

I would base this off of the Despoiler replacing all side weapons with launch bays

Mare Infernum..................................………..............500PTS

Battleship/12  20cm    45           4             5+        4

Prow Launch    20cm                3 Thunderhawks    N/A
Prow Bomb      30cm                4                            L/F/R
Port Launch     30cm                6 Dreadclaws          N/A 
Star Launch     30cm                6 Dreadclaws          N/A 
Dorsal Lance   60cm                 3                           L/F/R

I'm not sure what an "interceptor cruiser" is, but I would guess that this would be a special variant of the standard strike cruiser, most easily duplicated using the stats from The 2010 compendium for a lance armed SC, or possibly a lance Dauntless or Endurance.

Obviously they had access to several battlebarges of not only standard configurations but also special variants I would categorize as venerable battlebarges. Along with this they have tons of strike cruisers "lightning assault craft" many I would assume to be full cruisers "others weighed down with lances and nova cannons". Maybe take a couple standard cruisers also? A Dominator or two would probably fit in according to the fluff.

I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline gunldesnapper

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Re: Soul Drinker BB help.....and where can i find the Smithermans formula
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2012, 12:12:36 AM »
Hmmmmm, ill have to strip down one of my Despoilers. Grandfather Nurgle will not be happy with me.

So far i have
1 DBB Glory (Dreadnaught Battlebarge anyone? Not modeled yet)
2 BBs Carnivore, Leuctra
1 VBB Mare Infernum (Nurgly Despoiler atm)
3 Strike Cruisers Gundog, Sanctifier's Son, Undyingly Just
3 Cobra escorts