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Author Topic: Jhael's Armies  (Read 2981 times)

Offline Jhaelrnya

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Jhael's Armies
« on: March 26, 2012, 05:32:25 PM »
Hey guys!

Inspired by Dave, I've come back to the 10mm models I've had collecting dust for years. At this point, I actually need to strip a load of High Elves, as I think they were painted back in the late 90's, and as I was roughly 12 at the time, they need some tender love and care to start looking, um, decent.

I've recently been on a binge of Warmaster collecting, and managed to scrounge together a massive list of models to paint from four different armies (with a 5th on its way). So, below is a list of the stuff I have to do, along with some pictures of the Dark Elves I'm currently working on.

Dark Elves
2x Manticore
1x Spear Unit
4x Corsair Units
2x Crossbowmen Units
1x Bolt Thrower Unit
1x Witch Elf Unit
1x Heroes Blister

High Elves
4x Dragons
3x Archer Units
2x Spearmen Units
1x Silver Helm Unit
2x Phoenix Guard Units
2x Bolt Thrower Units
1x Hero Mounted (starter box)

3x Saurus Warriors Units
2x Skink Units
1x Temple Guard Unit
1 Blister of Salamanders
1x Slaan on Palanquin
1x Stegadon
1x Crested Stegadon
3x Kroxigor Units
1x Terradon Unit
1x Saurus Cavalry Unit
1x Heroes Blister

Orcs and Goblins
3x Spider Rider Untis
2x Goblin Wolf Rider Units
3x Black Orc Units
2x Ogres Units
2x Night Goblin Archer Units
3x Forest Goblin Infantry Units
3x Rock Lobbers
1x Golbin Wolf Chariots

Whew. I wonder how much I'll get done before I get distracted again? Here are some pics of the WIP Corsairs. I'm hoping to get them done in time to use the new Stirland Mud GW Texture Paint for their bases on the 7th. I'm almost done one unit, wanted to do a "test" unit before I commited to the other three. And I've got some repair work to do on the last unit, as it's made up of stands with a few broken guys. The last section seems to be kind of weak, and often falls off if not properly reinforced with some super glue.

Still have some work to do, mainly the skin, gold and black (basically all the leather). Not sure what symbols I will use yet, as my freehand is ok, but not consistent. May look into getting decal paper.

Thanks for looking!

Offline jchaos79

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Re: Jhael's Armies
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2012, 05:45:40 PM »
Hi, you have a huge amount of lead, and those corsairs seems superb. Looking forward to see how the army grows!

Offline Stormwind

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Re: Jhael's Armies
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2012, 07:43:36 PM »
*Tears of joy*

Great to see more Warmaster about!

*Tears of jealous*

Gosh those corsairs look nice!
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Offline Dave

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Re: Jhael's Armies
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2012, 09:47:29 PM »
That's a good bit of rare lead. Is the flesh done yet? I can't tell if it's just too deep in shadow or if you haven't gotten to it yet.

Offline Jhaelrnya

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Re: Jhael's Armies
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2012, 03:04:30 AM »
Update! I managed to get the skin done, the gold, and toched up the black. I'm not sure I like the gold yet, I may add some Burnished Gold highlights, or just mix in some silver.

Now I just have to wait for the Stirland Mud to come out on the 7th. Until then, I may finish up my Crossbowmen who are half done, and look into getting decals for my Spearmen and Banners.

Thanks for the comments, and for looking!

Offline jchaos79

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Re: Jhael's Armies
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2012, 05:45:05 PM »
Great, are you going to put some symbol in the banner?